Self-help author Tony Robbins has moved from infomercials to primetime. Are his series’ ratings positive enough for the TV show to stick around?
In Breakthrough with Tony Robbins, the host helps families overcome tough life challenges so that they can heal, “break through,” and reach their full potential. Last night’s installment centers around Frank and Kristen Alioto, a California couple. At their wedding reception, he broke his neck in a swimming accident and was left a paraplegic.
While Robbins was able to help them, the ratings for the premiere were anything but positive. The first episode attracted a meager 0.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 3.13 million viewers (per the overnights). Those numbers put the program in fourth place for the timeslot in both categories. What’s more, viewership fell between the first and second half hours, a sign that those viewers probably won’t be back next week.
NBC commissioned six episodes of this series. With numbers like these, they surely won’t be ordering any more and it’s looking unlikely that the network will even end up airing all that they already have.
What do you think? Is Breakthrough with Tony Robbins worth watching or would you just cancel it now? Cancel or keep it?
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Image courtesy NBC.
keep this show,it is many more people need to see it.there was not enough advertising before the show aired ,I saw only one ad,and had to look it up on the computer to find out what was going on,it is beyound inspirational.its life changeing please bring it back,and get the word out about it.I have since watching it loved it
Keep IT!! What’s wrong with people now a days? This is an inspirational show that can help you in your life and you choose not to watch it?! Yet you have all of these viewers watching Jersey Shore?! It’s very sad how our society is becoming more and more shallow minded. No wonder this country is in the state it is.
I love Tony Robbins, he is a very big inspiration in my life. I wish I knew he had started a tv show…It’s funny how I’m not the only one who didn’t know anything about the show either. Where was all the advertising for the show before it aired like they do with most new shows coming on. Almost evryone that I talk to are like me and didn’t know anything about the show till now. I feel NBC let the show FAIL by not promoting it better or even to allow it to finish out!
Someone should have investigated his background. That said, his show was the worst thing I’ve ever seen and I can’t believe a network allowed even one show to air let alone two. Glad to see they came to their senses.
What a fantastic show! Bring it back. Very inspirational.
Breakthrough is a very inspiring show and I was very disappointed that NBC didn’t give it a real chance. We need more of this than the other garbage out there. No wonder that America is in a downward spiral. The uplifting and inspiring shows that give hope are cancelled and the ones that bring us down and doesn’t have any value continue. Go figure.
I think that it is horrible that NBC would cancel this show. Tony is the #1 motivational speaker in the world. I didn’t even know that there was a show like this until the first one had already aired. I watch hours of tv a day too. I also listen to Tony probably 2-3 hrs a day. He is amazing!So I am guessing that it was not advertised well enough. I guarantee that it will get huge ratings if they keep airing it. BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!
Please keep this show on the air. It is just wonderful and inspiring and really hits home. There are so many awful shows and this one is so fulfilling to watch and we really look forward to seeing it. Bring it back!!!!!
I can’t believe NBC wouldn’t give Breakthrough a chance while those ridiculous Reality shows are being shown. Pretty soon we will have the air waves full of all 52 States with the WOMEN OF each state. For shame!!!!!!!!!!!
Ridiculous! Love Robbins! Finally a quality show, and they yank it! Can’t believe it!
Please keep this uplifting show on the air. So many others can benefit from the lessons learned.
I loved the first 2 episodes. So sorry it as canceled.
Tony Robbins is the best! He has helped my family through his books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc.
I love his new show can not believe we will not be seeing this wonderful new show. It is so uplifting. What can we do to help this show stay on the air? Extremely disappointed that it was canceled. Hoping NBC will wise up and bring the show back. Thank you for your time.
Love you Tony,
Loved this show and extremely disappointed that it was cancelled. Hoping NBC will wise up and bring the show back.