A prequel to the successful Battlestar Galactica series, Caprica has officially debuted on Syfy. Will it engender the same love and respect that BSG did or will viewers be happy to see it go?
While BSG revolves around Colony survivors trying to find the promised land, Caprica takes place years earlier, with humans enjoying the fruits of technology — and creating of the Cylons. The series stars Eric Stoltz, Esai Morales, Paula Malcomson, Polly Walker, Alessandra Torresani, Magda Apanowicz, and Sasha Roiz.
Caprica got off to a slow start on Syfy with an audience of 1.6 million viewers for the two-hour premiere. That’s well below some of the network’s other sci-fi premieres and average audiences.
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It surely didn’t help that the first half of the debut aired against the Hope for Haiti Now telethon that attracted over 80 million viewers on other stations. The premiere has also been available for sometime via other means; including a year-ago DVD release and various online outlets. Syfy estimates that some two million people have seen the pilot through iTunes and online streaming alone.
Syfy has ordered 19 more episodes for this freshman season so the next several weeks will really tell if fans are interested in the pre-BSG universe or not. The series has certainly gotten enough positive reviews from the critics.
What do you think? Is the Caprica worth revisiting week after week? As enjoyable as BSG? Cancel or keep it?
Image courtesy SyFy.
We should keep Caprica that show rocks. But i am most angry that Stargate Universe has been cancled.
Please don’t cancel Caprica. Every one we know watches it. It’s quite interesting.
SyFy does seriously suck. The are suppose to be a channel catering to Science Fiction, instead they give their Sci Fi fans Wrestling garbage. That is plain disrespect.
Caprica was an intelligent and interesting show. The problems with viewers were partially due to how they split the season and marketed the show. They could have given it more time and tweaked the show to help rating.
There is NOTHING on the SyFy channel worth watching. Caprica was their best show. SyFy and NBC are retards. You can take that Wrestling crap on a Sci Fi channel and stick it.
Caprica was the only thing on TV that I enjoyed watching. Seriously SYFY what the heck is your problem. You would honestly rather play wrestling then an imaginative awesome show. You guys suck I am going to cancel my syfy channel
have been searching for my tuesday night fix of Caprica but not being able to find it i went to the web and low-and-behold IT HAS BEEN CANCELLED…why???? best that Syfi had to offer…maybe it is just to advanced for some…there isnt much left on Syfi channel that i want to watch…
After the horrific Final season of BSG, and atrocity of a finale, I refuse to watch anything that has Ronald Moore’s footprint. If Caprica is axed, which I think is very likely, it will because too many fans of BSG were offended by the finale.
Well beyond anything a little inteligence might be neccesary to understand some of it so to some it may be difficult but as for the word frack apparently you all cant understand these are humans on another planet one we all supposedly came from but trhe thirteenth colony stayed there and that is supposedly ancestor language watch all bsg that word was made up in the 60’s or 70’s before the wonderful farscape etc and they tried to keep some of the story close to the original. Now I would love to see the sequel to BSG that mimics BSG… Read more »
Yes I think given enough publicity and time this will be a success like BSG I love it and will see all of them over and over again you arent counting how many in each house we all watch it and love it
I like Caprica better then the other new tripe Syfy has been dishing out…. I guess I just like a more intelligient story then most of their produced programs. Haven – first 1 or 2 ok some interest but then right into formula, set it up and write crap around it. I think it is different then Galactica and maybe people will develop more interest over time. I didn’t even know about BSG during the first 1-2 seasons and as soon as I could get caught-up was completely hooked. I think I remember X-Files being this way where it wasn’t… Read more »
I think Caprica gives us the prophetic vision of where we are headed. I think it is awesome and frightening. I think we should watch and enjoy and learn something from these parables of our future. Thank you Ron Moore and David Eick.
I totally agree with your statement.
What is Syfy going to run? I dislike their shows; i.e. Ghost Hunters, Scare Tatctics, Beast Legends, destination Truth. Those should be on the Discovery Channel anyway.
Why not Caprica? I watch religiously Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. I, also watched Battle Star Galactica, both TV Shows.
I also enjoy watching Haven, and the other scientific commnunity based program. Can’t remember the name of the show, but it was enjoyable.
If Syfy Fans like me want quality in Scifi shows then bug Syfy.com with complaints.