As we reported in May, beloved cop drama Flashpoint is coming to an end. The series is produced in Canada and was first licensed in the US by CBS, during the writers strike. The TV series ran for several years and was then picked up by ION.
Season five, the show’s last season, started airing in Canada last night. TVLine reports that ION will kick off the fifth season episodes on Tuesday, October 16th, at 11pm. There are 13 installments this time around.
When the announcement to end the show was made, producers Anne Marie La Traverse and Bill Mustos said in a statement, “Producing Flashpoint over the last five seasons has been an exceptional adventure. We’ve been incredibly lucky to work with committed and supportive broadcast partners who have enabled us to reach many millions of fans across North America. While the series is still at its creative apex, we’ve decided to end the series on a high note, and give those fans the satisfaction of a fitting series conclusion in our 75th episode.”
What do you think? Will you be tuning in to the final season? Will you miss Flashpoint?
I will miss watching flashpoint. I feel they should make a sequel tv series showing sam as TL and ed as Seargent.
I will miss ‘Flashpoint’ enormously – it is still showing in Australia on Foxtel. It is a very well made show, as is much of the TV made in Canada. The team at SRU will be sorely missed and I wish all associated with the show the very best – thanks for some enthralling episodes.
YES – I already miss Flashpoint- there are so many new story lines that could come of the new Team I and sgt Parker’s new role – PLEASE bring it back –
Just finished watching the final episode. We hope there will be a change of mind and it will not be cancelled. Great show with a great cast.