Though Showcase hasn’t announced it, word is that the Canadian TV series King has been cancelled.
Starring Amy Price-Francis, King revolves around Jessica “Jess” King, a tough police detective who’s trying to make her third marriage work while taking on a new job as head of the Major Crimes Task Force. Her police unit takes over cases already in progress: the toughest cases that the ordinary police force has failed to solve. Other actors in the show include Gabriel Hogan, Alan van Sprang, Tony Nardi, Suzanne Coy, Zoe Doyle, Aaron Poole, Rossif Sutherland, and Karen Robinson.
King debuted on April 17, 2011. The eight episodes of season one performed well enough to secure a second year of 13 installments. Production resumed in September 2011 and season two kicked off on February 29, 2012.
The ratings dropped significantly in year two, falling as low as 42,000 viewers. Some episodes of season one drew over 200,000 viewers.
The 21st and final episode of King aired on May 25th.
What do you think? Are you a fan of King? Are you upset that there won’t be a third season?
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Image courtesy Showcase.
King had many things for it. It would be a real shame to see it go!
What?? I was looking for the second season!! I don’t even know they had one!
Maybe views dropped because they poorly publicized the series…
I read a blog today about the series King not being renewed for a 3rd season. This series has everything–action,great story lines,and ‘sexy’ characters(meaning you identify with them and also find them attractive and appealing) Perhaps the theme of a strong woman with an innate ability to solve crimes is not all that popular.? Now all I will have to watch is that insipid ‘Unforgettable’- and her only talent is some ethereal photographic memory.–not an actual ,real-life ability.Why can’t a woman just be portrayed as truly talented–like Goren on Law and Order who had that same incredible ability to see… Read more »
From the UK and really got into this show, but not surprised it’s been cancelled as the tv execs always cancel good shows, ie:- Harry’s Law, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Flashpoint, the list is endless. They change the time and day the show airs, and say nobody is watching. By getting rid of good shows like these means they can spend more money on rubbish reality tv shows. Soon this is all we’ll have to watch on tv. Something for us all to look forward to, NOT.
Sorry to hear that King won’t be back. Came into this series late but liked it – recognized Toronto – I think part of the problem is that the channel changed and the time – I had it scheduled to tape to watch it and missed a lot of shows – there isn’t much notice of the change –
Bring back KING…..cannot believe that it was cancelled. So wrong, finally a TV show shot in Toronto, looking like Toronto, and making the city a character in the show….bad scheduling, why change the time slot???? Global and Showcase RETHINK….more Canadian…please!!!
I can not believe they are not doing a season three…we have so very few Canadian shows that are as good as this one. I do not understand the TV networks, what are they thinking?
Aw man! WHY?! I liked season one, loved season two and was REALLY looking forward to season three. I hope someone else picks it up. Warning flag was the move to fridays, but maybe airing in the UK will bring new and improved ratings?
I can’t believe King is going to be cancelled, it is so amazingly refreshing to see a light hearted spin on the grittier side of police as well as all of the drama that goes with the life. King, in my opinion will be missed.
I am from the UK and came across this new refreshing cop show by accident. The first season was surpassed by the second season and was soo much looking forward to the third season. All the actors involved have portrayed their characters soo well, the writing has been fantastic, a real shame to hear it has been cancelled.
I’m very disappointed to learn King won’t be back next season. I was an instant fan from the first episode and was very pleased when the show was granted a second longer season. I personally thought the second season was even better than the first. King is completely Canadian in every way and I love that. The show doesn’t try to “Americanize” itself in the least to try and get across the border for a larger profit like some shows. It’s smartly written, brilliantly acted and I love that the cases they work almost take second billing to the lives… Read more »
Nevermind King, bring back Endgame!
Making a move to Friday’s really didn’t help the ratings. Love this show – it is raw and gritty and the characters really come to life. The cast is amazing and the storylines are gripping. This is one of the few shows that I go out of my way to stay home and watch. Please don’t cancel. Maybe see if Netflix will pick this one up too?
I think that King is a wonderful intelligent series, very well written and acted.
Took a while to find this show on tv, and have since been telling everyone what a great show it is.
Cancelled? really? why?
King will be sorely missed. Hope to see the very-capable Amy Price-Francis in another lead role soon.
Sadly, season three seems unlikely in light of the ratings cited above (which greatly surprised me). I am unable to account for the drop in ratings (airtime change, perhaps?); I feel the show remained excellent throughout (either season). It was my favourite police procedural; Canadian or otherwise. .
Thanks for the great quality show, showcase! (it looks like even outside the networks through worthwhile things -although, unlike them, at least we got more than one season, something to be thankful for).