Once again, the networks are heralding their new shows as the latest and greatest in television. Of course, once the ratings come in, the execs will quickly change their tunes and some TV series will be cancelled so quickly your on-screen TV listings won’t be able to keep up.
Now that we’ve all seen promos and ads for the new shows, we’d like to know which shows you think will be the fall season’s biggest success and biggest flop. We’ve listed all of the new network series below in the two categories below so vote away!
Note: Since the networks often don’t want to admit that a TV show’s a dud, we’re looking for the first TV series to be either cancelled or put on hiatus for more than a week.
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And be sure to take the polls about what you’ll be watching each day of the week: Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday.
What do you think? Do any of the new shows look like a big stinker right from the start? Which one(s) look like instant hits?
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Image courtesy FOX.
BRING HARRYS LAW BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of my all time favorites.Really miss the show….come on NBC. Kick yourselves and put back on!
Syfy should pick up Terra Nova, if they were smart.
I can’t believe some of the best shows of the year are even on this list. I have enjoyed the following shows and think that they have great writers that contribute very humorous dialogue with interesting story lines. I have a very crazy life-too much drama in it already. When I come home, I want to relax and laugh. It’s the best escape. My favorite shows: 2 Broke Girls, New Girl-(Love Zooey Deschanel), Suburgatory, Whitney. Even though these are not funny, they have humor and keep you interested, Grimm, Hart of Dixie and Once upon a time.
NBC Should be ashame of themseleves that still had on Whitney but they go and cancel Prime Suspect which was a great favorite. The wonder no one is watching NBC that much. Bring Back PRIME SUSPECT that was the best new show you had!!!!
It would be mistake if you cancel Ringer and Gossip Girl; please at least let Ringer have an ending before canceling it.
Too bad Terra Nova’s ratings didn’t live up to those numbers… It got 2nd place and 12%.

My opinion. Grimm, Once upon a time, and Terra Nova should stay. Revenge and Suburgatory will BOMB
I honestly think Ringer, Revenge, and Terra Nova will be the biggest hits (even though they already are) most of the shows on the list I’ve either never heard of, or are not my style… Of the above list my favs are: Revenge, Ringer, Terra Nova, Suburgatory, Prime Suspect, A Gifted Man, Once Upon A Time, Person of Interest, and New Girl.
I would really love TRAUMA be brought back! Really agree with the last person about giving the shows more time before they cancel them.
I think the girls have it this year.. Whitney, New Girl, and 2 Broke Girls were pretty darn good. Even the dramas have a lot of female leads..
You know, I remember when I was growing up how a channel would allow a show at least a full season to allow the viewer to properly judge rather it should be cancelled or renewed. Now-a-days it seems that if the viewer is not captivated by the first and second episode then the series is not worth keeping. What exactly has happened to society? Have people really become so impatient to the point where you need to keep them entertained every couple of seconds? Some of these shows premiered tonight and I look on here and see “Should it continue… Read more »
I want to vote for “Work It” as the first-to-be-cancelled. It’s not listed though… has it been mercifully cancelled before it even aired?
John » Sorry, no luck. They’re holding it until mid-season.
Pretty sure any show I think is phenomenal, they will cancel, with no notice and no closure.
Exactly the same for me lol
[…] to see the premiere of Ringer? What’s your gut feeling about the show’s chances? Cancelled first or biggest hit of the […]