CBS recently unveiled their Paula Abdul reality competition series, Live to Dance. Some have been waiting to see what Abdul would do ever since she left the judging table at American Idol. Will this new TV series be a big success like Idol or cancelled after on season, like so many others?
On Live to Dance, dancers from across the country and of all ages audition and then compete for the crown and a $500,000 prize. On the show, Abdul serves as lead judge as well as coach and mentor to the performers. At the judging table, she’s joined by choreographer Travis Payne and singer/dancer Kimberly Wyatt. The series is hosted by Andrew Gunsberg.
The reality series debuted on Tuesday, January 4th, with an okay showing — a 2.4 rating in the coveted 18-49 demographic and 10.22 million viewers. The next night, viewership dropped nearly 25% to a 1.8 rating and 7.65 million viewers. Not a good sign. The third installment fell once again, to a 1.5 demo rating and 6.71 million. The most recent episode fell 33% in the demo to a truly horrible 1.0 rating and just 5.08 million.
Live to Dance is currently averaging a 1.7 rating in the 18-49 demo and 7.41 million total viewers. In the CBS rankings, that puts it below low-rated Friday shows like CSI: NY and isn’t far above 48 Hours, the network’s little-watched Saturday night true-crime series.
In essence, Live to Dance is a ratings bomb and there would seem to be no reason for CBS to renew it for a second season. In fact, at this point, its very possible that the network could try to send it packing to Saturday nights — except reruns of crime dramas sometimes get better ratings than Live to Dance’s latest installment.
But, what do you think? Is Live to Dance worth saving or should it be cancelled? Can you think of any ways to fix it to attract more viewers?
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Image courtesy CBS.
Great show! Paula did an awesome job..I wish they would have gone to more cities and made the audition time longer. I do give Paula credit for not allowing what American Idol and “America’s got Talent” and other do (So you think you can dance). All they look for is to fill up space with terrible act’s that cut out better talented people for a few seconds of wasted time that at this time has gotten old. Lets hope they give her another change. I agree placing it against American Idol set the show to fail…..
YES by all means keep it on…perhaps a different time slot, Thursdays? Mondays? Anyways, it was a very entertaining show and the fact that it didn’t go on and on and on and on appealed to me too. ( Idol goes on forever and by the time the finals come, we’re getting burnt out hoping it’ll be over soon.) LIVE to DANCE got the job done while giving the dancers some wonderful exposure and a very fair way of voting etc., limiting every phone number to 10 calls was smart too. (If they’d have done that with IDOL, I think… Read more »
i absoulutely loved the show. i love to dance and love paula. i think that is was great and should be on for a second season. they should move it to maybe tuesdays and it should be a little longer so that it will attract more viewers. give the show a chance, it was GREAT!!!
Lets face it, this show is beyond bad it is terrible. Paula should have went with Simon on his new show he had offered her the job. Now she has this horrible excuse for a talent show that is a total rip off of another lousy show “america has talent” Nice try Paula but save you money you are going to need it.
I like the show because some very talented people tried out. I like the classy set up of the show and feel Paula did a great job as a judge and coach to the dancers. Unfortunately it is on at the same time as other good shows. Overall CBS should take a chance and invest in keeping the show because I believe the ratings will eventually increase.
I found the show to be very exciting and the talent artist exquisite. There is a lot of talent in the United States and every group that came out gave their all an left in on the stage. In my opinion, there were no loser, but only the best of the best made the cut. There was one problem that I noticed, when they did not give recognition to the 2nd place finisher as they gave to the 3rd place finisher. She was all alone and did not get the recognition that she truely deserved and was passed over through… Read more »
Give them a chance. My goodness what a beautiful show to get to see so many kind of dancing and talent. Please give them another chance.
I adored watching this show. The various styles of dancers, their skill and energy was so wonderful to see. Paula is such a magnificent choreographer and unique host. She deserves another season. I love the show and believe it is good for the American culture to see why dedication and working hard can lead to success. I congratulate CBS for giving Paula a chance to show her talent. Her honesty and her lovable personality is so refreshing.
LIVE TO DANCE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u should totally keep it for another season, in other words its better than AMERICAN IDOl who cares if american idol has more viewiers than LIVE TO DANCE its still better also i would rather watch a DANCING show than singing show because dance rocks and inspires young dancers to keep on dancing no matter what.:^) DANCE IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD <3 (:never cancel live to dance:)
I am a very big fan of Paula, please keep the show,my mom and 4 year old really enjoyed seeing dancers of all age groups getting a chance of winning something.The show is great fun for all age groups, however do not put it up against American Idol, as that show has been on for years, and has its loyal viewers.
They should bring it back. The first weeks show was 2 nights in a row, which they didn’t promote the 2nd night so most people didn’t realize it was on the 2nd night. The next week the show got pushed back because they showed the President speaking in Tucson, Arizona (after that horrible shooting). People didn’t realize it had been pushed back. Then they were up against American Idol. Come on, give the show a chance. You can’t base the ratings on poor viewership with all this going on. They need to do some adjusting and bring the show back!
I just read the USA Weekend article where she talked about going head to head with American Idol. Given the situation from her experience with Simon and the fact that there are 52 weeks to play with and 6 other days to schedule her show, why did this have to be scheduled on the same night? I loved this show and I love her caring attitude. She DOES live to dance and loves sharing it with aspiring lovers of dance. I definitely hope this show comes back ON ANOTHER NIGHT.
it should definatly be kept and to all the haters: do u have nothing better to do then sit around and comment about things u dislike? because if thats the case u really live a miserable little life and thats pretty pathetic and u need to learn how to comment on things u like only! anyway….. I LOVE PAULA AND SUPPORTS HER IN EVERYTHING SHE DOES NO MATTTER WHAT IM REALLY PROUD OF HER AND LOVE THIS SHOW HOPE IT COMES BACK FOR ANOTHER SEASON AND ALSO HOPE SHE SIGNS ON TO AMERICA XFACTOR WITH SIMON B/C SAULA FOREVER AND… Read more »
I just loved Live To Dance. It was fun to see the dancers. It was inspiring to see Paula Abdul on a new show and her expertise was given to the contestants. Also unfair that the show went head to head with American Idol…so not fair. I would love to see Paula Abdul back on TV given a better time slot and again, ratings may have been low but people still do watch things on DVR, that isn’t rated.
I think this show should be kept around for another season. Alot of the blame has to fall on CBS for putting it up against American Idol. I say keep the show, but switch the day & possibly the time so it doesn’t have to contend against the powerhouse that is Idol. Idol may be losing viewers, granted, but it’s still pulling in great numbers. I am hopeful for a 2nd season, and more, of LIVE TO DANCE!