Last night, NBC aired the final two episodes of their mystery-thriller series, Persons Unknown. The show revolves around a group of people who wake up in a small town and must figure out how to survive and escape. The cast includes Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, and Gerald Kyd.
NBC waited until summer to air Persons Unknown; a time when fewer people watch television and their isn’t much competition. On Monday nights, it got very poor ratings, even for a summer show, and was consequently sent to the TV graveyard known as Saturday nights.
Remi Aubuchon, one of the show’s executive producers, has said that the show was originally envisioned to have self-contained seasons but could easily run for multiple years. Based on the ratings and their treatment of the series, it is highly unlikely that NBC will bring Persons Unknown back for a second season.
What do you think? In all likelihood, last night’s installment is the final episode. What do you think of the Persons Unknown finale? Were enough questions answered in “Shadows in the Cave” to satisfy you?
Image courtesy NBC.
False Advertising, shame on you NBC! Most of the questions that I ha were not answered. Who is funding all of this? It really takes a lot of money to build a town that: 1. You can not burn down. 2. Anytime anything get broken, it gets replaced by the next day. 3. There is a camera, everywhere. Not just in the town, but everywhere anything has just happened. 4. All the space age ways that they keep anyone from leaving the town. 5. Just the Open Bar (free boose) has to cost. Was Level 2 going to be Season… Read more »
Typical false advertising. Comes right from nbc this time.
they told us All our questions would be answered by the end of summer. Wrong, I gots lots O’ quees-tions left.
OK now I know its a reality murder to win game show.
And cheaters will be sent to the next higher level. But
By Who????? Mom and Dad???
The gov-mint???
The engulf and devourer corporation???
They, nbc, needs to fessup, and publish a free online
document or book explaining it all, and do it fast, less than 29 day of summer left.
All will be answered huh???? The last episode left me with MORE questions than answers. I never watch a show when it airs. I had the first five episodes on my dvr before I even started watching. The show was great. Too bad it won’t return. I am so tired of nothing to watch on tv. I DO NOT watch ANY reality shows. Thank god for satellite, netflix and red box.
If NBC had a clue they could have turned this show into the next LOST. Instead they bury it in the summer and move it to Saturday nights. Then don’t even to show an episode.I followed it “On demand”, where they at least showed the missing episode. Whether this show would have made it or not will never be known, because NBC would rather fill up there lineup with game and reality shows and jay effen Leno. Is it any wonder this network is at the bottom.
Don’t cancel it! At least this show got you to think… I looked forward to it. It was original, the cast was growing on ya, and the plot with thickening. What more could you ask for? Nothing is going to be perfect for most people. But aren’t we getting sick of reality TV. Give us more drama with flare. Sometimes I think these Networks deliberately sabotage their own shows. Thank goodness for CW. Even though they have relatively smaller viewer numbers, they don’t dump shows so fast. They let them simmer and find an audience. I think the last two… Read more »
I loved the show. I watched every eppisode and I was satisfied with the ending. Obviously it was a game. By the last eppisode you realized they all had played the game before. They just couldn’t remember it. Some of them like Joe played one role over again. Others moved on to new levels. Some like Kat are kept caged for future games. If NBC had promoted this show even a little bit or if they had simply not changed it’s schedule from Monday to ending up on Saturday night. With not just skipped weeks but skipping a whole eppisode,… Read more »
I was going to write that I enjoyed this show, no matter how implausible, and that I hope the network would bring it back… but why bother?
I loved this show, and if this was the finale, I don’t know what the heck they were thinking. They said all would be answered, I am left with no answers, and what was level 2 all about????
All will be revealed??? I don’t know if the creators believed this would continue into another season, but as a series finale, this was totally unsatisfying. I know that I can sometimes be dense and don’t claim to be an intellect, but in reading other comments, I don’t believe that I am the only one totally confused.
Oh come on!!!!!! 2 shows I watched in the summer. Persons Unknown and the Gates. You stick them on in the summer. Then you switch Person Unknown to Saturday night! Who is home on Saturday nights in the summer! (do they ever figure how many people DVR these shows, because they aren’t home?) These shows were not given a fair shot! Gee…you wonder why everyone is switching to cable shows!
Oh come on!!!!!! 2 shows I watched in the summer. Persons Unknown and the Gates. You stick them on in the summer. Then you switch Person Unknown to Saturday night! Who is home on Saturday nights in the summer! (do they ever figure how many people DVR these shows, because they aren’t home?) These shows were not given a fair shot! Gee…you wonder why everyone is switching to cable shows!
If you are into dystopias, this show is compelling. It is better than all the other “reality” shows. For those who don’t like it- I am telling you all other reality shows suck. Unfortunately, Chris McQuarrie may not be the Alfred Hitchcock or Rod Serling of this generation, but if he is GE will never let you know. The only way we are going to be able to watch good shows any more is if they are never on “network” tv. All you have to do is look at a short list of shows that could have gone on for… Read more »
HORRIBLE! There were no answers, no effort to even make any half-assed answers, no consistency or logic even within it’s illogical premise, and no resolution of anything. How dare NBC claim it’s a mini-series and imply therefore that there is a conclusion to be expected. I’m boycotting the whole network.
We do want the answers…….