Life on Mars TV show image via BBC One.
Never say never. Philip Glenister who starred as DCI Gene Hunt on the BBC‘s Life on Mars TV show would be happy to resurrect the character. He reprised the role in the Life on Mars sequel series, Ashes to Ashes.
Glenister currently plays Reverend Anderson on the Outcast TV series, which officially premieres on Cinemax, Friday, June 3, 2016 at 1o:00pm ET/PT. Watch the first episode of Outcast early, now.
Per WhatsOnTV.co.uk, Glenister would “never rule out” a return as DCI Hunt. As for taking on a movie adaptation of Life on Mars, the actor said, “Oh, yeah, I’d do it. Yeah, you bet.” He added, “(Co-star) John (Simm) and I were talking about it a while ago and I think he’d be up for it. Maybe to do a Life On Mars movie in some form, if we could find an angle – I think we’d be up for that, for sure.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of the UK version of the Life on Mars TV series? Do you plan to watch? Will you check out Glenister on Outcast? Tell us.
I definitely would love the return of life on mars , the show was so different from all the other shows , the characters were interesting and I actually cared about them ,PLEASE BRING IT BACK it will be another major world wide hit
Sam and Annie should come back to Huntsville CID with a codex from Heaven/Hell that can reinstate the lost souls of police who don’t want to move on and would rather pass eternity there. Of course the two possible end points for several souls would continue the fight to diminish Hunts hold through the guise of many different outside factions like Hyde and the media and internal politics like internal affairs. It’s just too good a story to be scrapped ( I’m talking about the BBC production)