The alphabet is cutting the first season of Combat Hospital short by one episode, moving up the season (likely series) finale. ABC is cutting the 11th episode, “Brothers in Arms,” next Tuesday and will instead run the 12th installment, “Triage.” The 13th episode, “Do No Harm,” will wrap the season on September 6th.
The network hasn’t announced any plans to run the missing episode at a later date but that isn’t a surprise. Combat Hospital has been a disappointment ratings-wise and has been averaging a low 1.0 in the 18-49 demographic and 3.94 million viewers. Aside from Karaoke Battle USA, it’s the lowest-rated original series currently on the network.
The series is supposedly doing much better however in Canada, where it’s produced. While it’s hard to imagine that ABC would renew the show for a second season, Combat Hospital could continue airing north of the border. If it does, fans here in the states will likely have to wait until the episodes are released on DVD or watch/download them online.
What do you think? Does Combat Hospital deserve a second season or cancellation? Why do you think it’s doing better in Canada than the US?
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Image courtesy ABC.
great show, bring it back!!!
Please bring this show back.It’s a wonderful show please don’t let this show go
Bring it back it was a great change from the usual TV
and it paid tribute to the troops serving
Maybe ABC has an agenda
I want it BACK!!! Bring back Combat Hospital!
i know that there isn’t big chance that this serial will continue but it had great success in slovakia too
and personaly i’d like to know how it ends with Simon xD
It is awesome series, and when he started to grow taken from him that’s not fair we want to season 2.Give him chances please
Please bring it back
I couldn’t wait to watch it when I got home the night after it aired I absolutley loved it
DO NOT – cancel – “Combat Hospital” it’s what us Canadian’s wait for good quality television like it once was!
I believe marketing and timing is what makes the USA vs Canada different. It seems to be by the time a show begins to get recognized it’s pulled – too bad!
Our family as well as others thoroughly enjoy “COMBAT HOSPITAL”!!!!!
Bring back Combat Hospital the show is awesome and I loved watching it
This memorial day I stayed home searching for a show to watch and found this on hulu and watched all available shows in two days. It was great. Yes a little cheesy but it was balanced by the gritty. The show brought me to tears several times and I really want to know what happened with Simon and Rebecca. It was interesting having it from a “fobbit” womans opinion. I think getting younger enlisted members in the story line would widen the audience.
i discovered this show by accident and and made a point to watch all of it several cast members could be written out (the major? whats her name surgeon ) the writers could go out side of the camp a bit more i.e. desert , action, and the nuerotic surgeon could be strengthen or get a flashier charactor but strong not so wimpy i think the writers were trying to cram love entanglements to fast let the story grow and really it probably isnt love, its loneliness, and the need to hold someone, any one .. all in it has… Read more »
I miss combat hospital and wish they would renew it. I loved the show!
I agree with “Tbygott”, ABC needs to renew Combat Hospital and Off the Map. These are great shows and its very disapointing that they will not be renewed. Please revisit your decision!!
I Loved the show there are to many reality TV shows on air and we shows grown ups like to watch like this on
This show is awesome. We love it! ABC needs to stop cancelling these new medical shows – they are exciting and have amazing casts. Bring back Combat Hospital and Off the Map!!