Network: NBC
Episodes: Eight (hour)
Seasons: One
TV show dates: July 7 — August 24, 2009
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: Reno Collier (host)
TV show description:
Seven families, all from very different backgrounds, take an unforgettable road trip across the country.
Traveling in their large RVs, the families drive through cities both large and small while competing in a variety of unique challenges. These light-hearted challenges are set against iconic American landmarks like Wrigley Field, the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River, and the Washington Monument.
Along the way, the families also encounter a myriad of lesser-known and unusual U.S. landmarks like the World’s Largest Chair and a giant sneaker.
While the road trip may sound like plain family fun, the contestants are all too aware that their involved in a competition with a big prize at stake and tensions can rise.
Each week, the families are tested via the show’s challenges. The winners get a great prize while some of the losing families must compete in a second game. For the losing clan of that competition, the vacation’s over. They’re eliminated and sent packing.
By the end of the season, only one family will remain and they’ll be rewarded with a memorable and fitting grand prize.
The show has not ended yet.
The show has not ended yet.
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Image courtesy NBC.
I really enjoyed the show and looked forward to it coming on every week
I looked forward each week to be able to see each one of the families who were from differing parts of the Eastern, Midwest, and Southern U.S.A. traveling as a family ( driving as so many of us have done in the past, most in our own modest vehicles, not nice big accomidating RVs ) from Wrigley Field in Chicago, ILL all the way across this nation. All of them getting to take in many of the beautiful, aw some, and legendary sights along the way. Other than the RVs, and contests all the families endured each week it sure… Read more »
How can our family compete in the next road trip? Thank you.
we are a family of five our children are young adults and this would be a great opportunity to connect /reconnect with each other how can we become contestants?
I am so glad the pollards lost. go packing back to alabama. they were so hoping that they would beat the cootes and lost, then they rooted against the cootes for the disalvatores to win, they also lost. the best family won
Amie Pollard is going to be on a new tv show.
I am glad the cootes won. the disalvatores are sorry and lazy. the father is biggest loser dad of all. the proof is in the action–five king of the road crowns. they earned the right to bragg and be arrogant.
The Cootes won the most crowns, but the Disalvitores won the final challenge that determined the winner of the whole show.
how do we sign up for this we believe it will be great and make us a lot closer to our children.
How can we become contestants for the show-What Blast,
Would be cool to put two best friend familes in one RV
Please let us know how we can be the next American Road Trip Family
Bob and Renee and dustin Elliott
So was the Coote’s set up last night or was the driver of there limo just that slow???
me and my family could join this show are family is very seperet in our house and if we got excepted maybe we could become closer like the good old day when we were young please help my family become c loser
i want to know how my family can sign up for next years show. i think my family will be great contestents because we really need the money and we are alot of fun plus insead of a mom ,dad, brother ,and sister we have a dad, dad , brother and sister so we think we can spice up the show …thanx \
i want to know how me and my family can join not only to win money but to become a closer family are family right now argues a lot and i think we need a bond like in the show we are a family of five but of curse one of my family members are to young to compete i know this might not be a complement but i really do wanna know so if u do know anything please help me…
Hello I watch the show and would love to know if another season is in the works. I have 3 daughters and we enjoy watching together. If another show is going to be scheduled I would like the link to trying out for the show. Our family would love to travel and perform.
Sure, it’s a little cheesy. It reminds me of the family season of the Amazing Race. The challenges can be as hard with kids in the race, but it was fun. I am going to keep watching it for now.