What looked to be one of the biggest hits of the new season, FlashForward, isn’t looking like such a hit any longer. Will the series make it to year two?
FlashForward begins as the world’s population blacks out for 137 seconds and they “flash forward” to see visions of their lives six months in the future. The series’ ensemble cast includes Joseph Fiennes, John Cho, Jack Davenport, Zachary Knighton, Peyton List, Dominic Monaghan, Brian F. O’Byrne, Courtney B. Vance, Sonya Walger, and Christine Woods.
The series debuted on September 24th on ABC. The premiere attracted a 4.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 12.47 million viewers. The following week, the number dropped to a very respectable 3.7 and 10.73 million.
For week three, the ratings dropped again to a 3.0 and nine million. Total viewership rose for weeks four and five but the demo remained essentially the same with a 3.1 rating.
On October 29th, FlashForward dropped to a series low of a 2.7 rating and 8.92 million viewers. The sudden drop was understandable because it aired opposite the World Series on FOX. Unfortunately, baseball fans didn’t return last Thursday when there wasn’t a big game. FlashForward’s ratings sank even further to a 2.6 and 8.47 million, barely beating FOX’s Bones for second place.
ABC has already committed to a full season of FlashForward so it’s relatively safe for now. However, if these numbers don’t start going up, the series is far from guaranteed a second season.
What do you think? Do you think the ratings will go back up or will the show burn out in one season? Are you still watching? If so, what could be done better?
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Image courtesy ABC.
hey! Im from Portugal too. And I love flashfoward!!! Please dont cancelled the season. I want to know what is gonna happen.
I too can not watch Flashforward at it’s original air time…. I watch it later online via ABC.com or Hulu.com. I hope these sites are monitored and get counted in the ratings. If not…it doesn’t seem fair that a show gets cut because the network puts it on at a time that people can’t watch it.
Give us another season of Flashforward…and MANY more seasons to come!!
Yea i love flashforward and i also do wait till after it airs on thursdays and then watch in on the weekend on abc. Ff is just a really interesting show i have watched all the episodes and i hope they will come back for another season. And they should maybe check out how many times flashforward is being watched on abc.com cause i bet a lot of people watch it on there.
How could the ratings me so low? I love FlashForward! They better not cancel it before I found out the mystery behind everything is! I really want to see season 2!!
Im from Spain and I love flashforward, i think it would be a mistake in they cancel it!!!
I really wanna see a second season!
I absolutely love Flash Forward and so does my family! And just like the other guy said some people can’t watch it on the exact day or time so we have to fallow up later…people who watch it on the internet or if it gets recorded do those count in the ratings? If not then this whole canceling of Flash Forward series is a total BUST!!! Flash Forward is my favorite show!!!!!! Whoever you people are YOU CAN’T CANCEL IT!!!!!!!!!!
No! I can’t lose LOST and FlashForward at the same time. They were the only two intelligent programs on television. Please ABC, have a heart!
I cant believe that abc is thinking of cancellin such a great show, im so addicted to it, figuring out wht will happen next. i would be so disappointed if they cancelled it, and how could they leave us hanging, with a finale like that, i think not. i really hope they have a season 2,and 3 and 4, i love it that much
I thought the series was very good. I liked the premise and the characters were captivating and well-cast. It kept my interest from the beginning to the grand finale. When I missed the show during air-time, I looked for the episodes I missed online. I think the premise has a ring of truth to it -that of consciously seeing glimpses of the future from another dimension and being able to change it, given enough lead time to ponder over what was seen in the “flash forward.” I would look for more of the writer’s works. I thought it was a… Read more »
This serie is the best that i have ever seen.
It should continue.
Please, Please, Please do not cancel Flash Forward!!! I love this show!!! It’s the ONLY thing I watch all week. I am not a TV person, but I watch Flash Forward. Please, don’t be cruel. If you didn’t cut it off so soon from one season to the next, you’d have more viewers. Think about that. Maybe a different time slot will help – maybe not. But no matter what – PLEASE do not cancel!!! Thanks!
This was one of my favorite shows. I cannot believe that they have cancelled this show. This tells you how much ABC cares about people’s opinion’s .
This really SUCKS!!!!
It should go on to the 2nd season!!
Not everyone can tune in at the time it airs!! A lot of us, or me, catch up on the show every week after it airs via sites like Hulu.com. Are those ratings or viewers counted?
Don’t cancel Flash Forward!
Thats exactly what I do! I can never catch it on thursday, I’m always at work! I really hope me watching it on hulu didnt kill flash forward. But, what can I do? thats the only way I can watch it! Please, let it go on to a second season. I absolutely LOVE this show! it would really make me mad at ABC to not see the ending of all the characters.
I’m from portugal and I absolutely loveeeeee flashforward. I really can’t understand how abc is thinking about canceling ff is such a successful serie! I don’t think anyone wants it to end. Seriously the serie is super addictiv, I started watching like a month ago and I’m soooooooooooooo adicted. hope don’t cancel 2nd season.