EW’s James Hibbard recently interviewed FOX entertainment president Kevin Reilly about Fringe’s performance on Friday nights. Reilly said, “I’m so psyched about it… It does go to show you the loyalty of the genre audience, when you get the right show. I’m so grateful to that audience, I’d like to shake their hands. We have a lot of passion for that show here.”
It should be noted that the conversation took place prior to last Friday when Fringe had its second significant drop in the ratings. The series was moved to Friday nights on January 21st and attracted a 1.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.87 million viewers. That’s about what it had been doing on Thursdays. The following week, the numbers were about the same.
On February 4th, the demo dropped to a 1.6 rating and 4.26 million viewers, a loss of 16% in the demo. Last Friday, the numbers for Fringe fell again, to a 1.4 rating and 3.74 million, a decline of 13% in the demo. Some are quick to point out that many series were down last week but ultimately a show must be judged on its own, on how profitable it is for a network.
There are eight episodes left in this season. The ratings for those will either convince FOX to give Fringe a fourth season or that it’s just not worth the expense.
What do you think? Will the numbers for Fringe rise, continue to fall, or have they evened off?
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Image courtesy FOX.
thanks and appreciatable
I LOVE FRINGE. This show is so well written and acted. Each character is so interesting and so well developed within the story lines that you feel you know each one of them. It has been amazing to seethe differences in the characters and how they interract with each other as they exist in each of the alternate universes. It has elements of Science Fiction, Drama and Comedy. PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL THIS SHOW. If you can send me any information on who to e-mail or write to save the show my friends and I would be grateful.
I was devastated at the end of Season 3 when it appeared the character Peter Bishop would not be back. Is this true, for if so, I will no longer watch the show. Fact is, I own all three seasons and love the show. But, with out that character I can’t see how it could remain popular.
[…] I wonder if Beck is a fan of the TV show, Fringe, another Fox product? I think the alternate universes would appeal to him…his thinking […]
Fringe is by far the best show that I have ever seen, I’d be litterally crushed if it was cancelled. I love shows or movies that actually make me think, unlike all the reality crap out there. Fringe is always fresh, always evolving, and always entertaining. Its not just the same thing over and over like reality shows or ALL CRIME DRAMAS. After awhile redundancy is overwhelming. Fringe is always new, there are no limitations to what can happen, and let’s face it, there isn’t a more epic storyline out there.
I am a fan of Fringe. It is one of only 2 or 3 shows on “network” currently worth watching. Why is it the reality junk just keeps sticking around, and shows that make you think, wonder or laugh are questioned? Do the networks want to know where the viewers are? We’ve disappeared into the world of cable because there is very little worth watching anymore. Try cutting some of the reality shows…maybe you will find your viewers again.