The eighth — and very possibly final — season of 24 kicked off last night. As is typical, poor Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) is in for a very bad day.
This season of 24 is set in New York, giving the cast and crew a very different backdrop. Cherry Jones, Mary Lynn Rajskub, and Annie Wersching are back as series regulars. Others in the cast include Mykelti Williamson, Chris Diamantopoulos, Katee Sackhoff, John Boyd, Freddie Prinze Jr., and Anil Kapoor. Elisha Cuthbert and Bob Gunton are back in recurring roles and hopefully fan-favorite Glenn Morshower will also put in an appearance.
It looks like a very real possibility that this will be the final season of 24. FOX Entertainment President Kevin Reilly noted that season eight is the last season under the network’s current contract. He said, “There are a lot of moving parts, so we’re not sure what will happen after that.”
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A lot of that has to do with Kiefer Sutherland’s willingness to continue doing the series and he has mixed feelings. He recently told Parade, “What’s important to me is maintaining the quality of the show. It’s not about whether people are going to watch it or not, it’s whether we feel the show is about to take a dip. That would be when everybody would want it to end.”
The actor continued, “I would love to do 24 until I was 60, but I don’t think anybody would accept it. Part of what’s driving us is that we believe that we’re capable of making a perfect season. I don’t believe any of us have felt that we’ve done that. And every year we’ve learned something that made us go, ‘Oh God, I wish I could fix that or do that better.'”
What do you think? When should Jack’s story end? Has the series “jumped the shark” already or could it go on for many more years?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Why do top people take a program that is the most exciting and intence show ever made and want to stop when people love to see Jack and what will happen next. To give this up is insane. I look forward to each new show and the rerun as well. Jack should see what terrioust is putting the end to the most innovative show on TV. I talk with other views about the show each week. Please don’t take 24 away.
The show could continue on FOREVER in my view.. Even when it’s predictable, it’s far better than anything else on tv..
I thank 24 should stay on air. My grandson and I look at 24 every week.
This show goes down with the other great shows on tv. The writing has been fantastic and the crew couldn’t have pulled it off any better. Each episode left me wanting more. And I agree that one hour would pass very quickly! Each and every one of you will be missed. Good luck on your next journey. And thanks for the memories.
My husband and I have watched Jack from the beginning – 24 is the best show on Fox – please don’t cancel it!
KEEP 24 KEEP 24 There needs to be another season, This series needs to continue on just like those old tyme soap operas on daytime tv. I look forward to Monday Night 24 , I look forward to Jack and his ideals, I look forward to the twists and turns this series takes – It is one of the Few worth the time to watch. Don’t End the Series, Keep Kiefer on as Jack – Keep the action going.
Let me start by saying I love 24. I own all the seasons and have watched all the episodes. That being said, from the beginning of this season, it felt like a final season. Still good mind you, but final. And if they can’t come up with any more outstanding ideas that the show has been known for, and then put out a just average 9th season, we would probably wish it had ended this year. It is better to end on top than waiting for people to wonder when it will end. So if they can come up with… Read more »
Please do not cancel 24, it is one of the best shows on fox , and alsoone of the few shows (on any net work) that I reguarly watch.
Please do not end “24”..Keifer Sutherland is a remarkable actor… can never grow tired of the role he plays. Keep Keifer on tv for all of us fans……………………….PLEASE…PLEASE..PRETTY PLEASE….
I think the part of Renee Walker is what threw it off. Chole is great. I am sure the writers can keep this show going…Fans unite…we need Jack….
I agree Bob.
a half decent season of 24 is better then 80% of the rest of the stuff on TV..
I love 24 and have seen every episode from the beginning. So far, this season is below my expectations. Each episode has to be a power puncher with a surprise, a twist. Jack has to be a little less predictable, letting his emotions run away from him like when he tried to bull past security at CTU to pull his past love away from the Justice Department interviewer. He wasn’t going to get away with that. Keep with the strengths it’s shown in previous seasons.
i think the greatest mistake fox will ever make is to take out 24.i mean it is the best film ive ever seen all my life.good story.great actor.i mean it the the best of everything in movie.what a good work from fox cant believe theyre gonna drop it like dat.
Yes, please give us a 9th season. Kief is great actor, stuntman and Ex Prod. We wish our USA had an actual person to go after the terriorists here live Kief’s Jack. The heads of the show NEVER should have taken James Morrison out. 24 really needed him. And important – No Kief – no 24. It’s Kief’s show – bottom line. All agree w/that.
Please continue 24. It is my favorite show.