If fans of CBS’ Vegas were hoping for some good news for the struggling series, it didn’t come last night. The TV show is even more certain to be cancelled now.
Vegas was one of the most-anticipated news shows of the 2012-13 season but, for whatever reason, it hasn’t done very well in the ratings.
Airing on Tuesday nights, Vegas premiered to a 2.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 14.85 million total viewers. It lost 20% of its viewership in week two and the numbers never went back up. After 15 episodes, it was garnering a 1.5 in the demo and 9-10 million. The total viewership is positive but CBS needs shows with better advertiser-friendly demo numbers.
The original plan was to launch Golden Boy in Vegas’ timeslot for a couple weeks and then move it to Fridays to take CSI: NY’s former timeslot. Golden Boy was performing better than Vegas so they decided to shift the latter to Fridays instead.
While this could be seen as a bad sign for Vegas, it actually represented a new chance for the drama to prove itself. It’s a good match for Blue Bloods and key demo expectations are lower are Friday nights.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working out. Last night at 9pm, Vegas drew a meager 0.9 demo rating with 7.59 million viewers. Both Undercover Boss (at 8pm) and Blue Bloods (at 10pm) did significantly better, a sign that viewers switched the channel rather than tune in to watch Vegas.
If there’s any hope left for Vegas, it looks like that it’s quickly evaporating.
What do you think? Should CBS keep trying to make Vegas work or should they cancel it now?
DO NOT CANCEL “VEGAS”!! It’s my favorite show.
Love the show Vegas. There are too many reality shows and not enough good dramas. Give it a second chance and pump up the story lines – we love the retro feeling.
Vegas is AWESOME! Why would you cancel a great show and leave on some completely stupid shows?! I couldn’t even get through the first episode of Golden Boy.
Please renew! Great show and acting wonderful! Forget anymore reality shows. Love the new intro for Friday night move. Praying it will be given another season to prove itself….please!!!!
Don’t cancel this great show! There are people watching who enjoy a show with a plot as opposed to the continued glut of dumb reality shows, who’s got or doesn’t have talent and the rest of the junk on tv!
Originally, I was not a fan, but now this is one of my favorite shows. Great actors, action, and a great period piece. What’s not to like. Please don’t cancel this show.
Don’t cancel this show! Give it a second season, and leave it in the same time slot. Great show.
Vegas is a great show. The actors perform very well in the parts they play. Get rid of some of those stupid reality shows and give Vegas a chance with a second season.
Please don’t cancel Vegas! More or better advertising should tune in folks to this terrific production with great actors.
I love Vegas and truly belive that it is to good to be cancelled. The show has great actors with great talent. I love the relationships between the characters and if they get rid of a show this should not be it.
Please do not cancel Vegas. I have watch every episode since it started. There are not enough great series shows left on tv. The show just needs some more action and high power celbs to make a visit.
We love Vegas! It ‘s so much better than a reality show.
Vegas is a great show. The best part about Vegas is that it reminds us of a much better America when the majority of Americans worked for a living and did not feel entitled to receive all of the numerous government handouts. Americans were then Makers rather than takers. It was also a time when America was led by real leaders with the experience necessary to be President. It gives us a respite from the present reality that America is run by a community organizer with absolutely no qualifications to be President and a man that is attempting to transform… Read more »
Keeping my fingers crossed that they don’t cancel this show, it’s great. If it does get cancelled they will probably replace it with some brainless reality show, sick and tired of those programs taking up air time instead of good shows like this. KEEP VEGAS GOING !!!!!!
The show started off a bit slow but midseason BAM!!! Totally hooked. Please, please give it another season….