As we reported in May, beloved cop drama Flashpoint is coming to an end. The series is produced in Canada and was first licensed in the US by CBS, during the writers strike. The TV series ran for several years and was then picked up by ION.
Season five, the show’s last season, started airing in Canada last night. TVLine reports that ION will kick off the fifth season episodes on Tuesday, October 16th, at 11pm. There are 13 installments this time around.
When the announcement to end the show was made, producers Anne Marie La Traverse and Bill Mustos said in a statement, “Producing Flashpoint over the last five seasons has been an exceptional adventure. We’ve been incredibly lucky to work with committed and supportive broadcast partners who have enabled us to reach many millions of fans across North America. While the series is still at its creative apex, we’ve decided to end the series on a high note, and give those fans the satisfaction of a fitting series conclusion in our 75th episode.”
What do you think? Will you be tuning in to the final season? Will you miss Flashpoint?
We just starting watching this show within the last year on ION television. We love it!!! Why does it always happen that the great shows get canceled and the reality shows and other boring shows stay on? Thanks for giving us one show that is very entertaining!
Flashpoint is by far the best show on television! Interaction between the people in the show is always so genuine. Each program is just wonderful and doesn’t have all the blood and guts of 99% of police shows no TV. Each story line is so thought out and acted to perfection. We have only seen last year and this years programs and would like to know if the first 3 seasons are available to purchase…
Hopefully, they will reconsider NOT cancelling this superb show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I just tuned into this show recently, and I am deeply impressed. There are just a handful of television shows that I feel are truly worth watching, so I am particularly astonished that this show will not continue after this season. Why cancel such an meaningful show that has the ability to resonate with everyone who watches it? I hope that it’s not too late to resume filming this outstanding show.
I can’t believe Flashpoint, easily one of the best shows on TV is being canceled. I am so disappointed. I will certainly buy all the DVD’s. This is the most realistic show I have seen. It balances drama, action and how the crime situations intertwine in the characters personal lives. I will gladly write e-mails and sign any petition to keep the show on. Even the reruns are better than all of the sitcoms, vampires, and reality shows that are currently showing. If I have to bypass one more talent competition I will throw up. Please contact me if I… Read more »
i cant believe flash point is ending. i really got into this show, not only because you got to see the victims side of events, but because it let you see a side of the police officers involved of the crimes, sides that not always appear in other cop shows before this. you see the hurt, the pain, the loss, the effects it has on the officers involved. ok i know its fictional, but all programmes evolve from something and this programme has something special to offer to the viewers, to this show. i really believe its worth saving. i… Read more »
Probably one of the best cop shows ever, not sure why anyone would cancel it. But thanks for the heads up and so glad ION will show the final season.
I love this show it’s one of the best shows I have seen, and I’ve seen a lot of different series especially crime and this is one of the best. I really would hate to see that the series ends with only five seasons. I simply want MORE. I will miss all of the charters, I love you guys the best of luck to the hole cast.
Lets keep this show alive. Repost this on facebook, we want this show to stay alive. The ratings have been up on the new network, so lets start a petion. Just watch season 5 episode 2 and you can see why this needs to continue. The fans can do this. PLEASE help. This is the last thing we can do. Write the producers and get this going. WE WANT MORE FLASHPOINT. PLEASE don’t let this end!
Please don’t end flashpoint, this is the best show we ever seen,
They should really think it over before cancelling Flashpoint, it truly is a well received series in our part of Canada. It’s sad because it will most likely be replaced by some other reality series or a knock off of some other already existing show.
The only decent show on television! The episodes are smart and well written. This show is so unlike the American shows with their predictable plots and story lines. We love all of the actors and are devestated that this is the last season. Somebody needs to take this cast and create another show with all of them in it!
LONG LIVE FLASHPOINT rather than the garbage shows coming on. I have watched reruns until I have them memorized. What will I watch? If Canada doesn’t cancel it, I will definitely get the DVD’S, if available. My favorite show, still can’t believe it. WHY??????? Thanks ION,
for showing it!
I am really going to miss Flashpoint. I have watched all 4 seasons and am looking forward to this season. So sorry to see it go. You will be missed.
So sad to hear that Flashpoint will be ending after this season. It’s a great show with lots of stories and action. The charters are all amazing and i hope they find a good home. Best of luck. You will be missed.
I am truly going to miss this show. I have enjoyed each and every one of the seasons although I do believe I missed the first one. I MUST get all of these on DVD’s!! This is one of my favorite shows to watch!!!! Truly going to miss this show! Thanks ION for continuing this show for us!!