Positive thinking certainly didn’t help NBC’s new reality series, Breakthrough with Tony Robbins, in the ratings. The TV show’s been pulled after just two episodes.
In Breakthrough with Tony Robbins, self-help master Tony Robbins seeks to help ordinary people overcome big challenges so that they can begin living their lives to their true potential.
The first episode of Breakthrough got off to a very poor start with a 0.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic and only 3.12 million viewers. That put the debut in fourth place in both areas.
This week’s installment attracted about the same in the demo but total viewership fell to 2.76 million viewers. How low could the ratings go?
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We won’t get to find out. NBC has pulled Breakthrough effective immediately. They’ve replaced it with repeats of Minute to Win It for the foreseeable future.
This leaves four episodes of Breakthrough on the shelf, unaired. The network hasn’t made any indication that they’ll burn off the remaining installments. There is no way that NBC will be ordering any more episodes and the show’s been confirmed as cancelled.
What do you think? Did you like Breakthrough with Tony Robbins? Why do you think the show didn’t succeed in attracting more viewers?
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Image courtesy NBC.
WOW……We watched this show together as a family. We actually discussed the outcome and signed up for the 6 week challenge. It is awful that the people of America are so far off base that they do not see the need to change. The good book says people perish due to the lack of knowledge. What better way to learn and grow than through the experiences of others and being challenged to improve ourselves. Tony you are such an inspiration. Well, NBC, I assume you want us to hear more of your liberal news coverage of how bad/negative everything is… Read more »
I loved the show; however, I have to concede that it was quite slow at the beginning and stayed slow for too long. My family were shouting at the TV that this is too boring. I am in the background telling them to be patient, it will get better and it did. I wonder if TV watching in a time-challenged life has an expectation of instant entertainment. Maybe a show about fulfillment in life and how to better yourself just doesn’t cut it for the mass audience.
I hope they air the remaining shows even in a non primetime slot.
I used to be a trainer for Tony’s Life Mastery University in the early 90s. It was good to see him again in this setting. It’s too bad that today’s young television audience sees him as sort of an old “self-help guru.” After 25 years of being “Tony Robbins,” it’s hard for him to re-brand himself. Although he’s made mistakes in the past, I still have the highest regard for him as a strategist and achiever. I wish him well in whatever he does next and think that he will be truly inspired to prove himself again.
I have promoted this show to the many people that I have contact with daily (which are 100s) and also on my blog , since I accidentally caught the first episode. We were glued to the TV and could not wait till the second episode. Again we were riveted ! How disappointing that TV can not see the value of a positive message in these times of negativity and ridiculous TV shows that either degrade our intelligence or prove that the masses are not evolved enough to appreciate Tony Robbin’s work. It is truly a disgrace! Minute to Win It………….are… Read more »
I am so sad that this is not going to be on the air. Tony you rock and I hope you will air the rest of the episodes on your site because the first two were amazing! NBC you should be very proud of your choices. NOT!
I was prepared to hate this show, but thought it was one of the better shows of its type. That it was canceled after just two episodes simply attests to the short-sighted attention deficit disorder of America and especially of Hollywood: “I want exactly what I want, in exactly the way I want it, in exactly the time frame I want it in, or I’m outta here!” Thirty years ago, they would have moved the show to a different night or a different time slot, but not today. It’s all about quick money in Hollywood… no one wants to actually… Read more »
I love this show! I can not believe it is being pulled. I just called my sister in Charleston to tell her about the show and recommend she watch it next week. I then went on line to find out information for her and found out the show had been cancelled. What is NBC thinking, they did not give the show a chance. I am very disappointed.
I had the pleasure of seeing Tony Robbins in person just before the second episode aired. He explained that he had to fight the producers daily over how the show was handled. I don’t think that the public realizes that the conflict in most “reality” shows is manufactured. It’s a sad commentary that we have gotten so used to a shouting match/fight/back-stabbing preceding each commercial break that a true-to-life, honest, uplifting show can’t hold people’s attention. BTW: There were never supposed to be more than six shows. I hope the powers-that-be find some way for us to see the remainings… Read more »
NBC is being incredibly shot sighted on this one. Pulling the plug way too early on this program. This is a POSITIVE program with real value and insight. Just because nobody get’s “voted off the island” is no reason to NOT let this program find it’s audience. NBC did very little in the area of pre-promotion for the program. TV spots promoting the show only appeared a couple of weeks before the debut. The two episodes that ran told very compelling stories about people facing immense “real life” challenges. It’s a real shame that people won’t get to see the… Read more »
Sad commentary on today’s state of mind of viewers at large. That just illustrates why there is always ‘room at the top’.
You are the best Tony.
I liked the show and am very disappointed with the cancellation. There is a tremendous amount of info/follow-up video, etc., on the breakthrough website.
I liked the show. I guess I’m in the minority.
I loved this show! I was excited to see that Tony Robbins had found a place in the current season of worthless “talent” shows. I’ve been a huge fan of what Tony Robbins does for more than a decade. I only found this show by accident and feel that it got NO support from the network to promote it. This was a real, feel good show that was hung out to dry. Maybe the message was too smart for the masses. Not everyone needs judges telling them what to like. Bring it back!
The vast majority of people want TV to get AWAY from life, TV as diversion, TV as a mind-numbing drug-of-choice. The “masses” are not interested in improving and inspiring and transforming themselves–which is Tony’s forte, so maybe his message just can’t translate well to “Media for the Masses.” But it certainly works for me–thank you, Tony!! RRR
I love Tony. Rebacca YOU are VERY TRUE !
I saw the show and didn’t finish it. Tony seems very out of place being in a normal family’s home. I think his appeal is his booming stage presence and larger-than-life persona. It was also too slow of a tempo for Tony. He’s normally 200 decibels and 200 miles per hour. This tempo was like sitting in a Buick Regal driving through Canton, Ohio. It was like watching a videotape of Elton John shopping at Wal-Mart…a puzzling presentation to a Tony Robbins fan. Tony fans want to see him in his helicopter, or driving his BMW, or in his castle… Read more »