Despite a big drop in viewership, TNT has decided to give Dark Blue a second chance.
Dark Blue revolves around a group of LAPD officers who work so far undercover that even their coworkers and loved ones don’t know what they actually do. The series stars Dylan McDermott, Omari Hardwick, Logan Marshall-Green, Nicki Aycox, Meta Golding, Tyrees Allen, Channon Roe, and Noah Bean.
While the July 2009 premiere attracted 3.5 million viewers, the ratings declined heavily over the season. The last episode brought in just 1.6 million, leading many to believe that Dark Blue would not be renewed. The show’s chances weren’t helped by the fact that TNT picked up NBC’s discarded Southland series.
But, TNT has apparently decided to stick with Dark Blue for now and has renewed it for a second season of 10 installments. The first season aired over the summer and the second will likely follow suit.
What do you think? Are you happy that Dark Blue has been renewed or should TNT be putting its resources into something else, like producing more episodes of Southland? Do you think Dark Blue will see season three?
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Image courtesy TNT.
I’m so happy they are bringing Dark Blue back. It’s awesome! The humor is a little too subtle at times. But the characters are great together.
I have watched both Southland and Dark Blue and and can not see why they would keep Dark Blue. Dark Blue is a much more exciting and interesting show than Southland. I hope they keep it going. I know that I have been looking forward to watching it
Dark Blue is one of my favorite shows on TV. It give McDermott a chance to be something deeper and more rewarding than a sex idol. Even though he is remote and rough around the edges on Dark Blue he still transmits some pretty sex vibes. I am so glad to see it return and that they haven’t placed it after Leverage. If you are looking for something to laugh at, this isn’t the show; if you are looking for something w/depth then this is it.
This show is the bomb! Soooo good, can’t wait until Season @ starts!
We loved the show. We were loyal fans. The writing was terrific.
I love Dark Blue. I think it has excellent characterr development. I love the unpredictable story lines…..intellegent TV.
I loved the series Dark Blue, can’t wait for it to come back on!!
Loved the series! Glad it’s coming back! My husband and I will be watching every episode.
So glad that Dark Blue will be back! I loved the first season.
I love Dark Blue and I am acstatic that season 2 is coming soon. I have been a fan since the first episode airs, the actors are so intense and obviously have a real passion for their roles.
Dark Blue is a great show-glad to hear there is a second season. Interesting characters situations, and enjoyable interactions between the agents. I kike that the characters have twisted/conflicting backgrounds that affect the way they handle cases. It’s good to see something with substance and not another reality show.
My husband and I love Dark Blue. I hope that it comes back. This show was fresh, new and hip.
I loved Dark Blue. I was a fan from the first episode. It was getting better towards the end. The female character was sending mixed signals and everything. Thanks for renewing the season. I will be waiting for it.
I Lovvvvvve dark Blue. It was so intense and grabbed me from the first episode. I didn’t miss not one. I don’t know why the rating dropped there was so many shows being played at multilple times. Thanks for not giving up on it. Southland is good but DarkBlue is great and the cast and writers are AMAZING.. my friends and I have been waiting !!!
I hope it gets back on. I keep seeing the Hawthorne announcements and am getting worried that they pulled the plug on Dark Blue. My wife and I really got into watching Dark Blue last year. It’s got a great blend of characters.