Network: FOX
Episodes: 26 (hour)
Seasons: Two
TV show dates: January 25, 2012 — May 10, 2012
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: Kiefer Sutherland, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, David Mazouz, and Danny Glover.
TV show description:
This super-natural series follows seemingly unrelated people all over the world whose lives affect each other in ways seen and unseen, known and unknown.
Martin Bohm (Kiefer Sutherland) is a widower and single father whose haunted by an inability to connect to his emotionally challenged 11-year-old son, Jake (David Mazouz). Caring, intelligent, and thoughtful, Martin has tried everything to reach his son. But Jake never speaks, shows little emotion, and never allows himself to be touched by anyone, including his father. Jake is obsessed with numbers and writes long strings of them in his ever-present notebooks and with discarded cell phones.
Social worker Clea Hopkins (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) believes that Jake’s needs are too serious for Martin to handle. She sees a man whose life has become dominated by a child he can no longer control. She believes that it’s time for the state to intervene. So, despite Martin’s desperate objections, Jake is placed in foster care.
Everything starts to change after Martin meets Arthur Teller (Danny Glover), a professor and an expert on children who possess special gifts when it comes to numbers. Martin learns that Jake possesses an extraordinary gift — the ability to perceive the seemingly hidden patterns that connect every life on the planet.
While Martin wants nothing more than to communicate directly with his son, Jake connects to his father through numbers, not words. Martin realizes that it’s his job to decipher these numbers and recognize their meaning. As he puts the pieces together, he will help people across the world connect as their lives intersect according to the patterns Jake has foreseen. Martin’s quest to connect with his son will shape humanity’s destiny.
Episode 26 — Leviathan
Frantic about the kids, a concussed Martin leaves the hospital with Trevor. He finds Jake’s note in his pocket: 318, the beginning (and end) of the Amelia Sequence.
On the dock by a freighter named Leviathan, Aster Corps chief counsel Larry tells Nicole Farington the $40-billion loss will be revealed tomorrow, and it’s the beginning of the end. She says their fortunes will be reversed once the sequence is complete.
Tanner the hired thug delivers Jake and Amelia to Farington. Larry’s not joining them on the ship, and she gives him a black backpack to hold onto.
Calvin visits his brother, whose health is declining, and promises he’s close to a solution. He joins Farington and Dr. Linus on the Leviathan, where he’s pressured to continue his work, to keep his brother safe.
Martin and Trevor find a glove in Martin’s wrecked car and take it to Detective Lange. A fingerprint lifted from inside is tied to five different aliases – but one has a street address of 318.
Meanwhile, Avram meets the rabbi in charge, who berates him for meddling with the destiny of the Righteous 36 instead of just observing and reporting. Avram argues that the Covenant of the 36 was meant to grow and change, as humankind has changed, but the rabbi shuts him down. He shows Avram the completed sequence, written in a book chronicling the 36. Now humanity will either move forward, or it’s the end of everything. Either way, Avram won’t be involved, because the rabbi makes him sit in a chair until he learns his place.
The 318 address belongs to Tanner, who arrives unexpectedly but is overpowered by Martin – who beats the guy bloody. When Trevor pulls him off, they notice Tanner’s wearing a wire. It’s an insurance policy, proof of his conversations with Farington. In fact, he has a treasure trove of recordings, including one with Farington ordering Tanner to get rid of Lucy. Tanner tells them where the kids are, and Martin calls Lange.
Posing as an EPA inspector, Martin boards the ship and shuts down the engines.
Despite the danger of inducing coma in the kids, Linus starts the process. Soon Amelia is in distress, and she meets Jake by the pond in her mind. She tells the distraught boy she can’t stay with him anymore and vanishes. The sequence completes, but the real Amelia is flatlining.
Martin finds the kids and attacks Linus. Calvin saves Amelia. Martin calls to Farington to turn on the news, and she sees a story about her ordering Lucy killed. The FBI swarms into Larry’s office, and Lange’s troopers board the ship while others arrest Tanner.
Calvin goes to William’s care facility, but his brother has died. When Lange comes to arrest him, Calvin sadly says he never meant to hurt anybody. He just wanted his brother back.
Amelia’s OK, but she can’t see the probabilities anymore. Martin says she can stay with them until he finds her dad.
Later, Avram visits Martin and explains he can’t be involved anymore; it’s not his place. He gives Martin the Tree of Life amulet, saying it wound up with Jake for a reason, just like the cipher. It’s meant to be carried by the protector of the 36. Martin says Jake isn’t even 12 yet. Yes, that’s why Martin should keep the amulet for now.
The FBI takes possession of the black backpack, which contains the cipher. It gets shelved in a government evidence warehouse . . . and the wheels start turning.
First aired: May 10, 2013
What do you think? Do you like the Touch series? Are you sorry that there won’t be a third season?
Enjoying this show, don’t cancel
This is by far the best show I watch, too bad no many care for it, and if it’s ratings don’t get up, it may be finished.
I think the show is amazing and has enough reality to make us realize people we think of as being deficient in intelligence actually have other ways of knowing things. To me it seems like it showing the abilities of Idiot Savants (I know this is a pejorative name but I don’t know another for it) have amazing abilities be we haven’t learned yet how to communicate with them. It’s the same as the fact that many people with learning disabilities have higher than normal IQ’s. It might not make sense but it is a fact.
I’m so disappointed in this show I can’t even talk about it to write my feelings…too many killings and noone can go to police to get help….Amelia’s mother is shot and killed and Astercore gets away with this!!!! This is just totally stupid! The guy who is out to kill everyone like Jake gets away again,and noone puts things together…no police or follow up on any of the deaths in this series….just stupid and too far fetched…..
The show doesn’t make sense anymore. The previous season was intriguing how they tied different people to related events. This season drags on will lose my interest soon. This week’s episode didn’t make sense. How can Lucy forget that these people took her daughter and believe anything they would say. She had the computer evidence and the kidnapper. All she had to do is call the cops. But here we go again, dragging this out. If next week doesn’t at least close that chapter, then I’m done with Touch. The first season was better in my opinion.
Love love love this show it is so different from the regular series so glad it has not been cancelled!!
[…] FOX network has announced some upcoming mid-season dates. The second season of Touch, the Kiefer Sutherland drama, will debut on Friday, February 1st. The 12th season of American Idol […]
[…] you were looking forward to watching the second season of Kiefer Sutherland’s Touch series, well, I’ve got some bad news for you. You’re going to have to wait a few more […]
Touch is an amazing show!!! THANKYOU for NOT cancelling it…Luv the series…Thankyou Fox!!!
I love touch and am so happy it was not canceled. My son is autistic and I love that shows like touch and alphas are out there for us to relate to better than non autistic families do.
LOVE the series! Excellent writing! Great choices on the cast members. Kiefer Sutherland, He is Great and so Talented! Bless them all. I will look forward to the return of the show!
LOVE the series! So happy it’s being renewed especially since a lot of my favourite programs have been cancelled
Unfortunately all the reality programs seem to have been renewed and I absolutely HATE them – my husband too!!! (I meant he hates the reality shows – I don’t hate him lol)
Excellent writing but the acting, particulary the whispering, gets on my nerves.
I Love” Touch” and Kiefer thay are both great. Thank Fox.
I Love Kiefer Sutherland He is Great! I really enjoyed “24” after it went off the air I watched the reruns.I have seen his movies on Encore! He is so versatile and talented. “Touch” is amazing . The story brings awareness to children who need extra love and special concern.God Bless them all. I will look forward to the return of “Touch” Peace! Miss Sandi O’Mery 6-12-12