Self-help author Tony Robbins has moved from infomercials to primetime. Are his series’ ratings positive enough for the TV show to stick around?
In Breakthrough with Tony Robbins, the host helps families overcome tough life challenges so that they can heal, “break through,” and reach their full potential. Last night’s installment centers around Frank and Kristen Alioto, a California couple. At their wedding reception, he broke his neck in a swimming accident and was left a paraplegic.
While Robbins was able to help them, the ratings for the premiere were anything but positive. The first episode attracted a meager 0.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 3.13 million viewers (per the overnights). Those numbers put the program in fourth place for the timeslot in both categories. What’s more, viewership fell between the first and second half hours, a sign that those viewers probably won’t be back next week.
NBC commissioned six episodes of this series. With numbers like these, they surely won’t be ordering any more and it’s looking unlikely that the network will even end up airing all that they already have.
What do you think? Is Breakthrough with Tony Robbins worth watching or would you just cancel it now? Cancel or keep it?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Its clear that NBC did not put any effort into advertising this show. I know many fan of Tony Robbins would have watched like our family, had we known it was even airing. I found it by accident when channel surfing the ondemand section of my cable provider content. Now I findout that it is cancelled before it even had a shot at success. Shame on NBC. TV needs more shows like this not less.
Wow who is running NBC a bunch of monkeys.
Tony Robbins is Jesus.
I loved it. This guy is a one of a kind and has a gift. If he can share it with even these few people and help turn their lives around, then the show is a success
My sister told me about this show and said that it was so inspriring and that I just had to watch it. So for the past couple of evening I have been looking forward to watching this show and could not find it. So I checked on-line and was surprised to find that it was cancelled. Just from the description of this show that I got from my sister – I was really looking forward to seeing it (I had even told a couple of my friends to check it out). I prefer true and inspiring shows over alot of… Read more »
What a joke. How many shows had slow starts and been phenomenial finishers? This show would’ve been the “word of mouth” type but NBC is just too in the NOW to see that. Hope it goes somewhere else and then watch one of those decision makers get cancelled @ NBC. Great Job guys.
What a shame, Finally something worth watching and now it’s gone.
I have faith that Tony and others like us will find a way to share the gifts of wisdom.
Thanks Tony for this, and so much more you have given.
Robert Jewell
Wow! A show that I would block out time to watch. Tv is so boring. This was really something to come home to on Tuesday night. How funny that people would rather watch someone drink a rat that had been ground up in a blender than to watch someone like Tony. Keep up the good work Tony!
I too am disappointed with the decision to cancel this show. I think the show could have been filmed better. Each show was a life changing experience for the family and took place over 30 days. I found it was a lot of information to try and compact into a 1 hour segment. Personally, I think it would have been more entertaining if instead of each show consisting of 1 family it would have been better if each show would have featured maybe 3 families and the hour broken up into 20 minute segments per family. The shows could have… Read more »
In times like these there are several types of people, those who have been overwhelmed
by the recession and need help to pull themselves back up and regain hope,and unfortunatly
those who are attracted to the unreal plight of single people who think they can snag a perfect
mate on a romantic stage. Tony has been around a long time and helped untold numbers of
people. My vote is to let the show go on to those that need the lifeline.
Bill Smith
I am very disappointed in NBC for cancelling Tony Robbins show. With times like now, its unfortunate that they didn’t see the value. We need to see more good shows that focus on the positive and less of the negative. I think they should have continued to play the remainder of the shows.
I knew nothing of Tony Robbins, but I am sorry they cancelled this program. With a nation with so many hurting and suffering, this program shed a little light and alot of hope. We live in the greatest country in the world and at times our eyes are blind to how fortunate we really are.
I thank Tony for his attempt to help! Hope the 4 lost ephisodes are sold and show up somewhere for those like me, that loved the program.
Thank you Mr Robbins for caring!
Truly a mistake by NBC. Another game show will not bring America’s economy back nor help motivate those who are stuck out of their situation. At least air the six shows and let the viewers decide after seeing all of them.
I cant believe this show was cancelled!! I love Tony Robbins and I love his show!
I couldn’t be more disappointed in NBC! This show is badly needed. That’s right – a reality show that is badly needed. This is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. And to make it worse – it is intended to help people – you know – make a difference in people’s lives. And right now there are unfortunately a lot of people who need help, who are stuck in a bad place and need help getting themselves out of it and into a better place. I am embarassed by the notion that people value a show like The… Read more »
I cannot believe the show was cancelled. i actually teared up. what a tragedy!