Last season, The 100 dropped a bit in the ratings but other The CW shows saw much bigger losses. Will the show’s numbers continue to fall or will they rise? Cancelled or renewed for a fourth season? Stay tuned.
The 100 follows a group of young people who are sent back to Earth nearly 100 years after a nuclear Armageddon destroyed civilization. The cast includes Eliza Taylor, Paige Turco, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropoulos, Christopher Larkin, Devon Bostick, Isaiah Washington, Henry Ian Cusick, Lindsey Morgan, Ricky Whittle, and Richard Harmon.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
3/11 update: The CW has renewed this TV show and 10 others for the 2016-17 season.
5/20 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here.
For comparisons: The second season of The 100 averaged a 0.52 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 1.54 million total viewers.
Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you like The 100 TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a fourth season?
Was a fan since the latter half of season one. Season two got infinitely better with the show humanizing the grounders and exploring them more. Season three it’s like the writers forgot what they were building up to and let the show crash and burn because of their need to be called “dark and edgy”. The season already had a multitude of problems starting with 3×04 and the Pike and Bellamy plot which is the biggest pile of heaping garbage I’ve ever seen. They ruined Bellamy’s character for no good reason at all. Clarke was not Clarke for most of… Read more »
Pandering? Was it not pandering when the writers decided to dedicate half the season to a forced romance that wasn’t necessary to the goddamn plot?
No, it wasn’t pandering. You’re talking about a relationship that had been building since season two, long before the writers knew that Clarke and Lexa as a couple would even be popular. It makes sense for that to be repaired and build up again in season 3. It was also only in 5 episodes in which 4 of those centered around other plots and not the romance. Most episodes just had a scene of two of romantic undertones.
There was a lot that was forced this season but this wasn’t one of them.
No, it was pandering because 1) it wasn’t needed and 2) wasn’t built properly. There wasn’t any romantic development in season two (maybe two episodes, but that was it), the build-up mainly happened in S3 (which was significantly rushed, as what the whole season), after the writers saw the positive reaction to Clexa. I honestly don’t know how you guys think it’s realistic or possible that Clarke would fall in love so deeply in such a short amount of time with the woman who was willing to let her die. It honestly made no sense to me how quickly Clarke… Read more »
Clarke is disgusted by Finn (a man she supposedly loves) for killing (only!) 18 innocent grounders. She can barely look at him. When Bellamy helps to intentionally wipe out a 300 grounder army (who, may I remind you, is there to proect Arkadia from Ice Nation) in season 3, Clarke apologizes to him, takes his verbal abuse and all the blame in episode 3×05, and just accepts him back as part of the team with no reprimanding words about his part in the grounder slaughter. That doesn’t sound like pandering to you? Come on…
Clarke couldn’t look at Finn for a couple of days, but she forgave him pretty quickly. She was shocked that the guy who had preached peace had acted in such a violent manner. I wouldn’t say she was disgusted, I’d say she was in shock. Don’t forget that she did all that she could to keep Finn alive. You do realize Clarke was trying to emotionally manipulate him, right? That’s why she wanted to meet him: she knows she has power over him. Not saying her apology wasn’t genuine, but… she wasn’t innocent in that scenerio (and he wasn’t lying… Read more »
Plus Echo’s betrayal.
He didn’t have to trust Lexa he had to trust Clarke. Clarke trusted that Lexa would not betray her again. If Clarke and Bellamy have such a deep relationship that should have been good enough for Bellamy to not kill 300 people.
I might be wrong, but the last time Bellamy saw Clake before she returned to Arkadia was when she was captured by Roan. He didn’t know anything about Clarke’s relationship with Lexa.
Nope. He saw her in the Polis tower and he must had heard her tell her mother that she needed to stay in Polis to make sure Lexa did what she said she was going to.
Bellamy must have two brain cells to do what he did. There’s no excuse for what he did and it’s disgusting to me to see people blame Clarke for Bellamy’s actions because she wasn’t in Arkadia to babysit him. So gross.
By the way, she actually did scold him in 3×05.
I do agree with you that the season felt rushed but Bellarke has absolutely become pandering. The writers drove away a large portion of their audience when they killed Lexa so now they are turning to the other big ship. They pandered to the Clexa fandom and got a ratings bump in the beginning of season 3. The ratings went back down when they killed Lexa so now they pander to the Bellarke fans. There’s no need for either side to get upset they both got played. Bellarke should never happen now and no I’m not a Clexa shipper. The… Read more »
I agree. The pandered to Clexa shippers and now they’re doing the same for Bellarke. But, in my opinion, Bellarke makes more sense and was given proper development unlike Clexa. “…how could she even stand to be in the same room as Bellamy?” There is a very important difference between what Lexa and Bellamy did: Lexa betrayed Clarke, Bellamy didn’t. Yes, what Bellamy did was horrible but his actions did not directly impact Clarke (though they did have negative consequences). It’s like when Finn killed the 18 grounders; she couldn’t believe he’d done it, but she ultimately forgave him because… Read more »
I do agree that Clexa was not given proper development. I liked that storyline because it gave Clarke an equal. A leader who understood why she had to make hard decisions. Which is why I think Clarke forgave Lexa for the season 2 betrayal. She was doing whatever it took to save her people and Clarke knew exactly what that was like. Also I see where you’re coming from, but of course Bellamy’s actions directly impacted Clarke. Killing the 300 grounders sent to protect them turned the 12 clans against the grounders firmly. The grounders see Clarke as the sky… Read more »
I agree. For Bellarke to happen anytime soon would be predictable and quite frankly, a cop out. I wanted them to happen in season 1 because I thought Finn and Clarke was unnatural and Finn was a player who creeped me out. But when Lexa came into the picture, I realised gosh this isn’t just a teenage fling anymore, Lexa showed Clarke what real love is and they really did love and protect eachother. I could never have pictured Bellamy and Clarke having an all consuming relationship like that and I liked the fact that it was a complete plot… Read more »
Clarke fell in love with Lexa so quickly because she was the first person Clarke met (probably ever) that understood her completely and vice versa with Lexa. Lexa was not a bad person, she didn’t believe in half the cruelty or rules the grounders had, in any scene where she had to be ruthless, you could see it in her face that she found it hard. But as the Commander, people expected her to be ruthless to Clarke and the Sky people. They were seen as unwelcome visitors on earth, hey if your ancestors were left to perish in an… Read more »
This makes me really sad. Cause the first 2 seasons were really good. But season 3 just dosent feel like the 100. I think the writers are trying to make a show that every one is going to like. But they just need to go back to how they used to do it cause that was amazing. And it sucks how people are leaving cause their fav character died. Lincoln was my absolute fav character but I still held on to the show. Bur I must admit the writing this season isnt as good as the last two
This show sucks, I hope it dies.
Too bad it got a 4th season…
Not much of a feat when every show on the network got renewed. But I bet they can look forward to the lowest ratings yet for S4.
No one said it was a feat. miria was just stating a fact.
Settle down, fanboy.
Take you won advice, love.
I think it was great so i dissagree with u and cant weight for seanson 4 but people like u r going to make it that want it to continue r not going to be able to see it
Blame the writers and showrunner. They treated the fans like garbage and the fans are now rightfully revolting. It’s their fault no one elses.
This show is like the Titanic lol , can’t wait for it to be cancelled .
Hm, most of the CW shows dropped significantly in demo’s year to year change. As of today, The 100 is one of the three shows (the others are The Flash and Arrow) that dropped less than 10%. So much for a Titanic-like sinking.
That’s because the **** didn’t hit the fan until half way through the season. They lost a really good chunk of the audience after 3×07 but the demo could only change so much when the first half was rated quite good despite the awful Bellamy/Pike plot.
Next season they likely will not start off with anywhere near the high that season 3 started off because so many people have given up on the show.
And noone is expecting that.
Except the show went from doing 0.7/0.6 at the beginning to dropping straight down to a series low 0.4 and basically stayed there. It wasn’t until Lexa came back for the finale that it actually came back up to 0.5 It’s pathetic when you can pinpoint exactly when the series low started and why.
I’m not talking about Lexa. I just stated a fact that over all the show didn’t dive that much in S3 to call it Titanic-like.
You can barely count the first episode where people tuned in to check it out, then decided “not for me” and stayed away. To look at the second episode and onward is more realistic.
And if we’re talking about Lexa: LGBT+ community and many of those who sympathize with them didn’t watch live (or on any other online site where their views could be counted). And how many of those who actually watched live do you think are Nielsen viewers?
Look at the facts: The episode after Lexa died was the lowest viewed episode they’d ever had across ALL THREE SEASONS (at that point). Two episodes later they hit another record low and the episode after that yet another record low. In fact, at their lowest (3×11) they barely managed a million viewers… which btw is pathetic. The fact is the show was **** from the beginning of the season but a lot of people held on to Lexa and perhaps Clexa as the last enjoyable things left on the show. The minute she died there was no point in… Read more »
lol Season 2 ended with a 0.4 rating, and Lexa was around. Season 1 had the highest ratings overall with no Lexa. Stop the bull **** excuses
Uh, Lexa wasn’t in the S2 finale so I don’t know what you’re trying to get at,
Lexa and Clarke were my reasons for watching this show. Lex is dead (she had to leave but her pointless death was one of the worst scenes I have had to watch on tv in years) and Clarke has become a pod person, a shadow of her Season 2 self and everyone’s kicking ball. Other characters who had potential have been sidelined or given incomprehensible storylines. The ratings reflect the writing. Shame for the remaining cast but the show runner is to blame for the mess they are in.
The ratings reflect what happens when people don’t get what they want. Yes, the first half was pretty rushed and wasted time on things that didn’t matter. After 3×07, things got significantly better. The issue is that some people cannot bear the fact that their ship has sunk, that is what the ratings reflect. Because if the ratings actually reflected poor storytelling, they would have dropped in early Season 3.
WHY ppl just assume that every sh*t thing that is going on in The 100 today is something relative to Lexa’s death? I didn’t even care about her but I can cleary see that the plot line of this season since the focus become the COL had lost her track! But if diferent ppl say so they MUST have be a clexa shipper or wherever! Just admit that NORMAL PPL (the ones who give a damn at this cancerous thing called shipps) exist and have opnions based on facts. I miss the time when I could watch a tv show… Read more »
The ratings did drop in early Season 3. The premiere had a 0.67 rating share. After the disappointment in that episode the rating dropped to .55 the next week and never went higher than that since. The ratings follow a downward path from there. I was a fan for two seasons. Stopped watching after the horrible story line of the season 3 premiere.
Sorry, should have been clearer: significantly dropped. I don’t take too seriously the ratings of the first two episodes because the show has a pattern of losing a number of viewers in that time frame (S1 started with a .9 and was followed by a .74; S2 opened with .5 while the subsequent episode scored a .47). Prior to 3×07, the lowest ratings dropped was a .47 (strictly talking about S3). After Lexa’s death, the show hit an all-time low. After Lincoln’s death, the ratings dropped even more. “Stopped watching after the horrible story line…” I am aware you are… Read more »
The ratings only dropped because all the cry babies in LGBT community took it personally that Lexa died.
This season was horrible. Just because you were too blind to see how terrible it was doesn’t mean other people were.
It was pretty terrible. But it’s funny how some people didn’t seem to notice how terrible it was until after Lexa died. After she was gone, people were pointing out flaws left and right.
My guess is, if she had lived… those people would have turned a blind eye to the horrible storytelling this season.
And yes, I am aware some people left before Lexa was killed off.
Now that’s not true at all. Loads of people were talking about the awful Arkadia storyline and what they were doing to Bellamy’s character (basically invalidating all of the character development he received in season 2) back when 4/5 were airing. Nobody was happy with that storyline because it dragged down the entire show and there was nothing to be gained by it existing. Also lots of us weren’t happy about Lexa’s quick turn from Blood Must Have Blood to Blood Must Not Have Blood in episode 5 which was blatantly done just to save Pike and Bellamy lives. I… Read more »
That may not be true for you, but that’s what I experienced.
I came to this conclusion by interacting with a portion of the fandom. The people I talked to saw the flaws, but didn’t care much because they still had Clexa. Once Lexa was gone, these same people began to heavily trash the show.
Funny how you think that 0.3 dropped they had in demos all came from LGBT households. Apparently there weren’t any straight people who liked Lexa, or any people who were offended by the storyline at all.
Oh, what an interesting situation) It now appears, that Luna and an old The 1OO team can’t attract an auditory) I wish raitings could decrease more (1 mil for example). Jus drein jus daun, Rothenberg.
You do realize this show still has a cast and still has a crew the only reason why the ratings are going down is because of you guys just cause your fave died just take a break stop ruining the show for others
But those same people are the reason the ratings increased in the first place. It certainly wasn’t because of the amazing story telling this season. If people came to the show because of Clexa you can’t honestly be surprised that they didn’t stick around.once she was gone. Also I have a hard time believing it was only Lexa fans they stopped watching.
It is clear that the ratings have dropped since the death of Lexa and Lincoln and the plot holes, which more and more people are noticing as season 3 goes on.
no, its having the typical springtime slumpl, like every other show around. Season 2 also ended with a 0.4. Season 1 had the highest ratings with no lexa around.
Yes, The 100 ratings are down like every other network show. It is not because of a springtime slump as you say. It is because each season viewers have more and more viewing options whether it is Hulu, Netflix or whatever else is on cable. So, it obvious that the network show are having a harder time competing again the other sources. With that said you can not compare the rating of The 100 season 1 because there was less viewing options in 2014 so a rating of .06 for that time was bad but looking back from what it… Read more »
Someone actually made a graph that the finale withstanding (where Lexa came back) – this show had a near 50% drop. The only show doing worst than it was LoT and that was mostly because it’s a new show and new shows drop. Even Crazy Ex didn’t have a big of a drop as The 100. How can anyone even deny the fact that the both times the show hit SERIES low, it was the episodes after Lexa left and the episode after Lexa died.
Maybe because the series low wasn’t the episode after Lexa died (3.08).
I preferred Kass Morgan’s books to be honest. This series bears almost no resemblance to them and I’d be outraged if I was the author. The first two series where quite good but the whole Silicone Ally/AI chips in heads story line has turned me off this show.
They always start coming up with abstract, convoluted stuff like this when they have run out of idea’s. Remember Lost. This is what this show is now starting to remind me of.
The TV show is very loosely based on the book(s). When Jason Rothenberg wrote the pilot, there were only a few draft chapters existing. He used some character names and the overall plot, but that’s it. Kass Morgan wrote the book(s), Jason & Co. wrote the TV show, simultaniously and more or less independent of each other. That’s why they aren’t alike and you can’t compare them. I think one of the best examples of how different they both wrote the respective medium and the characters is book-Octavia/show-Octavia.
I’ll probably carry on watching. I have a bad feeling that they have messed it up though. They should have kept it as an adventure/rivalries between members of the group type story. There are too many outside characters, locations and back stories now. With the whole City of Light thing thrown in as well I have a feeling it’s going to turn into a big, inexplicable and convoluted mess.
We’ll see.
Since the CoL storyline most likely will be concluded by the end of the season, I don’t see any mess coming out of this. I can’t speak of their other ideas for S4 though, obviously. But I think they’ll go with a smaller cast, maybe the core 100, or better what’s left of them, and one big storyline. I’d love to see them discover their world in an even wider range as they did already, maybe find other people outside of the 12 clans who’s culture is more, how can I say… industrialized, or technologized. It depends on how far… Read more »
The book was written after the the TV show started filming. They just based it off of the characters, ideas, and name
This show is great, it’s really taking a step forward in the sense that it’s not afraid to kill of characters. The story is getting more interesting and the production value has gone up. I just hope that the people that are only here for the shipping don’t give the rest of us a bad name, by constantly attacking the production team and the actors, get over it when a character dies, when they die they aren’t coming back. It also doesn’t help to attack others cause they killed your favorite, I had favorites too, but I never went berserk… Read more »
agree ! don’t ruin the show because finally its not your type of show….t’here is peoples who still love the show and can get over those death.. I like the the 100 atmospheres/worlds and i prefer the 100 than game of thrones (i love got too)
I definitely agree. I can’t believe that was even an issue. Her sexual orientation had nothing to do with her dying? People are crazy. This show is fantastic.
I really loved this show. The first and second season were good. The third was good until they killed Lexa. Then they killed Lincoln after he had a boring story line? It’s so hard to hold my internet now. Besides the fact that they killed off two fan favorites. Where is everyone else at Abby just disappeared for a episode without any explanation? Indra said she’s going back to the capital for no reason then disappears? They had Monroe for no reason go team Pike right after she was standing side-by-side with Lincoln at the gate to stop Pike from… Read more »
Look at them ratings go down, hope you’re proud of yourselves, showrunners.
This show would be doing better if it wasn’t for every single character acting OOC. Seriously, most of them are almost unrecognizable. Hopefully, now that what’s left of the 100 is back together, the show can start picking back up.
One of my favorite shows. I hope it continues for many seasons.
I was a fan of this show for first two seasons. First episode of season 3 was so bad for so many reasons I haven’t bothered to watch again since. The Jasper character had been growing, first episode his character is ruined. Clark is suddenly A dark Tarzan able to kill a jaguar with just a knife. How and when did she learn that? Octavia. A girl who lived hidden in a room on a space ship is now fluent in grounder language, customs, etc and criticizing a life long grounder for not being true to HIS culture (does she… Read more »