ABC Family has cancelled The Lying Game after two seasons and 30 episodes. The last episode aired on March 12th.
Actress Alexandra Chando broke the news via her Instagram account and wrote, “To our awesome #lyinggame fans, thank you for these two amazing seasons. Unfortunately, Abc Family has decided not to bring us back for a third season. We so wanted to do 10 more for you guys! Thanks for your support and keep up with the cast to see what’s next for us! Xx.”
What do you think? Are you sorry that The Lying Game has been cancelled and won’t be returning for a third season?
PLEASE MAKE A THIRD SEASON. I loved this tv show series, but it is ridiculous how it ended abruptly. I would like to see Kristine find out about the twins, Emma and Ethan to get back together, and to find out who the killer is.
I am so disappointed that the show was cancelled for the third season. I stayed up for two days straight to watch both seasons on Netflex. It sucks it ended with Alec falling off the roof and Kristen not knowing about the twins……. and I would of loved to see Emma and Ethan getting together after all that they went through. Wow I can’t believe this ???? Please make a third season with a nice ending instead of letting all the viewers hanging. This was a great T.V. show it captured your attention through every episode
Are you kidding me??? I just watched this show straight through for two days–losing sleep because I couldn’t wait to see the next one–only to find out there is no ending??? Shame on you ABC…you stink!
why would the end it like that it was almost over there was no ending at all didn’t find out anything way to soon to say good by to the lying game it had no ending one of the best shows i miss it so much i think they were wrong for taking the lying game off without a ending
This sucks. They left it hanging. We never found out about Alec falling from the roof and Kristen never found out about the twins. I was waiting for the third season but I guess that’s not going to happen
I can’t believe this show was canceled!!! I was addicted after watching the first episode!! I couldn’t wait til the next!!! Ratings couldn’t have been that bad!! And no ending?! That’s just wrong!! It ended horribly without telling us how everything goes!! Curiosity is killing me!! I loved this show and all the characters!!! Please bring it back!!!!!!!! I could watch it forever!!!
This really sucks. I need for ABC Family to bring back The Lying Game. I really love that show. If nothing else season three should be made to end the show right.
ABC Family always cancels the good tv shows but leave the horrible ones why?
this is the biggest let down ever, i stayed up for 3 days watching it…why would u cancel something so awesome!!!!!! im so mad!!! ABC family sucks for taking it off :[
Not fair to put in all that time and have no ending .
I’m very upset at the way the show ended! You really need to make one more season to explain why everything ended the way it did? What was going to happen!? How there lives would end up like?! Explaining what happened to each character! Make another season! It’s not to late! I know at least 4 people that would watch it! & it seemed to do pretty well considering you made a season 2! How much of a failure could it be? See, since now you’ve waited so long, your fans, (plus new fans) (new publicity, more recent commercials) will… Read more »
I am so mad the is show was canceled. So show you should atleast finish the rest of it.. Who really did it??? This was the best show ever. You had drawn out the American teenage show???
Just stop watching ABC since they have no clue to what we want to watch,
I’ve been waiting for the show to come back. It was my favorite! So mad at ABC Family!
I just finished watching season 2 on Netflix and want to see more. How many other shows is ABC going to cancel in the middle? Makes me consider not watching all the shows that I watch on that station in fear of being left like this. This is not the first time it has happened to a show that I enjoy. They need to BRING IT BACK!!!!!!
You are so right.