Fans of Syfy‘s Continuum have been waiting to find out the fate of the series. The show hasn’t been renewed yet — but it hasn’t been cancelled either.
Continuum revolves around a female police officer (Rachel Nichols) from the year 2077 who ends up being transported back to 2012 with a group of rebels. The cast also includes Victor Webster, Erik Knudsen, Stephen Lobo, Roger Cross, Lexa Doig, Tony Amendola, Omari Newton, Luvia Petersen, Jennifer Spence, and Brian Markinson.
The show’s official Twitter feed recently announced that series creator Simon Davis Barry would be doing a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) in the near future — “as a thank you” to the fans.
A follower asked if this “thank you” was meant as a goodbye to the series. The response was “Hell no! ;)”.
In the past several weeks, Barry and writer Denis McGrath have both indicated that a decision would be coming “soon.” Hopefully “soon” will be soon.
The third season of Continuum finished airing in late June of this year. Here in the US, on Syfy, the season was down by 30% year-to-year in viewership.
What do you think? Do you like the Continuum TV show? Are you hoping for a fourth season?
12/8 update: The series has been renewed for a fourth and final season.
They’re doing to Continuum what was done to Fringe, ******** the fans. Fringe deserved and Continuum deserves a much better fate. Is it a wonder why people turn their backs on TV. Reality shows and all kinds of junk fill the airwaves. When you get a quality show like Continuum, all you get is: it’s to expensive to produce, the ratings are too low. How come they don’t put more effort into publicizing the show? Not every show can be number one, and not every show is quality TV. Most shows are not quality TV. When you get one that… Read more »
I love this show so much!!!! Please keep it going for more than just one more season that only has 6 episodes!!!!
Who would be the one to be bribed into taking Continuum under the wings of Netflix … making it their project?? By now they should have noticed, that there is a lot of interest in the show.
I am absoltuly convince, that without Scify’s mediocre job in promoting and placing the show, Continuum could have been a major success … and still can be!
Ok my continuum friends, as it looks like some continuum is better than none … As I just found out, there will be a short 4th season with 6 episodes … Rachel Nichols seems to have leaked that info by twitter! Not exactly what I would have loved to see (i.e. at least 3 more seasons) and hardly enough time to develop a satisfying conclusion, but – no dangling at the end of that mega-cliffhanger. Hope remains though that those 6 episodes don’tt mean the final end to the univers of Alec Sadler, however that continu..ation might come to us!… Read more »
Everyone who loves this show needs to watch every episode. Maybe the executives who make the decisions will understand just how incredible Continuum is. Continuum deserves many more years. Yes, they haven’t treated Continuum fairly. Welcome to the world of television where the most awful reality shows continue to be renewed.
I guess they did lol BUT still, I hope you guys come up with something similar to Continuum.
Yes please bring back season 4! I love the show and every time it keeps me at the edge of my seat! I hope that you guys cut through the red tape or whatever is holding you guys back and start airing season 4 or at least let us fans know what’s going on…. We all can’t wait to see what happens next… Please please bring back the show!
I ust admit I wasn’t expecting this and all but accepted it’s getting the axe. But yay.
Waiting for season four. Holding my breath. Hopefully I won’t pass out.
Love it and miss it!!! It was soo great!!! I can write season 4 if you guys hit a dead end. It will be as good as it gets!!!! I can see this show Continuum on thought many more seasons. Please don’t give it up just yet……
If they won’t put it on so late maybe the viewership would be so much greater.Look at the CW shows!
Great show… we need more!
absolutely love the show, it is very scary how it parallels our trials on this planet.
Without question it parallels what’s happening in our world. Continuum is not only informative, but it is an incredibly entertaining show. Enough cannot be said about Rachel Nichols performance and that of the entire cast. Continuum could run for another four or five years.
Absolutely LOVE it!!!!
We definitely want more seasons! Best scifi series yet!
This series rocks. As a grandma of 19, and a sci-fi fan I want to see more. Bring on season four
It will definitely make it to season 9! Good job guys.