Unless the ratings turn around when The Event finally returns to NBC, it looks certain that the series will be cancelled after one season. Thankfully, its looking like the producers won’t leave devoted fans completely in the dark. In a recent Ask Ausiello column…
Question: How are the producers of The Event handling the season finale, considering they probably won’t know about a second season when they shoot it? Will they be wrapping up the alien arc, or will it end on a cliffhanger? — Charlie
Ausiello: The final episode will “complete the story of the first season,” says exec producer Evan Katz, “while setting up a radically different condition in the world for the second season — in the hopes that there is one.”
What do you think? Do you think you’ll be satisfied if The Event is indeed cancelled?
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The reality shows are the worst no talent what so ever people trying to dance to music that does not mach the so called music!! it creeps me out!!!! Id rather see a guy play his heart out on the guitar with original music!! That is reality TV!!!!! Time to end the fake music!! Music is made with real instruments !! They are easy to learn an play!!
I am sorry to say I did not get to see the last episode it bummed me out I don’t know if it was the solar flares or it was the TV over heating not many channels worked that day!! you see the TV really does not have very many good show on it!! I like the ” Event ” I did not get to see the ending of the show ” V ” either bummer!! I hope the “Event ” comes back next year I think there is some thing watching us I once seen, not to long ago,… Read more »
I tend tow watch the Event the day afterward on the charter demand per view channel. This way I can watch the preceding episode first followed by the most recent. I hope the event finds a home. You can’t use the old rating system to determine how popular a show is -may people tape and watch later or use demand per view.
“Do you think you’ll be satisfied if The Event is indeed cancelled?” no…no….and more no. If this show is cancelled, I’m going to be crushed. I DVR this show every week. I was greatly disappointed when they didn’t have the show on or weeks. But, was sooo glad when it came back on. the acting is great, the story line is great, and the picture is great. People need to forget these so called “reality” tv shows. They aren’t even reality shows. The stupid producers pretty much tell the cast members what to do. I’ts garbage. The same thing is… Read more »