The alphabet is cutting the first season of Combat Hospital short by one episode, moving up the season (likely series) finale. ABC is cutting the 11th episode, “Brothers in Arms,” next Tuesday and will instead run the 12th installment, “Triage.” The 13th episode, “Do No Harm,” will wrap the season on September 6th.
The network hasn’t announced any plans to run the missing episode at a later date but that isn’t a surprise. Combat Hospital has been a disappointment ratings-wise and has been averaging a low 1.0 in the 18-49 demographic and 3.94 million viewers. Aside from Karaoke Battle USA, it’s the lowest-rated original series currently on the network.
The series is supposedly doing much better however in Canada, where it’s produced. While it’s hard to imagine that ABC would renew the show for a second season, Combat Hospital could continue airing north of the border. If it does, fans here in the states will likely have to wait until the episodes are released on DVD or watch/download them online.
What do you think? Does Combat Hospital deserve a second season or cancellation? Why do you think it’s doing better in Canada than the US?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I love this show!!!!! I really hope they don’t cancel it!!!!!
pls bring Combat Hosp back . It seems when yu find a good show it is cancelled.
Give it another chance
I loved combat hospital. Bring it back bring it back
Give Combat Hospital another chance. Let Americans see what Medical Trauma is for the patient and the medics
I would like to see the show continue. As a paramedic- firefighter, we see a lot of action even in the middle east with our wounded solders fighting for our freedom. This show was an awesome reality about what these Nurses and Doctors due to help and save helpless lives of our military and civilians. LETS KEEP THE SHOW GOING.
I really enjoyed combat,i am sad it may not be a great show,they leave some bogus reality shows and they cancel good shows.please bring this show back.the cast was good with a good story line
ABC is pissing me off they are canceling all the good shows. Ratings aren’t accurate.
I love this show and have been waiting for it to come back!! I live in Canada and wish you’d get rid of some of the reality shows instead they are so stupid!!! I love this show you have to bring it back I hate the fact that you let us get hooked then just cancel the same thing happened to Happy Town.
I have been waiting for Combat Hospital to come back and kno to find out it has been cancel. I love this show and Im like everyone else and I dont like to watch reality tv shows.
I have really enjoyed the show and would love to have more season’s of it. I would hate to see them cancel
Given the chance it is possible for Canadian productions to be good as evidenced by this show. I would hate to see it disappear and hope that it is still produced for the Canadian networks. I am so tired of reality shows, survivor, talent shows of every imaginable variation, finding love (bachelor and bachelorette), aprentice, and even the half hour sitcoms are crap. I fail to see the interest in watching fat people lose weight and there are way too many of these. Lets punt all of these to specialty channels so they are still available for the brain dead… Read more »
Maybe if it ran during the fall season instead of just the summer.
It’s a good drama with good acting and it would be a shame to cut it.
There’s enough junk on tv.
Very sad the network would cancel this show. Very disappointing that we are expected to value the trash called reality TV.
I just went online looking for the start date of the 2012 season of Combat Hospital while watching a re-run from last season….. only to find out there may not be a 2012 season. I’m very sad to hear that it may not be coming back. I watch all those stupid shows that were listed above but Combat Hospital is (was) my favorite show on TV. Every time I find a good show it gets cancelled and another stupid reality show replaces it…. Our society is turning into a whole pile of individuals whose lives revolve around watching other people… Read more »
If Combat Hospital is gone, it’s a shame, especially with all the crap that’s on week in and week out: Survivor, Amazing Race, bachelors and bachelorettes “Sorry, you’re out; you have to go home.” What yuck! I understand ratings importance. D’you suppose people are sick and tired of thinking about middle east problems? Why take it out on a fictional TV show. It seemed a well-written, well-directed, certainly well-acted show. Elias Koteas is a favorite of mine, and I enjoyed Michelle Borth, to me a newcomer. I thought the cast was fresh and new. Seems the show just got going… Read more »