There’s another casualty on network TV. CBS’ military drama, The Unit, has been cancelled after four seasons on the air.
The Unit revolves around an elite military unit and their civilian loved ones. The series features the talents of Dennis Haysbert, Regina Taylor, Audrey Marie Anderson, Robert Patrick, Max Martini, Abby Brammell, Michael Irby, Scott Foley, Demore Barnes, Alyssa Shafer, Danielle Hanratty, Kavita Patil, and Rebecca Pidgeon.
Created by acclaimed director and writer David Mamet, the series debuted in mid-season 2006. An average audience of 15.5 million viewers ensured a second season for the drama but year two didn’t go as well, attracting 11.1 million viewers. The show has continued to decline in the ensuing years and season four has averaged an audience of 9.67 million. Though the overall viewership isn’t too low, the series does skew older. The average age of The Unit’s viewership is about 55.
The series has been “on the bubble” for awhile and many took it as a bad sign when showrunner Shawn Ryan signed on to helm FOX’s Lie to Me. Ryan however maintained that he would continue on both shows if The Unit was renewed. He’d previously performed double duty while working concurrently on The Unit and The Shield.
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Like most of the networks’ actions these days, the decision to renew or cancel came down to finances. CBS had asked for all of its shows to reduce their budgets. The Unit is actually already cheaper to produce than it looks. Shot primarily in Southern California, it costs less than $3 million per episode to produce. That’s about half as expensive as other primetime dramas.
A couple weeks ago, Haysbert told the LA Times that he was unsure if he wanted the show to come back if it meant making too many creative and salary concessions. He said, “There are a number of factors that go into whether I want it back or not. It’s been a great ride and, if I don’t work with these people again, I’ll certainly play golf with them.”
In an age when the networks and studios have to watch every dollar, they’ve all been favoring renewing shows that are created by sister or in-house production companies. Since 20th Century Fox TV produces the show, the network wouldn’t benefit if the show went into syndication.
Prior to the cancellation news, Gary Newman, chairman of The Unit’s studio, said, “For the CBS viewer, this show is unique. The audience may not be huge, but there’s going to be enormous disappointment if it goes off and it’s replaced with one more procedural or forensics show.”
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Image courtesy CBS.
So sorry to see an excellent series cancelled. Our children and their neighbors had just discovered after we shared with them. They loved it. I hope CBS will reconsider and keep a quality drama on.
Thank you.
My husband, a soldier, and I watched this show religiously and are sorely disappointed that they cancelled The Unit. It was a smartly written and the cast was perfect. I now have no reason to watch CBS.
Why would CBS want an intelligent show like The Unit with extremely talented actors, great story lines, and creative producing and directing? Executives at CBS must get paid well for stupidity in action.
As a former military person… I loved the show…CBS should rethink their position on cancelling The Unit… In the day of reality show overdose…and 24(jack Bauer) saving the U.S. from the enemy trying to destroy us with nukes…Its refreshing to see a well tuned operation being carried out consistant with the way missions are carried out in todays military…CBS you r on to something…with better advertising, and a consistant time slot, u can knock 24 off its beat…Try it one more season , it cant hurt..
Another great show trashed. This show had it all, suspense, drama and even funny from time to time. Example: Who would have guessed that Colonial Ryan would be caught walking out of the hotel room with Tiffy byone of his own men? That was suspensful. But now cbs can make way for another retarted reality show or whatever else bullsh^t show to put on. Truth be told that was the only time I watched cbs. And now they lose another viewer. BONEHEADS!!
I can not believe that CBS cancelled The Unit! I am a female that does not usually watch these kinds of shows but I watched this show and I loved it! CBS is making a huge mistake by getting rid of it. I for one am tired of all the hospital and lawyer series that are on every station! CBS get some gonads and leave The Unit on and give it a chance!
They has to get rid of it, it didn’t have any f@gs on it so CBS had to replace it. I bet the new show will be about White hating Homosexuals who spend all day making fun of God, America & the Church while worshiping Obamass – you know just like the CBS Evening news.
I think CBS is not controlled by the same moron that sent Disney into the tank.
You have got to be crazy!! The best and most entertaining show on TV. Put it back to its old time slot. I have no faith in you CBS. I guess now we can expect some more of your mindless reality TV shows for teens. You suck!!
The Unit’s cancellation is one of the biggest disappointments at this house. We don’t watch a lot of television – but – this is one of the only shows that we have ever watched as a family. 5 kids and all! It was always top notch and we looked forward to viewing it every week. We are so digusted about this, that we will not watch any of your new or old programming. My kids all said – why can’t they get rid of all those silly reality shows – I AGREE!
How soon You seem to forget about a little show called M*A*S*H. It didn’t get the best ratings at first and you gave it some time and then the rest as they say is HISTORY! So how about giving The Unit the same chance. I think it will be as good if not better as M*A*S*H.
This program ROCKS and you want to cancell it. You people are out of your freakin minds. It was working great on Tuesday night. Then screwed it up by moving to 10 oclock on Sunday.Try listening to the viewers for once, We know what we like and this show is AWESOME! For once try not to screw things up. If it ain’t broke, then don’t F**k with it.
This is crazy!!! I have seen every episode in order from day one… Now in one of the most tense moments in the best season YOUR GONNA CANCEL…. I mean Good God!!! With some of the best actors in hollywood, inexpensive to make, and finally a show that gives just a glimps of the reality that our Men and women fight for every day…. So now I have to sit and watch CSI and decide if it was the mother who killed the son or if it was an overdose of drugs….. REDICULOUS … Can’t say I shouldn’t have seen… Read more »
i cannot believe it is gone, what a terrible decision. I am done watching CBS, first Jericho and now The Unit. At least give it one final season to bring it closure…
Jherico! AND NOW THE UNIT!! ARE YOU SERIOUS. What a bunch of EDIOTS.