Lewis, ITV’s long-running Morse spin-off, is effectively cancelled after UK series nine. Kevin Whately was first cast as Robbie Lewis opposite the late John Thaw’s Morse, on the forerunning British drama of the same name. Reportedly, Whately and Lewis co-star Laurence Fox, who plays Detective Sergeant James Hathaway, have decided to retire from their roles, after 33 episodes, so as not to outdo Thaw’s Morse, which also ran for 33 episodes. ITV will air part one of the two-part series finale, “What Lies Tangled,” today, November 3, 2015. Lewis will conclude its UK run on November 10.
In the US, the series, which airs on PBS under the Masterpiece! banner, is titled Inspector Lewis (and its predecessor: Inspector Morse). The final season has yet to air. Because PBS combined the second and third UK series into one season, the final season of Inspector Lewis will, on PBS, be referred to as season eight. Along with Whately and Fox, over the years, the cast of Lewis has featured Rebecca Front, Angela Griffin, Claire Holman, Jason Durr, and Steve Toussaint.
From Mirror:
Whately, 64 , said: “I feel incredibly fortunate to have shared a decade of fantastic worldwide success with Laurence and with the most brilliant crew, cast and production team anyone could wish for. And all that time with the loyal support of so many fans. What a ride it has been.”
Whately had said previously: “There were 33 Inspector Morse stories. I suppose it’s a sentimental thing but I wouldn’t want to do more Lewis than we did Morse because I do still think of it as an off-shoot.” […]
Fox, 37, said: “What an extraordinary 10 years. I’ll miss hanging out with Kev for half the year.”
From TV Wise:
“It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Robbie Lewis, one of ITV’s most loved and enduring characters. We owe Kevin a huge debt of gratitude for nearly 30 fantastic years of Morse and Lewis, and, of course, many thanks too to Laurence Fox who has been by Kevin’s side for the last 10 years”, said ITV’s Director of Drama Steve November. “We respect their decision not to continue into a further series and wish them the very best for whatever comes next.”
“I feel incredibly fortunate to have shared a decade of fantastic worldwide success with Laurence and with the most brilliant crew, cast and production team anyone could wish for, and all that time with the loyal support of so many fans and of our backers ITV and WGBH Boston”, Kevin Whately said in a statement. “Thanks everybody. What a ride it has been!”
What do you think? Have you been watching Inspector Lewis on ITV or PBS? Do you think it should come to an end? Would you have watched a tenth (or US ninth) series (season)?
I made a special trip to England last year to walk in the footsteps of Morse. To see Lewis (the cinematography of Oxford being much better than the Morse series) come to an end is frankly the end of an era for me. Thank heavens I have both series on dvd and can walk in both Morse and Lewis and also my own footsteps over and over again. I would love to see Hathaway carry on the series under his own name….
No- I loved Morse, but I think Lewis is even better. What a superb cast.
I’m dissapointed that “Lewis” will not be continuing.I shall miss Robbie, James, the entire cast, and the memories of Inspector Morse, dear John Thaw, that embraced “Lewis”.
Would really love to have “Hathaway” keep the Oxford series going forward. Have enjoyed and looked forward to Mores and Lewis for so many years. Like everyone else they are almost family.
Wait all year to see this show on my local PBS station. I have watched other world class British shows end after a long run and mourn them like a beloved family member. Lewis and Hathaway have hit their stride and should go on for a long time to come. Please ask them to do at leadt a season special so we won’t miss them too badly. Wonderful writing, acting, and location. Such quality. Another loss.
What a great series it has been! 33 Morse, 33 Lewis… what a treat!! I hope itv gives us 33 Hathaways with Lewis and Laura as guest appearances in almost every other episode!!
Lets have 33ep of Hathaway! YES!!! I’ve watched all Morse, all Lewis,and I still want more!
The reason that viewers have not followed Lewis so closely over the last 2 series is because ITV switched the fomat from a full two hour episode and the Sunday night spot to 2 one hour episodes on a midweek. Crazy planning for such a brilliant show. ITV should commission a new series “Hathaway”!
Please let’s have 33 Hathaways , or at least a couple to see how it works. Morse was great, Lewis brought a new dimension to a brilliant formula, I’m sure there is milage in Hathaway who to me combines the best of both the previous characters.
I am deeply sorry to hear that Lewis has not been renewed. I understand and respect the actors for their decsion, yet I would think any “family’ even a family in the form of a wonderful tv series would want the next generation to do more than the last, I bring this up in terms of the production of more shows than the prior series had produced (33). If this is a major factor I would suggest to Mr. Whatley and Mr. Fox, their production team and anyone else involved in the series to reconsider such a reason to halt… Read more »
I will miss Lewis, but I do hope Hathaway continues the tradition. Morse and Lewis were great escapes from the terrible TV shows here in the U.S.
There is definitely potential for a Hathaway series. But I wonder if Laurence Fox would do it.
I was hoping that Laurence Fox would commence with a new series entitled “Hathaway.” The whole series was just that bit different to the usual detective series, especially being set in cultural Oxford.
I like the Inspector Lewis series much more than the Inspector Morse stories. I would wish the would continue for several more years!!
I’ve seen all of Morse and all (to date) of Lewis. I’ve enjoyed both but like Lewis a bit more, it’s well written and a little less “dark” in my opinion. I’m very sorry to hear it’s come to an end.