Sunday night marked the season one finale of Eyewitness. But how is the USA Network series doing in the ratings? Should it be renewed for a second season or should it be cancelled?
Based on the Norwegian series Øyevitne, season one of the planned anthology drama follows two teenage boys who witness a shooting while trying to keep a secret of their own. The cast includes Julianne Nicholson, Tyler Young, James Paxton, Gil Bellows, Warren Christie, and Tattiawna Jones.
Eyewitness premiered on October 16th and earned a 0.20 rating in the 18-49 demo and around 765,000 viewers. The series continued to dip in the ratings over the course of the season, ending with an average of around 0.17 in the 18-49 demo and 628,00 viewers — pretty low numbers even for a cable drama.
Based on the ratings alone, it seems likely that Eyewitness will be cancelled. However, we’d like to know what you think. Please tell us.
Did you watch Eyewitness? Do you think USA Network should renew it for a second season with a different story?
3/1/17 update: Eyewitness has been cancelled. Details here.
Great show!…hope there will be another season!
Yes I would watch season 2! This show is amazing! It has brought so much awareness about the LGBT community. Lukas’s story and growth was amazing! We need more philkas!
Hell yes! This show has really strong characters… we could see more from Helen past… and the after Brian situation.. Lukas and his dad handling with his sexuall orientation. Phillip and Lukas as a real couple in the real world.
Yes I would definitely watch season 2 its such a incredible show with amazing cast and characters please usa network let the characters story continue we need Philp and lukas origin story on how they first meet and more Helen and gabe and Tony humor need to know what happen at the red hook party there’s no other show like it on tv it shows people it’s ok to be yourself I hope it gets a season 2 with the same cast
Absolutely, I would watch a second season!!
I didn’t start watching until the show was completed. Once I started I couldn’t stop and have binged the entire season 4 times in the past couple days. It’s rare that I get worked up about a TV show but this one will hurt if USA doesn’t give it another season. I just need to see what happens next with Helen, Gabe, Philip and Lukas. I hope USA is listening or reading comments from the fans this show has touched. Please give the show another chance. As a new fan, I will make it a priority to watch a 2nd… Read more »
Yes oft course I would watch season 2!!!
I need a Season 2! This show means so much to so many people! Please, just give it a chance!? Second Season of Eyewitness, please!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Please give it a chance!? Season 2! Please!?
Would love to see a 2nd season. Great 1st season. Exciting all the way through. Great cast and acting….rather strange photography….not quite full color or B&W but that’s cool. Please….give us a 2nd season. Thanks.
NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! SEASON 2 PLEASE!!!!!!!
Yes. Give it a chance. Been spreading the word about it.
Lots of potential forsome great stories with the same cast. I watched all the episodes at least twice.season one was a great story.
Yes, I will watch season 2. Please renew!