Rob wanted to fit in with his new wife’s family. Unfortunately, ¡Rob! didn’t fit on CBS’s 2012-13 schedule. The network has cancelled the sitcom after eight episodes.
The TV show follows Rob (Rob Schneider), a former life-long bachelor and landscape architect with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He marries into a close-knit Mexican-American family and attempts to be closer to them, intentions that often ending in disastrous results.
Debuting on January 12th, ¡Rob! drew a 4.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 13.47 million viewers. That was a positive start and, compared to the previous original episode of Rules of Engagement, the network was up by 52% in the demo and 41% in total viewership.
Over the course of the season, the ratings for ¡Rob! declined and the March 1st finale hit a new season low; a 2.6 in the demo with 8.99 million.
The first season of ¡Rob! averaged a 3.3 rating in the demo with 11.02 million. On our CBS Ratings Report Card, which measures the relative success of shows on the network, ¡Rob! has a “B” grade and is #8 on the list of CBS scripted shows.
On any other network, these kinds of numbers would have been enough to warrant season two. However, CBS has plenty of hit sitcoms so they have very high standards for success. For whatever reason, CBS has cancelled ¡Rob! after one season and eight episodes.
What do you think? Are you going to miss the ¡Rob! sitcom? Do you think that it should have been cancelled or renewed for a second season? Is it better than Rules of Engagement?
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Image courtesy CBS.
Shame on you, CBS. Everybody used to like Rob. It’s a very funny sitcom. Rob Schneider is fantastic!!!
I am very disappointed to hear this news. I’m a white guy married into a spanish family and I thought the show was hilarious! I would watch it with my girl and her relatives and we rocked with laughter. I can’t believe the reality-type crap and Jersey-type crap is still on year after year but finally a wholesome show is cancelled. …… I really miss the good ol days of 70s-80s television when watching TV wasn’t insulting.
Schneider’s collection of laughably bad toupees are getting close to Shatner level.
I think one of the reasons ¡Rob! was cancelled is because of all the negative reviews that it received. If a new sitcom on CBS has negative critical reception, it’s likely to be cancelled after one season.
I actually enjoyed watching the show with my mom and dad, because we got a multi-race family and we can relate… the only show that we watched together is now CANCELLED!!!
Having been in a “mixed” marriage–Colombian wife-I really loved this show. The cultural clash is presented in an amusing way–even though it is real enough. I speculate that if this show was on during my 5 year marriage, my marriage may have survived.
[…] show dates: January 12, 2012 – March 1, 2012 Series status: Cancelled […]
Damn it! And why don’t you at least let other channel or television chain to air it? Foreign people love this and you cancel it?! The viewers want more so at least let it continue, that’s how series get big and I will asure you that if you let the series reach a second season the comedy will have more viewers and will generate more income if that’s what you want”
I can believe people enjoyed “Rob”… IT SUCKED!… I was wondering how the show made on the air in the first place… especially on CBS… very atrocious
Hey Anonymous… Why this this Sitcom IT SUCKED ???
and how many episodes you saw in the past???
Rules of engagment and two broke girls are the dumbest shows I have ever seen and CBS left them on? High standards?? LOL.. I think Rob blows these stupid other shows away. Shows how much class CBS has..Who rates these shows?
SO… the show was canceled only for: “”Rules of engagment and two broke girls are the dumbest shows I have ever seen””
Do you have another reason???, please a REAL AND VALID reason…
“”High standards?? LOL.. Who rates these shows?””
To my Understanding… The Ratings of the shows ARE BASED in the audience of peoples who seen TV at one point of time. So… if more peoples are seeing this program MEANS the show is GOOD. High Audience = High Ratings.
I´m from Germany and i am the living god. CBS needs to get it´s karama ass kicked for creating this pains and sadness! hopefully adult-swim buys all cancelled shows! they are cool! cbs is an *******. i would change the boardwalk when i see cbs on the street…
I can’t believe they cancelled ROB, the show was great and it made me laugh on every episode. CBS can say the reason they cancelled was because “the show didn’t fit in their schedule” all they want but, we all know the reason why they cancelled! and if anyone out there doesn’t know it or pretends not to know any thing just know that the reason why CBS cancelled the show it’s because they’re a bunch of racist prejudice a$$holes.
Now we know what kind of people CBS is being ran by.
Hey Louis What You Think about this: “”OK, I got your point. basically you don’t like to see a one gringo less than bunch of latinos in a sitcom, because the sitcom comedy has bases in stereotype all people in all way’s and then, they took the comedy of that. Once again, the gringo doesn’t like to see LESS than the latinos or others cultures.”” I’m trying to find the real and valid reason why ROB sitcom was cancelled and CBS (based on the critics reviews) they did not give the 2 chance. And for me, this is ONE of… Read more »
Why did they cancel such a fuuny show? They always do this. They should of gave it another shot. They didn’t give it enough credit. Rob Schneider and Cheech Marin were too funny, along with the brother-in-law (best Friend). I laughed at every episode. It’s a Damn Shame it’s Cancelled!
CBS you cancelled **** my dad says now you cancel ROB, What’s wrong with you, every good comedy you launch you cancel it