(Simon Mein / NBC)
How do Dalton, Campbell, and the team handle their mission in season one of The Brave TV show on NBC? As we all know, the Nielsen ratings typically play a big role in determining whether a TV show like The Brave is cancelled or renewed for a second season. Unfortunately, most of us do not live in Nielsen households. Because many viewers feel frustration that their viewing habits and opinions aren’t considered, we’d like to offer you the chance to rate all the season one episodes of The Brave for us here.
An NBC undercover military drama, The Brave stars Anne Heche, Mike Vogel, Natacha Karam, Demetrius Grosse, Noah Mills, Hadi Tabbal, Tate Ellington, and Sofia Pernas. The series centers on Captain Adam Dalton (Vogel) who leads his Special Ops squad on dangerous field missions across the globe. Back in their Washington D.C. headquarters, D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricia Campbell (Heche) oversees the unit which provides support and analysis for Dalton and company. While this elite team usually faces seemingly insurmountable odds, they are dedicated to completing their missions successfully, regardless of the dangers and challenges thrown at them. **Status update below.
What do you think? Which season one episodes of The Brave TV series do you rate as wonderful, terrible, or somewhere between? If it had been up to you, would NBC have cancelled or renewed The Brave for season two? Don’t forget to vote, and share your thoughts, below.
**5/11/2018 Status Update: The Brave has been cancelled by NBC after one season. Details here.
I live in a Nielsen household and all four of my family love this show. Being a former 10 veteran of the Australian SAS I find the action very relatable along with the other new show Seal Team.
Thank you for your service
Absolutely love this show. It has become my favorite show of all the shows that I watch. Great storyline each week and each actor brings their own unique talent to the team but collectively they just gel so well together. I so look forward to Monday’s so I can watch The Brave. PLEASE do not cancel this show but RENEW IT FOR SEASON 2.
RENEW Dont think it was fair that cancellation was given announced after the very first episode
This is an extremely exciting and entertaining show, my wife and I look forward to watching it every week. The show DEFINITELY deserves to be renewed, please do not cancel.
The BEST SHOW!!!!!!! The other networks are keeping Valor and Seals which are AWFUL!!!!! One all about family and squabbles among the team and the other is about sex with other members of the team! The show is about the mission and each member of the team and their strengths! Hopefully someone at NBC will read our comments, although doubtful since any show I like is cancelled because it is not about sex and drugs.
I completely agree Gail!
Could’t Have said it better! Of the 4 “military” shows this season, this was the only one worth watching because it wasn’t muddled up with a bunch of side stories. Please, please renew!
Brave is a good show better then seal team no need to cancel.
-I agree 100%. I looked forward to watching it.NBC needs to renew!!
Agree best of all of the other network shows like Seal Team & S.W.A.T
I completely agree!!
Well said! Agreed.
So very true!!!!
Agree, Gail! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a well-written, well-acted, well-thought out program on cable. I feel it’s up there along with West Wing, CSI and original NCIS. Characters believable and you end up caring about them. Some episodes have been real cliff-hangers! Please NBC, keep The Brave on! Thank you!
Completely agree. Please don’t cancel! An earlier time slot would give The Brave a better chance at surviving!
This show is absolutely amazing
You express my family’s sentiments exactly! I hope that NBC execs are in tune with fans that appreciate and are faithful to a show of this caliber, and promptly announce renewal for another season.
1. Sign the petition and leave a comment:
2. Contact NBC at the following link and tell them.
3. Use the #RenewTheBrave hashtag as much as possible on Twitter and Instagram.
Gail I agree, bring back The Brave!!!!
Actually, Seal is The right stuff dealing with reality. But I agree BRAVE is the best showMike Vogel is the focused one and The reality of the gunfights of Special ops so far, But Seals shows the real deal how SEALS train.
So true!
I ahree. Valor, OMG. Snore!!!
Could not agree more! My thoughts exactly.
I agree!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this show….Best new show of the year in my book. Even tops most of my old shows that I have watched in the past.
So agree with you! Best show in a long time!
This is a fantastic new show w/a wonderful cast!
Excellent show. THE BRAVE has great actors. Truly enjoy the show’s suspense. Cast and writers have created one of the best shows this season. THE BRAVE should definitely be renewed for a Season 2.
I agree the best show on TV. I hope NBC renew for season 2
Love this show, NBC must renew it, much better than Seal team!!!!! Give it a full Season
Couldn’t agree more. They have such great chemistry with each other.
Excellent show, great actors, consistently good writing…if they cancel this show it is strictly about money, and not quality or substance! Which seems like the theme for many things these days. Get rid of those crappy reality shows that don’t boaster anything positive or creative, any no talented idiot can jump up and down, call names and be a jackass… For God sake show some b***s, keep the show on!!
Yes, please! Get rid of some of those silly shows and keep the well written smart “BRAVE”
Great new show! I just hope NBC doesn’t cancel it before even giving it a chance.
I am with everyone, NBC need to put THE BRAVE on Tuesday night. NBC move Chicago Fire on Thursday nights. THE BRAVE is the best show ever. I am sick of show we like to witch get cancel and never have a change to see if show will ever catch on. I love the brave because it show how people can fight and make a difference in the world. Everyone need to let NBC know how you guys feel. Contact NBC know how we feel..
Sure hope they keep The Brave – it’s one of the best new shows out there. Maybe it will catch on and be renewed. Great show!
love the show. hopes it gets a second sason
This show is so good & suspenseful! I really like the characters too. I hope that word spreads
Wow…Such talented actors, writers, filming,sound, etc… Sure hope this is a keeper…
I thank we the viewer should matter. It is good to see that someone have us vote. This is a good thing to do. NBC just went make money.
Love this show!
love this show!! Look forward to Mondays because of this show!
I love the Brave Please bring it back next season
The Brave is my favorite show. It is so much better than Seal Team. Please renew it! I was hoping that we would see more episodes since January.