What looked to be one of the biggest hits of the new season, FlashForward, isn’t looking like such a hit any longer. Will the series make it to year two?
FlashForward begins as the world’s population blacks out for 137 seconds and they “flash forward” to see visions of their lives six months in the future. The series’ ensemble cast includes Joseph Fiennes, John Cho, Jack Davenport, Zachary Knighton, Peyton List, Dominic Monaghan, Brian F. O’Byrne, Courtney B. Vance, Sonya Walger, and Christine Woods.
The series debuted on September 24th on ABC. The premiere attracted a 4.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 12.47 million viewers. The following week, the number dropped to a very respectable 3.7 and 10.73 million.
For week three, the ratings dropped again to a 3.0 and nine million. Total viewership rose for weeks four and five but the demo remained essentially the same with a 3.1 rating.
On October 29th, FlashForward dropped to a series low of a 2.7 rating and 8.92 million viewers. The sudden drop was understandable because it aired opposite the World Series on FOX. Unfortunately, baseball fans didn’t return last Thursday when there wasn’t a big game. FlashForward’s ratings sank even further to a 2.6 and 8.47 million, barely beating FOX’s Bones for second place.
ABC has already committed to a full season of FlashForward so it’s relatively safe for now. However, if these numbers don’t start going up, the series is far from guaranteed a second season.
What do you think? Do you think the ratings will go back up or will the show burn out in one season? Are you still watching? If so, what could be done better?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Too bad about Flash Forward being canceled. I think Thursday night is not a good night for it. What about Saturday night? Also, a few more unexpected deaths couldn’t hurt. ER always brought in new cast members.
I looked forward to Flash Forward every week. I’m 64 and my parents are 91 and 92, and we all love this show. Please bring it back! For once we had an intelligent show to watch!
please dont cancel flashforward from abc i am a single mom who does not have cable and me and my friends who are single moms look forward to this every thursady and we watch it together then greys anatomy.look whether u all see it or not most ppl do not have cable that is why we watch it.
Why do they cancel all the greatest shows and keep this reality junk on?
This was the absolute best show of the 2010 season. If it dropped off it’s because it is in the wrong time slot. It is worth saving. It’s hard to be opposite the world series and then expect viewers to come back to a serial format. That would certainly explain the dropoff.
Today is the day- fans all around the world will black out for 137 seconds. I am very excited; in the city i live me and my bf tried to organize blackout, but there aren’t enough fans to do so. I assume people with rather watch brainless Big Brother, Farm and other high- inelegance shows.
I hope todays day will be huge success and that it will make ABC bring season 2 of best show on TV, best thing after first 3 seasons of Lost. I am thinking about you guys!
nooo dont cancel FlashForward!!!!!! :'(
Just watched the season finale, and I NEED there to be a second season. Abc, bring FF back for us devoted fans, PLEASE!
The results are in and its canceled, don’t worry I’m sure smarter network will pick it up. I can’t believe V is getting a second season. watching V was like watching paint dry.
I hope ABC is listening to there veiwers. ABC needs to give FF fair chance with an uninterupted series, and I am not too sure about those ratings either.
I hope it is not cancelled. There is so much trash out there, this show caught my interest. Good job of character development and interest, although there may be too many characters to follow all of them acurately.
Common ABC, no more Star Treks! Why don’t you find out what America likes, rather than a few thousand programmed Neilson viewers.
Wow! what an exciting series, to cancel FF would be a shame. I only watched 3 programs, Flash Forward, V, and the news! now I only have the news. Gimme back my shows.
I’ve heard it was axed in America because it was too complex… sorry to say but come on are you that thick? If they can make so many serises of lost which in the end just got so long and boring and started just become so unrealistic then why cant they bring the next serise of flashforward, they’ve shown us clips i wanna see the whole thing.
I cant believe they are cancelling Flashforward. I absolutely love this show, it makes me wonder why they get rid of the best TV shows on these networks. It makes no sense! I would really like to see what happens in season 2. Please keep Flashforward going…I cant usually watch it during the air time but that’s why I DVR it; so when I get home, it’s there for me to watch. PLEASE KEEP IT!
I’m going to need another season at least! Subject matter is so great I can’t wait to see more!