In the network’s commitment to get out of the “sitcom business,” the CW has cancelled Everybody Hates Chris. There won’t be a fifth season but luckily series creator Chris Rock beat them to the punch.
Everybody Hates Chris is loosely based on Rock’s early life and features Tyler James Williams, Terry Crews, Tequan Richmond, Tichina Arnold, Imani Hakim, and Vincent Martella.
The show’s been around for four seasons and its viewership has been in decline for awhile. It certainly didn’t help that, this season, the CW decided to strand the sitcom on little-watched Friday nights. Added to the fact that Chris doesn’t exactly match the network’s targeted demographic, it was obvious that the show’s days were numbered.
Rather than take a chance on not being able to give the show a proper ending, Rock decided to finish the show on his own terms. The season four finale revolves around Chris dropping out of high school, just as Rock did in real life. If the series had returned for year five, it could have explored his journey to do stand-up but as it is, the season finale still works as a last episode. There’s even a not-so-subtle nod to the famous Sopranos finale at the end.
Williams is currently pursuing a film course at New York University and is satisfied with the final episode. He told TV Guide, “If it ends here, we ended it the right way.” Rock agreed, saying, “It might not be a bad way to go.”
Are you upset or glad that the show won’t be back for season five?
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Image courtesy CW.
I want the show to come back for season 5
I am so mad right me and family love that show and now u don’t a onather one just make one when they are grown
Im super disappointed the show ended. I loved that show.
i am sooooooo pissed off it ended
Really sad that it was cancelled! I absolutely loved the show! I’m currently watching the reruns on Hulu and I still laugh out loud!
Should have had a author’s note or something saying he passed his GED. Still a great show.
How come they let us hanging like that. AT LEAST tell us what he got on that GED. Or how Greg took it.
At least satisfy your viewers from this show
I Heard They Are Renewing The Show & Chris Has Been Replaced By A White Boy From Disney. TRAGIC,TRAAAAGIC
Is that true or are you just playin
Lol! Traaaaagic
TRAGIC TRAAAGIC….actually its really a sad thing to end the show just like that.Many people have a lot of questions to be answered in that show.Lovers of “EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS” please cast your votes and join the demostration on #BRING BaCK OUR CHRIS….I think this might help. NB: pls it takes only some seconds to vote.
LOL!!!! I pictured Mr Omar saying that so vividly! TRAGIIIICCCC!!!
I loved that show, too bad it got cancelled. At least the ending wasn’t that bad but it really needed a proper ending. Truly sad, that even tho it was a sitcom or comedy show, it really did show true family life and issues/problems that even exist today. I remember growing up watching it in the beginning when it aired, 19 now, its aged well. Just recently finished watching the series.
Man, I watch everybody hates Chris every night I live that show besides empire that’s my favorite show come back
everybody hates Chris, a great comedy I really enjoyed showing how many working class families have strong family bonds struggles and the ups and downs but at the end of the day the family bond is always there
I love everybody hates Chris and its upsetting to not see it come back but all good things come to an end.
Love this show sad that it was cancelled
Everybody hates chris is the best comedy serial I ever seen. It is a great example how a comedy serial should be. I am really excited to see chris back in action. I am waiting for season 5 very eagerly. It is a comedy serial worth ‘invaluable’. Please bring it back.