There’s finally some good news for fans of CBS’s Flashpoint TV show.
Flashpoint follows the work of a group of highly trained police officers called the Strategic Response Unit (SRU). The series stars Enrico Colantoni, David Paetkau, Hugh Dillon, Sergio Di Zio, Michael Cram, Mark Taylor, Ruth Marshall, and Amy Jo Johnson.
After nine months away, the Canada-produced show is finally returning to US primetime. A repeat of a first season episode, “Scorpio,” is scheduled for Saturday, May 29th. Then, new episodes will begin airing on Friday, June 4th. This will be the cop series’ third season on CBS.
Though Flashpoint has been off the schedule for a long time, it seemed a certainty that the program would eventually return. CBS purchased 13 additional episodes of Flashpoint in October 2009. Combined with the nine installments that the network already had on the shelf, CBS is believed to have 22 episodes ready to go.
Airing on both CBS and Canada’s CTV, there’s been no word of plans to order a fourth season as yet.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear that Flashpoint is finally returning?
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Image courtesy CBS.
We LOVE this show! Cast is great, writing is great and plots are great.
Thank goodness. I love this show.
Yes I am glad that it is coming back for season three. Love the show. They make it look so real. We need.
U already took my GHOST WHISPERER & MEDIUM, PLEASE don’t take my FLASHPOINT!!!!!!!!!!!
This is teriffic news!!! I absolutely adore this show. This is some of the best acting on television. HOORAY!
I AM SOOOOOO Glad Flashpoint will be back. To bad it is not until May. Looking forward to the episods. Such a great program.
I can’t WAIT for this show to start back. We don’t watch a lot of TV, but Flashpoint is a show we love !
I absolutely love this show. It is by far one of the best shows on tv. I would love to see this as a regular show all year long.
Please do not cancel Flash Point. It is one on the better shows on tv now. Flash Forward, 24, Three Rivers to name a few have already been cancelled. If you cancel Flash Point I will no longer watch any program on CBS.
Love the show. Wish CBS would keep it on all year.
This is one of the best shows on TV. Can’t wait for it to come back!
please bring this show back……
It’s a good family viewing show please bring it on in 2011!!!!
We love it!!!!
Thank goodness
I love flashpoint!!! Please bring it back in 2011. My family and I watch it faithfully when it is on. I have bought both season one and two on dvd to keep and would love to continue to purchase it each time. Greatest show on CBS!!!!!!!!