On Monday, ABC unveiled their new daytime show, The Revolution, and the ratings were anything but revolutionary. One has to wonder if the execs are second-guessing their decision to cancel One Life to Live.
Per the ratings for Nielsen’s 56 metered markets, The Revolution debuted to a 1.9 rating. That was a drop of 21% from its lead-in which averaged a 2.4 rating. One year earlier, now-cancelled One Life to Live was averaging a 2.3 rating.
For the show’s second airing, The Revolution did even worse — dropping 16% to a 1.6 rating.
While it’s too early to tell if The Revolution will be a flop, this certainly wasn’t a positive start — especially considering Monday was a holiday and more people were home than is typical for a weekday. On the positive side for the network, new series is cheaper to produce than the soap opera that it replaced.
Created by J.D. Roth, sometime TV host and an executive producer on The Biggest Loser, The Revolution is a lifestyle talk show that shows five month personal makeovers in five days. The TV series is hosted by Ty Pennington, Tim Gunn, therapist Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, and exercise guru Harley Pasternak.
What do you think? Have you watched The Revolution? Do you think that it will be a success, even if it doesn’t perform as well as One Life to Live? Could this help save General Hospital?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I love the show.. please don’t take off. Only wish they would talk more about there work outs
I am a fan of the revolution. No, it is not One Life To Live which I watched since I was a teenager (35 years ago). But in an era of self serving egotistical reality based super celeb TV shows the revolution has come along with a desire and a mission to help and inspire average America you and me. I applaud the effort and hope that they find the formula for success. This is not fantasy or fiction, this is not self gratifying super celebrity. It is real life, real people, real you and me stories. Soaps are great… Read more »
I havent watched either the Chew or the Revolution. I refuse to watch either show and will continue to do so since it cancelled One Life to Live. I’ve seriously been watching OLTL’s reruns on the soap net instead of watching these stupid shows and I have to say a rerun from 6 years ago is a million times better than either of these shows. I think it’s ridiculous that they are cancelling shows that so many people relate to and have had in their lives for decades. Why not cancel some of the crappy shows they have on at… Read more »
One word for both shows…HORRIBLE!!!!!!! What on earth were they thinking getting rid of such good soap operas and putting this junk on! No one I know watch’s it!! No one!!
You had better bring back the soaps FAST!!!
The Chew is just a bunch of silliness. They are trying too hard. The Revolution is awful. We can watch HGTV and get the same info. What is wrong with the people who dream up this garbage. Bring back our soaps and let us enjoy TV once again.
This change is not the right one. What you had was the right shows.Now try to get them back, and your ratings well too.
I have watched both shows in an effort to try to like them. I can’t. The material is old and stale and been done before. If I have to listen to one more talk show tell me about life problems and health issues I’ll go crazy and I can watch the Food Network and the Cooking Channel to get my foodie fix. The Revolution is absolutely AWFUL!! Please a psychologist talking about how to work through your issues (she’s on TV people), a “fashion” guru please shoot me. A physician (aren’t there four of those on the “Doctors”?) and last… Read more »
This show is not worth the bus-fare to take me to the city to be tortured for 1 hr. WHAT BRIGHT MINDS THOUGHT THAT HOUSEWIVES, SENIORS ,EVEN HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE STUDENTS WOULD WATCH THIS SHOW???
i will not watch the chew pewwww and the revolution sounds like a stupid war game I am so fed up with abc that I am not watching any shows until they bring back all my children and one life to life if they don’t then Im out and will watch any other show instead of abc channels so consider me a lost and hardcore oltl and all my children and general hospital fan asta la vista abc shows……..
cancel both these losers. Watch the food network for cooking and hgtv for home and garden. We are so tired of so called reality shows, allow us a little time to fantisize with the soaps. I’m sure good writers can give us something to look forward to each day. I will not watch such stupid shows as the chew and the revolution. There are more channels than ABC.
CANCEL THE CHEW AND THE REVOLUTION. BOTH DUDS like the execs that put them on tv. Bring back what we really WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that is AMC and OLTL. THEN AND ONLY THEN WILL WE GO BACK TO WATCHING ABC. You need to listen to the viewers to be SUCCESSFUL.
Personally I haven’t watch either The Chew or The Revolution. Just watching the cuts they show advertising the shows is enough to turn me off. Yes I am an avid soap opera fan and very upset that you took All My Children and One Life to Live off the air. There are entirely too many shows like these two on the air now when you consider cable channels also. I hope they flop BIG TIME!
Awful shows. I miss good scripts and great actors. The producer don’t want to pay for things that is why they are producing these stupid reality shows!!
The Chew and The Revolution are horrible shows. We have enough food channels and watching people transform from fat to thin. These are the worst shows I have ever seen. It makes me want to throw up. I want to see the soaps back on. Need to see a story line and great actors, not reality shows. Terrible, Terrible.. Put those self help advisors on Dr. Phil or some place else!!!