Earlier this week, NBC announced their mid-season schedule and, not surprisingly, low-rated Prime Suspect wasn’t on it. Supposedly NBC execs hadn’t cancelled the show and would still be “considering their options” until all 13 episodes had aired.
Now comes word that production will be shutting down before the holiday. The cast and crew were reportedly informed of the season wrap on Monday afternoon, as NBC was announcing their schedule. It surely wasn’t a surprise. Mario finishing episode 12 now and will complete number 13 before closing up shop.
There won’t be any more episodes produced for this season, despite the fact that the network ordered another half dozen scripts. Though NBC isn’t officially saying that Prime Suspect is cancelled, the cast and crew have been told that there won’t be a second season.
Theoretically, Prime Suspect could be brought back next season but that would mean that the network would have to put a lot of money into promoting a show that had been off the air for nine months, a show that couldn’t muster strong ratings after a big launch. Thus far the show’s averaged a dismal 1.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 4.97 million viewers.
There’s simply no reason for the network to spend any more resources on Prime Suspect. For whatever reason, most of the network just weren’t interest in this TV series.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Prime Suspect is being cancelled and won’t be back for a second season?
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Image courtesy NBC.
I am so disappointed. One of the best cop shows in years! Maria Bello’s role is not trying to be “cutesy”. She not chasing peeps down in high heels. Finally a realistic cop show with a strong female lead. She fits the role perfect! I now have a reason Not to watch the Mentalist!
I am not one to look forward to a particular series to come on each week and then along came Prime Suspect. It is a gritty well written show with just the right amount of humor delivered at the appropriate time. NBC is crazy to take this show off the air.
I abosolutely loved this show and love the characters. Sorry to see NBC cancelling this show. I thought NBC was finally showing some good/quality shows, but looks like they are going back to their old ways.
no. No. No. Please do not cancel another good show. First Chicago code, now this. Prime suspect is the best show on right now.
Prime Suspect is an amazing show, so well-written and shot, and with fantastic acting. Maybe ratings are low because no one can trust the big networks to give any good show a chance. Time and time again, as soon as we fans get invested and begin to incite our friends to become fans: Cancelled. EFF-you NBC, your actions will be your death because eventually no one is going to watch any scripted show that isn’t an established hit already out on DVD unless its on a cable network that’s not so cutthroat! I’m so pissed at this news! Tonight’s episode… Read more »
Well we can always watch Dateline and see about 15 minutes of the show and 45 minutes of commercials. The one in the middle of the show lasts about 11 minutes. I am getting a resurgence of my carpel tunnel syndrome fast forwarding through all of these commercials (on all of the neworks).
I asked NBC to give this show a chance to catch on. I guess they considered 5 weeks a “chance” Shows you what morons they are and why they are in 3rd place behind ABC and CBS.
What a pity. “Prime Suspect” was the best new show on television.
I don’t think NBC knows what they’re doing.
Now that Elliott Stabler is off of SVU they can pull it and put the money toward Prime Suspect! This is by far the best police show on tv, NBC is crazy!!
I only watched it for Kirk Acevedo….. he’s sexyyy
But now i have nothing to look forward to on thursdays :'(
to bad, i guess i will watch the mentalist instead
totally agree why should we bother watching these new shows when they get cut
after a few episodes but they keep the stupid “comedies” like community
Love this show! However, it has a lot of competition because it’s against Private Practice and the Mentalist. Does NBC ever consider viewers don’t want to give up these two seasoned shows? They should rethink cancelling this show, just rescheduling and getting rid of some of their stupid reality shows! I have two DVRs and record Prime Suspect every Thursday and I also record it when they repeat the show on Saturday.
Every new season a great dramatic show comes along and grabs my attention…last season it was the Chicago Code and now Prime Suspect…sad. I really got into the show…like a lot of people said I didn’t really like the pilot episode but kept watching and really enjoyed it. The acting was superb and the storylines amazine…it makes me mad that stupid sub-par shows are kept on but good quality well acted shows are cancelled..I guess it just goes to show that most of the viewing public prefer garbage to quality.
I loved the show. I liked Maria Bello’s role and how she dealt with her co-workers and the ex wife. NBC is not making good decisions this season,first The Playboy Club and now this. There is nothing left on this network for me to watch.
I can’t believe NBC is cancelling this show!!!! I love the strong female lead, Maria Bello. I don’t know, I’m beginning to get suspicious. Strong female leads in cop shows seem to cancel easily. I thought the interplay between Maria and the other characters was right on. She’s great. It was so real. Here we had a female cop who doesn’t run in stiletto’s, doesn’t arrive at a crime scene with low cut tops and push up bra. Come on give me a break. I’m really getting tired of quality shows being cancelled. I’m actually loathe to start watching new… Read more »