The producers of this new ABC TV series look for big ratings while investigating some of the most shocking murders in the United States. Final Witness typically airs on Wednesday nights at 10pm on the ABC network. There are seven episodes in the first season.
These are the TV show’s ratings for the Summer 2012 season, the best way to tell if Final Witness will be cancelled or renewed for a second season.
Check out our ABC summer ratings report card to see how this show’s numbers compare with the others on the network.
These figures will be updated as the weeks progress so be sure to bookmark and return to this page:
Final season averages: 0.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 3.86 million total viewers.
Episode 01-07: Wednesday, 08/08/12
0.8 in the demo (+14% episode-to-episode change) with 2.81 million.
Season averages: 0.90 in the demo with 3.86 million.
Episode 01-06: Wednesday, 08/01/12
0.7 in the demo (-30% episode-to-episode change) with 2.56 million.
Season averages: 0.92 in the demo with 4.03 million.
Episode 01-05: Wednesday, 07/25/12
1.0 in the demo (-17% episode-to-episode change) with 3.97 million.
Season averages: 0.96 in the demo with 4.33 million.
Episode 01-04: Wednesday, 07/18/12
1.2 in the demo (+9% episode-to-episode change) with 4.29 million.
Season averages: 0.95 in the demo with 4.42 million.
Episode 01-03: Wednesday, 07/11/12
1.1 in the demo (+120% episode-to-episode change) with 4.29 million.
Season averages: 0.87 in the demo with 4.46 million.
Episode 01-02: Wednesday, 07/04/12
0.5 in the demo (-50% episode-to-episode change) with 4.88 million.
Season averages: 0.75 in the demo with 4.54 million.
Episode 01-01: Wednesday, 06/27/12
1.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 4.21 million total viewers.
Season averages: 1.00 in the demo with 4.21 million.
Note: These ratings are collected by the Nielsen company and are the final national numbers. These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings and are reported on by most other outlets. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you like the Final Witness TV series? How do you think it compares to the other newsmagazines?
which channel are they showing reruns on? i only started watching mid season, so i’d love to see the first episodes. after watching one show, i was hooked!
I love this show! Please don’t cancel it!
Is Final Witness coming back? This was a great show that really honored the voice of the deceased. The writing, the victims narration, how they show pictures of the real people in the end. I have been watching the reruns on another station, and liked them even better the second time. Bring it back. It never even got a chance before.
Best show I’ve seen in a long time!!
I have told so many friends and coworkers about this show. Please bring it back!
Has the show been cancelled? Have they made the final decision yet?
This is the best show I’ve seen in a long, long time. Please, oh please bring it back!!
Fantastic show–hopefully, ABC will see a good one for a change.
Finally, a great new show I can look forward to watching! Please bring this show back!
Do you have Final Witness DVDs ?
chris angerstein » No, and I don’t know of any plans to release them. Sorry!
We love Final Witness! Pleas bring it back in the fall(-:
Love love love the show. With all the useless (the bachelor, bachlorett) reality shows aired on television why wouldn’t you bring back The Final Witness???? I wld set my alarm every Wednesday to watch a good show. Please bring it back.
My sentiment exactly!
Final Witness is a GREAT show…well done and very engaging. My favorite is the last scene where the actors hold up the photos of the people they portrayed. The actors often look almost identical to the people they play!
What is wrong with our culture when a show as stupid and mindless as “The Bachelorette” gets an A++ and this show gets a D? Don’t tell me, I already know!
That’s my favorite part of the show too! I find it so moving, that it always brings me to tears.
I Loved this program.Based on Truth.Please bring it back.They always take the good ones off
Please bring back final witness!! I loved the show and waited every Wednesday for it to come on!! I hope they bring it back soon!!!!