As suspected, the Intruders TV show has been cancelled after one season of eight episodes. BBC America and BBC Two have decided not to order a second season.
On Intruders, a former LAPD detective (John Simm) investigates strange occurences which lead him to a secret society whose members seek immortality by taking over the bodies of others. The rest of the cast includes Mira Sorvino, Tory Kittles, James Frain, and Millie Brown.
Executive producer Glen Morgan broke the news of the cancellation on Twitter and wrote, “Well, Reverti, this life is over. Intruders will live only in 8 episodes. We can’t thank those that supported us enough… #Intruders such an intelligent audience willing to be challenged and face tough questions. Hope we will all be triggered in 9 years. What goes around, comes around. #Intruders. Thank you! 9!”
Michael Marshall Smith, who wrote The Intruders novel, had this to say about the cancellation:
Sadly, we are finally able to announce that BBCA will not be renewing INTRUDERS.
The remit was to adapt the book, which Glen and his team did brilliantly. It was never a given there would be more — though we did discuss ideas for future arcs — and for a variety of reasons the first season had to out-perform the norm in order to continue. Unfortunately it did not.
Why? Well, they didn’t play it safe. The show was distinctive and unusual, narratively uncompromising and texturally bold. In a world where many viewers will bail after twenty minutes because something’s not just like everything else, it dared to ask people to care — to keep the faith and wait to see what happens next. They didn’t sell the book short: they did it proud. As an novelist that makes you feel very privileged, and grateful.
A huge thanks to everyone who watched and supported the show — you made the whole thing fun, before and during, and are still doing so afterwards. I’m glad to know you.
I also feel extremely honoured to have had a book worked on by so many people of such extraordinary talent. Producers like Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter (and Jess Pope, who doggedly developed the show for years in the UK before it came to BBCA); a developer of Glen’s unique vision and experience, writers like Kristen and Darren; the remarkable cast of actors in roles both large and small; creative geniuses like Mark Freeborn and Bear McCreary; directors like Daniel Stamm and Eduardo Sanchez — not to mention the social media and marketing people from BBCA who gave it such loving attention here in the US.
What do you think? Do you like the Intruders TV show? Do you think that it should have been cancelled or renewed for a second season?
I was disappointed to hear about the cancellation. I had gotten into the story line and Mira Sorvino is captivating too! I was looking forward to more episodes of the story.
“What goes around, comes around”. …
Will be missed!
So sad this was cancelled:( After losing In the Fleah, I had really hoped I wouldn’t lose my other favorite, Inteuders. But, it’s not meant to be… Which begs the question? Why get involved in ANY show with the BBC attached in all of its iterations? They always seem to sack the good ones & leave us hanging! We’ll always have season 1…thank god I have the Blu Ray of it. Oh & Joanne? Glad you’re pleased, more airtime free for the shows that fill the minds of those that prefer an empty plot or no plot at all. I’ll… Read more »
I’ll miss the show too.
Love the esoteric nature of the characters and plot . The writers did a fantastic job. I’ve never read the book but now I’ve got to go get it. And of course the actors great and small were terrific! I Wish this show was given a 2nd chance because everyone knows this is going to have a cult following.
Bummer. Loved this show. Sdly, Anything that challenges the mind is often overlooked and then cancelled.
Another good show bites the dust in favor of sugar, glitz, mindless actors and the same old same old. When the height of your day is prancing around with your smart phone trying to look “kewl” I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when a show that’s thought provoking can’t muster enough viewers.
But no matter, those of us who enjoy a good story over clothing, hair styles and overacting teeny boppers have a few left to watch. After all, what really matters is quality not quantity and thought short, Intruders was quality.
Never read the book but the darkness of the show and what it implies has given it a “forever space” on my Tivo. Hope it gets picked up somewhere else.
I hope this is one show Syfy, Netflix, or XBox picks up. The show was the most daring show I’ve ever seen. It required you think. And the little actress was amazing.
No one I knows ever heard of it. Weird that there are so many versions of Les Revenants (Leftovers, The Returned, Les Revenants, and Resurrection) when Intruders is by far more interesting a concept. Intruders could go so far and so deep.
I read that XBox is redoing Real Humans. They should pick this up,
I miss the show as well. That would be great if one of the streaming services picks it up, and it IS weird that there are so many versions of Les Revenants. I watched the American version with Omar Epps (was good to see him yet again) for a while, but it got so bad I just could not watch it any more, yet it continues.
Don’t think they gave it much thought. Not any advertising of the show or at least not much.
Unfortunately people don’t stay involved with shows where you actually have to use your brain while watching….too bad. I really enjoyed the show
I hate this crap. I loved that show and really got into it. It was very well written and intense. I have a thousand questions stil to be answered and they cancel the damn show. THAT SUCKS. I think it was looking good enough for at least another 3 or 4 seasons worth of material.
I’m sorry this show was not renewed. I’ll miss it.
Wow. What self-indulgent crap from the author. “Our show was just too intelligent for the plebs! That’s why our ratings sucked!”
The author’s completely right though, shows like this rarely survive. Unless its easy to follow and has something exciting happen in the first half of the pilot, most people just lose interest and won’t give it time, so many shows lose out to the shows easy to follow. A good example was The Chicago Code losing out to Blue Bloods. Chicago code had a continuing story with great actors and great script. Blue Bloods had the same routine, something happens and it’s solved at the end of the episode. Chicago Code canceled and Blue Bloods still on
That is far from what the author said, but if the shoe fits…
BBC, looking for another blockbuster hit like ORPHAN BLACK, blew it here. The show was plodding and uninteresting. Its a shame that every show that gets cancelled brings out the cluster of viewers without taste that claim it was the “greatest show ever”. INTRUDERS was NOT a good show, let alone great. At no time does Simm ever look or act the part of a detective, nothing about him convinces me Mira Sorvino could ever marry him. James Frain played basically the same character he always plays, accent or no. Millie Brown, sadly, had a lot of weight to lift… Read more »
Thank God