Debuting in 1970, The Partridge Family ran for four seasons and 96 episodes. The series follows single mom Shirley Partridge (Shirley Jones) and her five children Keith (David Cassidy), Lori (Susan Dey), Danny (Danny Bonaduce), Chris (Jeremy Gelbwaks, later Brian Forster), and Tracy (Suzanne Crough) who form a rock band to support themselves. The band is booked by flustered manager Reuben Kincaid (Dave Madden).
Several songs from the show became big hits with “I Think I Love You” reaching the top spot on the Billboard charts. Cassidy and Jones were the only two members on the cast to actually perform the songs.
After the show ended in 1974, the entire cast took part in a strange reunion special a few years later called Thanksgiving Reunion with the Partridge Family and My Three Sons. The casts of both shows came together to discuss their shows and look back at clips. Dey appeared via a taped message but the rest of the Partridge cast were together in studio.
Several of the Partridge Family castmembers got back together this morning. Cassidy, Bonaduce, Forster and Crough appeared on NBC’s Today Show to reminisce about the series. Jones is in the midst of a 17 symphony concert tour and couldn’t make it. Dey hasn’t taken part in any reunions since the Thanksgiving one.
Unfortunately, 78-year-old Madden has essentially been retired since 2004. He was asked to take part in the reunion but lives in Florida and doesn’t like to fly.
What do you think? Do you think Dey will ever take part in a Partridge reunion? Would you like to see a reunion where the cast reprise their characters?
NOTE: Though the 227 reunion had been scheduled for Thursday, the Today hosts said today that it would take place on Wednesday.
Image courtesy NBC.
I don’t think Susan Dey will appear, especially after things written and comments made about her in The David Cassidy Story film and also Shirley Jones book. It must have hurt Susan as she is a private person.
Sadly I doubt Susan Dey will ever reunite for the same reason that she told to The Lost 45s Host of Barry Scott in 1988 on the more or less Nationwide Syndicated Radio show from Boston when there was talk of a Partridge Family Reunion in TV Guide in there Grapevine Section after I submitted the info to TV Guide When I Heard Barry Scott Tell of the news. “Yes there’s talk of this but Laurie Partridge is trapped in a time capsule in her her bell bottom jeans and is still 15.”Thus meaning as Susan Dey explained in other… Read more »
Hello my name is Romie Terrazas from El Paso, Texas and I would just love to say that I know that Susan Dey should be reunited with the Partridge Family. Because she was so very beautiful in the Partridge Family that she was very attractive the way she was in the Show. Also I know that the entire Cast should be reunited for just one Family Reunion Of The Partridge Family in 2011. Because that would be very funny and a blast from the past. Also it would show all of us how much they have grow-up from all these… Read more »
Yes, I definately will watch the reunion show.