Last night, NBC aired the final two episodes of their mystery-thriller series, Persons Unknown. The show revolves around a group of people who wake up in a small town and must figure out how to survive and escape. The cast includes Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, and Gerald Kyd.
NBC waited until summer to air Persons Unknown; a time when fewer people watch television and their isn’t much competition. On Monday nights, it got very poor ratings, even for a summer show, and was consequently sent to the TV graveyard known as Saturday nights.
Remi Aubuchon, one of the show’s executive producers, has said that the show was originally envisioned to have self-contained seasons but could easily run for multiple years. Based on the ratings and their treatment of the series, it is highly unlikely that NBC will bring Persons Unknown back for a second season.
What do you think? In all likelihood, last night’s installment is the final episode. What do you think of the Persons Unknown finale? Were enough questions answered in “Shadows in the Cave” to satisfy you?
Image courtesy NBC.
Really? I mean really? none of my questions were answered, was I the only one that didn’t get it. I was waiting for the answers. So What was the program all about? UUUGGGG I hate watching shows with stupid endings!!!!
This was the worst show ever. Every single show was worst than the previous. They were throwing in so many random people/story lines. My friend and I decided the people at NBC had a huge board with a whole bunch of Post-It notes on it, each one giving some insane plot. They then threw five or six darts randomly at the board and the Post-It notes that they hit would be put together as the story for the week. Even if none of them had anything to do with each other. This made Harper’s Island look like an Academy Award… Read more »
“Too bad you paid for cheap writers”… Well, that’s the problem… they DIDN’T. They got an Oscar winning writer as the show runner. And the finale didn’t suck more or less than the rest of the show, it was consistent with everything else, in other words: godawfully bad. This wasn’t just the worst finale ever, it might very well have been the worst show ever. Aubuchon said all the answers would be given in the finale, and it was obviously a blatant lie. Have people lost the meaning of the word “credibility”? I kept watching that train wreck of a… Read more »
I was totally disappointed. They left me with more questions i’d rather the show ended with something crazy like their identities were criss crossed. I have more answers then when the show aired!
NBC lied and SUCKS!! Said they were going give a complete finish and didn’t. No wonder series like these keep getting poor ratings when networks string everyone along and then don’t do their job and wrap it up at the end. SCREW YOU NBC!!! Won’t be watching any new series that you try to vomit out on us after this one!
I had more questions than answers watching the last episode. I am kinda disappointed that it ended the way it did. I am hoping for another season so maybe there will be questions answered. I loved the suspense of the show and the confusion that kept me coming back to watch every episode. But I did want to get a lot of questions resolved.
Okay, so is it just me, or did that finale smack of some sort of prequel to Lost? I mean, I enjoyed the show through the whole series. While I was certainly disappointed that many of the “answers” we were given were nearly as enigmatic as the questions posed in the pilot episode, at least we “know” a little about the corporation (or whatever it is) behind the abductions and a “50-thousand-foot view” of their motives.
It sucked!!!!!!!!!!!! Says it all, doesn’t it? We spent all summer on this? Now, Harper’s Island was a good one last summer. Too bad you paid for cheap writers. Won’t get us watching any series next summer. Might I mention that we had to watch the finale on our computer since our local channel 24 decided to preempt the series finale with a tape delayed game?!!!!!!!!! Talk about double stupid! On the other hand, maybe it was intentional considering the disappointing end to this fiasco.
This was the worst show I have seen in a very long time. I only continued to watch it because my husband liked the show. I only hung on to get some answers which we were promised in the 2 hour season finale. There were no answers but the same questions and more. What kind of series was NBC trying to achieve?
I totally agree with the other posters. NBC has just got me so mad I don’t want to start watching another one of their stupid series. “all will be revealed” – riiiiiiiight. The “finale” was such a joke! More questions than answers. I will never understand why they cancel a show without wrapping it up for the viewers. Seems the only thing that doesn’t get cancelled are “reality” shows – and there are WAY enough of those already. AARRGH!
I really liked this show, but the end was a disaster! If it does not come back, watching it will have been a waste of time! Everyone is right about it creating more questions than answers! I would love to see it come back, find out what level 2 is, and maybe have some of the gaps filled in along the way! I don’t even understand how the Ambassador got to that “place”, let alone what happened to Kat and him! What is wrong with NBC? I think they have truly lost their minds (and any credibility they had left)!… Read more »
Bull shiznit promises, all questions answered my ARSE!
I hated the ending and feel very deceived re: the promise to resolve all questions. I feel like I’ve been had by NBC and the producers. I followed along every week (from Mondays to Sats.) only to have the series end on this very disappointing note.
More questions than answers…what is going to happen to Cat and the Ambassador left in cages??
The show left me with more questions than answers. We gained nothing new — except questions. How did the group get separated after the van crashed? Why were they so stupid and pounced on the driver of the van in the first place? How did Janet end up in San Franciso, Moira and Erika in Morocco, Charlie and Bill on Route 93 in a stolen car speeding past Mark and Kat? HUH? Too many gaps in the story, too many unnecessary flashbacks as fillers. What kind of commitment did Janet’s mother make with the Director? Why did Janet’s Mom bother… Read more »
worst waste of time during my whole summer. May also the biggest waste of my television watching career. Thank you for nothing NBC.