On Monday, ABC unveiled their new daytime show, The Revolution, and the ratings were anything but revolutionary. One has to wonder if the execs are second-guessing their decision to cancel One Life to Live.
Per the ratings for Nielsen’s 56 metered markets, The Revolution debuted to a 1.9 rating. That was a drop of 21% from its lead-in which averaged a 2.4 rating. One year earlier, now-cancelled One Life to Live was averaging a 2.3 rating.
For the show’s second airing, The Revolution did even worse — dropping 16% to a 1.6 rating.
While it’s too early to tell if The Revolution will be a flop, this certainly wasn’t a positive start — especially considering Monday was a holiday and more people were home than is typical for a weekday. On the positive side for the network, new series is cheaper to produce than the soap opera that it replaced.
Created by J.D. Roth, sometime TV host and an executive producer on The Biggest Loser, The Revolution is a lifestyle talk show that shows five month personal makeovers in five days. The TV series is hosted by Ty Pennington, Tim Gunn, therapist Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, and exercise guru Harley Pasternak.
What do you think? Have you watched The Revolution? Do you think that it will be a success, even if it doesn’t perform as well as One Life to Live? Could this help save General Hospital?
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Image courtesy ABC.
These two new shows are a waste of time. will never watch them. im tired of being told what to eat,what to wear and how to cook…..the silly cast must be on something to propel them around like shrieking, giggling tornados….i bet they give free tickets so theyll have an audience. now abc has two turkeys that i hope will fold, as the song says.get lost abc…
ABC is fooling themselves into believing that we want to watch these types of shows. WE DON’T AND WE WON’T!!! If ABC wants to recapture good ratings all they have to do is put All My Children and One Life to Live back on…..even if it is in prime-time. However, for the shows to still be successful, they would have to renegotiate nice contracts for our actors who are moving on to do other things! The shows would not be the same if there were a new “Erica” “Tad” or “Opal” or new “Buchanans” or “Mannings” . It may be… Read more »
Well it might be cheaper to produce The Revolution but it wasn’t cheap to advertise for months & months which they were doing very little of for OLTL. I also assume ABC won’t be able to get as much for advertising as they did for a show that had 20% or so higher ratings. There is also the cost of viewers who are so angry with ABC over this whole mess that they have stopped watching the network all together. I guess in the end ABC will have to do the math and decide whether it was worth it!
BOO!! I am so sick of talk and reality shows; and for all the people who loved to watch ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIFE I’m there with you! So many are extremely unhappy with this. My TV is OFF!! This show SUCKS!!!
Just the news I was hoping for. I’d caught glimpses of “The Chew” while waiting for OLTL to begin and found it beyond tedious and mindless. I have absolutely no interest in “The Revolution”, especially since it has no interest appealing to me. As of this week, I rewatch DVDs and/or listen to music while home in the daytime. Bye-bye ABC.
I have watched AMC since the day it started and then OLTL since shortly thereafter. I record them daily and then watch them when I get home from work just like A LOT of friends and family. I wouldn’t watch The Chew or The Revolution if they were the LAST shows on TV. I hope ABC loses a ton of money because they have certainly lost a ton of viewers. Thank goodness we still have Y&R ~ CBS isn’t insane!
Right!! I wouldn’t have been so faithful to ABC and would have been watching Days all along if I knew they were going to be canceled.
I have absolutely no desire to watch this new show. I don’t need them telling me how to “improve” myself. I am just fine with me. I want the escapism that daytime dramas provide. I believe ABC/Disney made a huge mistake in the cancellation of the two iconic shows.
Ha Ha ABC!!! Why can’t you give the rights to AMC and One Life to Live back to Agnes Nixon? You should just have the screen black ABC to avoid this negative publicity!!!!
I watched AMC and OLTL for 40 plus years and you could care less!!!! Now I watch NBC Days. What a great soap! Their ratings are boosted because of your stupidity
I dont even watch GH on ABC anymore me and all my peeps watch it on soap net the internet is very powerful!!!! ABC and ESPN to you all i hope you lose your ass on this trick!
blitz » Soapnet goes off the air in a couple months.
If people don’t watch GH, they are hurting GH chances to survive…. Is that what you want – GH to be cancelled? Talking about cutting your nose to spite your face.
Glad they took my favorite soaps off the air so they could replace it with a BOMBER show! Well we all kn0w what Karma is, so hopefully they will learn and keep General Hospital and put Katie Couric in The Revolutions spot so she can BOMB too!!!!
what an awful show just as bad as the chew. I have quit watching ABC from 1-3
I didn’t watch this show, and WILL NOT WATCH ANY OTHER SHOW IN THAT TIMESLOT except for One Life to Live. With the death of my soaps, I have decided to tune out of ABC altogether.
Good for ABC!!!!! I hope they lose big time in the money department. They deserve everything they are going to get!!!!!
I started to watch it, but then found out that it’s exclusively for women. That leaves me out. Click.