FOX has announced that the three unaired episodes of Red Band Society will run on two consecutive Saturdays — January 31st and February 7th — but that will be the end of the series. There won’t be a second season.
A dramedy, Red Band Society revolves around the young patients and caretakers of the pediatric ward of the renowned Ocean Park Hospital in Los Angeles. The cast includes Octavia Spencer, Dave Annable, Griffin Gluck, Nolan Sotillo, Charlie Rowe, Astro, Zoe Levin, Ciara Bravo, Mandy Moore, and Rebecca Rittenhouse.
The series debuted in September to unimpressive ratings and the numbers got much worse in subsequent weeks. It was no surprise when FOX chose not to order any additional episodes. Traditionally, that’s a sure sign that a series will be cancelled but word is that FOX and ABC Studios each made efforts to keep it going.
Though Red Band Society’s ratings were too low to keep it on the air as a regular season show, the network wanted to keep it — potentially as a summer series. The catch is that that would have required a lower licensing fee. It’s a high-end series and budgets for summer shows are really tight. In the end, it’s not a big surprise that a deal couldn’t be worked out with the studio for FOX to keep it.
Execs at ABC Studios also really like the series so they tried shopping it to other outlets to keep the show alive. Ultimately there were no takers so the series is now dead.
Red Band Society will end its short run on February 7th with a pair of episodes. Hopefully the finale will give dedicated viewers some sense of closure.
What do you think? Did you like Red Band Society? Are you sorry that the show’s been cancelled? Would you have followed it to another channel?
I know that people might say this about every show but, this show is really doing something yknow? it actually addresses some of the main issues and diseases which people go through and captures how they feel so well! It needs to continue, it’s different and it’s actually doing something! we have so much of the same shows, what’w wrong with having something different for a change. :/
This show NEEDS a second season!!! i just stayed up the whole night right before finals to watch this on Youtube. It needed more advertisements I have never heard of this show till I stumbled upon it in the depths of youtube!!
To be honest, I didn’t originally watch the show when it first aired its episodes but I had seen a trailer for it a while back. It seemed very, very interesting! Then 2 days ago, I decided to watch the first episode and I LOVED IT! I binge watched the rest of the season after that and now I am finished. I would really like another season. This show is amazing and it is terrible to let it go. I understand there was poor ratings the first time around, but please give it another chance. Red Band Society has so,… Read more »
A really really nice seson!!! Pleasse start with season2
would be very happy
Greetings from Holland
why couldnt there be another season . whyyyyy
I really liked the show and I was looking forward to new season such a shame it got canceled.
Please keep it going…this show helped me so much thought a lot…I didn’t feel alone anymore with this show. It was truly great.
I loved it soon much! bring it back pleeease
PLS JUST CONTINUE WITH THE SHOW! It was amazing! So realistic and ugh I love it all! Seriously, how could they cancel an amazing show like this?!
I loved this series and I want to whats next at the story they can not do that they cancelling the series at the middle of the story
i loved it and i am very disappointing i will not return i think the name of the show has a lot to do with the ratings it rents to make it sound like not what it is maybe trying re naming it and bring it back.
I loved the show!!! I would have followed it to another chanel. Red band society was the only show that showed real struggles and pain in life.
I loved the show. I would’ve followed it to a new channel.
I love this show!!!! I would follow it to any other channel if it meant more seasons! PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this show a lot I would put a reminder to make sure I don’t miss the show , and I was disppointed that there cancelled and can you guys PLEASE BRING IT BACK