Earlier this week, NBC announced their mid-season schedule and, not surprisingly, low-rated Prime Suspect wasn’t on it. Supposedly NBC execs hadn’t cancelled the show and would still be “considering their options” until all 13 episodes had aired.
Now comes word that production will be shutting down before the holiday. The cast and crew were reportedly informed of the season wrap on Monday afternoon, as NBC was announcing their schedule. It surely wasn’t a surprise. Mario finishing episode 12 now and will complete number 13 before closing up shop.
There won’t be any more episodes produced for this season, despite the fact that the network ordered another half dozen scripts. Though NBC isn’t officially saying that Prime Suspect is cancelled, the cast and crew have been told that there won’t be a second season.
Theoretically, Prime Suspect could be brought back next season but that would mean that the network would have to put a lot of money into promoting a show that had been off the air for nine months, a show that couldn’t muster strong ratings after a big launch. Thus far the show’s averaged a dismal 1.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 4.97 million viewers.
There’s simply no reason for the network to spend any more resources on Prime Suspect. For whatever reason, most of the network just weren’t interest in this TV series.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Prime Suspect is being cancelled and won’t be back for a second season?
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Image courtesy NBC.
this is a great show innovative keeps you quessing. the personalities are great. way is it being cancelled. reminds me of Friday Night Lights when they almost cancelled. aren’t we glad that didn’t happen, keep this show on
One of the only shows I watch on TV ….PRIME SUSPECT !!!!
Maria Bello created a great character…she is a WILDCAT !!!
The supporting cast is superb….
Hope it is given another chance.
Cancellation of this wonderful show just highlights why I don’t watch TV shows on TV. Commercial TV has shot itself in the foot with all the long commercials, and with the really stupid, mindless shows. Prime Suspect is an absolute gem, and just beginning into ripen into something great, so it fit the profile of shows to kill.
Another stupid feminist anti-male show gone. I couldn’t stop laughing at this little four foot nothing female tying so hard to walk, talk and dress like a man. To see her beating up on a big hulk type of guy was just a little to much to believe lol. Super sad case of pen!s envy by both female and liberal male viewers of this show. lol
C’mon, NBC! There’s nothing better to take it’s place. Don’t kill it !
You killed Annie Frost last yr don’t take out Maria as well!
Patience, patience, patience, friends. Be Patient for once in y’r life.
This can’t be cancelled. As I struggle through this TV seasons with less-than-entertaining USUALs like HOUSE, Dexter and even Boardwalk Empire- all previous favourites of mine but ones that I tend to walk away from now-I was refreshed to see Prime Suspects. How dumb to cancel this one. AN intelligent, well-acted program-fast paced and interesting- WHY? Give it another chance. The intelligent masses have to be just as sick as I am of the old standbys- we NEED this show-people will love it. Please don’t give up!!! Aidan Quinn and Maria Bello rock! This show rocks! DO NOT CANCEL IT…
This was the best new show this season! I am very upset that it’s been cancelled without a chance to develop a fan base. If it’s suffered from low ratings, it should have been given a more favorable time slot and had the chance to grow the ratings. Maria Bello is a great actress, so believable in this role! Great story lines, great suspense. What a loss!
My husband and I think “Prime Suspect” is one of the best new shows this season. Great story line, suspensful, marvelously acted and directed! If it suffered from low ratings, that must be because of the time slot. It should have been hyped and given a chance to get better known! I am very unhappy with this cancellation!
I just watched the latest episode of Prime Suspect, in which a little girl’s patents are murdered by a deputy sheriff, and it was RIVETING. I am hoping against hope that this show isn’t cancelled. What can I do to keep it on the air?!?
Next time put “spoiler alert”…. What are you, 12?
What the what?? Prime Suspect is the BEST new show this season! Dang, if people would check it out they would see how really great this show is! Fantastic cast, clever writing, entertainment jackpot. What a shame.
I can’t beleave that there canceling prime suspect. I think it’s a great show.
It takes time to have a show and the characters grow on you. At first I thought it was bad but I stuck with it because I like Bello and the other casting choices. It’s a great show with characters that are developing strongly. TV land needs to stop pandering to people with short attention spans who only want to see female cops in HIGH heels and with plastic surgery, say stupid cheeky things. Come one! Give things a chance!!!
Once again NBC is letting us down by cancelling another great series. Maria Bello soooo deserves a chance with this show! She is a fabulous actress along with a fabulous cast!! But NBC doesn’t care about what the fans want, all they care about is MONEY!!
Just chiming in to say I can’t believe I was duped by “Nothing But Cancellations” again by watching one of their new series. I love this show and now they’re going to kill it.
They don’t seem to realize that you have to give it like 6 episodes to catch on. Also, this antiquated ratings system has got to go. It’s seriously worthless.