The CW recently began airing a new reality show, High Society, that follows the wealthy “in crowd.” Is the series rich in ratings?
High Society revolves around a group of young and beautiful New York socialites. The cast includes Alexandra Osipow, Dabney Mercer, Dale Mercer, Devorah Rose, Jules Kirby, Paul Johnson Calderon, and Tinsley Mortimer.
The series got off to a slow start on March 10th with just a 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 1.26 million viewers. The second episode dropped in total viewers though the 18-49 demo remained the same.
The numbers haven’t gotten better and have continued to fall. This week’s installment, the show’s sixth, attracted just a 0.3 rating and 0.77 million viewers. These are terrible numbers, even by CW standards and many cable shows are performing better.
There are only eight episodes in this season so there seems little doubt that the network will let them all play at this point. However, there’s little reason to expect that we’ll see a second season either.
What do you think? Is High Society worth watching? Why do you think it’s performed so poorly? Could they have fixed it?
The cast of this how were the odious examples of human beings ever presented on a television show, they are sickeningly amoral,vapid and self -absorbed,They have the same tons of money and position as Paris Hilton and the cast of RHBH but lack any redeeming human qualities whatsoever ,or humor for that matter ,so witnessing their accesses and their frantic scripted antics reveals only the gigantic extent of their narcissism to think that anyone would wish to watch them , and an obscene desperation for their 15 minutes of celebrity, Tinsley Mortimer makes Camille Grammer look like a genuinely nice… Read more »