As you may recall, ABC recently announced that they were reworking their Wednesday night schedule (in preparation for the return of Fox’s American Idol). That left fans of Day Break out in the cold as the Taye Diggs series would be pulled from the schedule after the December 27th episode had aired. There was some hope and speculation that the series would be moved to another night. We now know that’s not going to happen.
The Lost-replacing series Day Break has been pulled from the schedule even earlier than expected. The ratings for Day Break have continued to fall since its debut and the latest was no exception. The sixth episode, entitle “What If They Find Him,” attracted only 3.1 million households. As a result, ABC has yanked the drama effective immediately. Repeats of George Lopez and According to Jim will fill 8-10pm Wednesdays for the next two weeks (both sitcoms begin new seasons in January on Wednesday nights).
There are seven unaired episodes and, as of now, there are no plans to air them on the network (joining fellow dramas The Nine and Six Degrees). The good news is that ABC has said they will post the remaining episodes online, with a new episode being posted every Thursday for the next seven weeks. They may decide to release the episodes for purchase online via iTunes
but I’m guessing that will have a lot to do with viewer demand.
This is bulchytttttt. Daybreak was the best show ever… next to Lost.
No wonder my parents always called tv, “the idiot box.” I guess they were talking about network execs who think only idiots watch tv. I loved Daybreak because it was a puzzle that made you pay close attention. I like shows that have huge story arcs. (Although let me say that I’m having doubts about Lost- too big of an arc. It will end up like Alias with a big muddy ending that doesn’t make sense.) I was excited that they were going to tell this whole story in a reasonable number of episodes. I at least want to be… Read more »
I had no idea until today that Daybreak had been cancelled. I just assumed it had been put on hold because of the holidays… then it seemed strange that I couldn’t see it online.. not even listed! I emailed anyone I could to find out what was going on… then I found this site on yahoo…I cried!!! and CRIED!!! Daybreak was good, and even if it was only on for 1 season ( a complete season) I would have been at least satisfied with that, but then they take it off in the middle when everything was starting to unfold!!!… Read more »
I just started watching it tonight (saved on my tivo) and I’m upto the 5th hour and I can’t stop watching this show. It’s so damn good. It gives me the rush just like 24. I can’t even find the shows on itunes nor I need to see those last 7 hrs!!
Im glad that so many people agree. This show was awsome but it looks like the ratings scared abc. They shouldnt have yanked it off the air all together, they should have moved it to another night. I hope another network can pick it up.
Day Break was such a refreshing breath of fresh air to watch! I am so disappointed to find out that Day Break was canceled! I was watching the show from day one — it had suspense drama and an amazing cast! I couldn’t wait for the next episode to come on Wednesday night. I even told my family/friends about how good it was. I would re-watch the episodes online in case I missed something. This may not have reached a billion viewer – or whatever numbers you were looking for. But it did keep you guessing, and right when things… Read more »
This is absolutely ridic! i have been away for a couple of weeks and the only thing that kept me going was the thought that when i got back i would be able to catch daybreak episodes online. But of course, to my surprise, i learn that its been pulled. how about on wednesday, instead of Daybreak, ABC kills themeselves!
what the hell is wrong with ABC? Day Break was great show, up there with 24 in my book.
Daybreak is wonderful because, unlike Lost, it’s only 13 episodes, with a conclusion to a tightly knit story. And yet they still refuse to air it, even though each episode has been better than every episode of season 3 of Lost, and I was a HUGE Lost fan.
I’m so disappointed that they aren’t even going to allow us to watch the end.
Oh well, I’m not going to watch Lost when it comes back, just to make a point.
ABC and its decision-makers have made the biggest mistake ever. How can a show as great as Day Break be taken off the air and an idiotic show like According to JIm and Lopez’ shows be put in its place. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Does ABC not want to pay decent writers? It is more than disappointing…day break was the BEST show out there in an extremely long time. Who in their right mind would sit at home during holidays to watch tv? Bring it back!!!!!!!
I checked the ABC website this morning and my frustration grew even more:Daybreak is still NOT available to be viewed online.
There are so many other time slots in which Daybreak could be placed. However, it is blatantly obvious that air time goes to the people who shell out the most cash. Read: INFOMERCIALS I would watch daybreak at 400 in the morning if it meant keeping it on the air. But the truth appears to be that ABC DOES NOT CARE about its viewers; it cares only about PROFIT…..
I just found out the series isn’t going to be aired and I am in total shock! I like Lost but to be honest Day Break is better (especially since Lost seems to be taking forever and I seriously doubt they will resolve all the questions we have!)
And to add to that doesn’t even seem to show that they ever aired Daybreak. I used to watch it online all the time but it’s no longer even there!!!
Oh well …. boo ABC
Dear ABC,
Canceling “Daybreak” was a big mistake!
Charles Gibson, say it ain’t so!!!
Have you folks wondered whether you’re rating system is really in touch with what people want? My wife and I would’nt touch “Life According to Jim” or “Lost” with a ten foot pole. Meanwhile your network is still airing reruns of FarScape?
How about releasing Daybreak so the Sci-Fi channel or others can air the show nationwide!
Mr. and Mrs. T. Luby
Like all of the many posted comments already, I too, am super angry that DAY BREAK was cancelled.
The fact that it was cancelled before the conclusion, and the fact that the remaining episodes were not posted online, has forced me to BOYCOTT ABC television shows!
Please send a quick e-mail to the Jeff to let him know your feelings about the matter, using this link:
ABC is “LOST” in my eyes from now on!