The alphabet is cutting the first season of Combat Hospital short by one episode, moving up the season (likely series) finale. ABC is cutting the 11th episode, “Brothers in Arms,” next Tuesday and will instead run the 12th installment, “Triage.” The 13th episode, “Do No Harm,” will wrap the season on September 6th.
The network hasn’t announced any plans to run the missing episode at a later date but that isn’t a surprise. Combat Hospital has been a disappointment ratings-wise and has been averaging a low 1.0 in the 18-49 demographic and 3.94 million viewers. Aside from Karaoke Battle USA, it’s the lowest-rated original series currently on the network.
The series is supposedly doing much better however in Canada, where it’s produced. While it’s hard to imagine that ABC would renew the show for a second season, Combat Hospital could continue airing north of the border. If it does, fans here in the states will likely have to wait until the episodes are released on DVD or watch/download them online.
What do you think? Does Combat Hospital deserve a second season or cancellation? Why do you think it’s doing better in Canada than the US?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I can’t believe they would dump this show after one season. I get insterested in a show and they always dump it. Combat Hospital should be renewed for another season. If they dump it I’ll never watch ABC again.
I’m sorry I meant ABC which is one notch above NBC
NBC shows it’s stupidity once again. Combat Hospital is one of the few shows this network has so of course cancel it so they can continue to be the worst network on TV, Behind even networks like lifetime, TNT, Comedy, Syfi and FOX. Keep up the great work NBC and hopefully soon you will fail completely.
I would think the show is doing better in Canada because many of the medical staff are written to be Canadian. Don’t think this SHOULD make a difference, from a purely logical standpoint, but it may in this case. I like the show, myself, and find this cutting out an episode in the middle really strange. Is there any management at the network, one wonders, or are foolish decisions just on autopilot? I certainly agree with the person who observed that the network could just as easily have aired the episode that’s going to be yanked on a Saturday. I’m… Read more »
i love combat hospital and they should keep it!!!!!
My husband and I are both fans of the show. Lots of opportunities for great story lines.
My husband and I are both fans of the show. Lots of apportunities for development
guess im weird. think its one of the best shows ever.
We like this show!
I’ve liked Combat Hospital so far. Granted I’ve only seen 3 episodes, but have the rest waiting on my recorder to watch. Was going to wait until season was over and watch them all one after the other.
Usually what I do anyways, but since S01 show, I like to watch the first 2 to see if I’ll like it. Ended up watching 3, but even if it is truly cancelled, I’ll still finish it all after the finale within a month or so.
Would really like to see this for a 2nd season.
I really think the show has potential….much better then the reality shows that are being pushed at us. Come on give it time….each series has to develop and I think this one has the ability to create, develop and grow…..lots of story lines
I like the show very much and would like to see it continue. I”m tired of getting interested in shows just to have them cancelled. Like Off The Map and The Cape. They could at least make a TV movie to complete the story line. Please reconsider cancelling Combat Hospital. Don’t add it to the DVD complete series with only one season. Why buy them when story lines are left open.
I too am tired of getting interested in shows just to have them cancelled. I agree and think it’s a great idea if the networks could at least make a TV movie of these cancelled shows to complete the story lines. I personally do not like Combat Hospital but I don’t necessarily think it should be cancelled either. I think Luke Mably was much better in “The Gates,” which also got cancelled.
I’ve watched the whole season, but I figured the show was toast from the beginning. It’s getting pretty easy to spot the ABC summer one-offs.
Because its boring.
I hate when they do that! I mean how difficult would it gave been to dump the skipped episode on a Saturday?!