Monday, February 9, 2015 ratings — New episodes: The Originals, Jane the Virgin, Gotham, Sleepy Hollow, The Bachelor, Castle, 2 Broke Girls, Mike & Molly, Scorpion, NCIS: Los Angeles, State of Affairs, and The Celebrity Apprentice. Reruns: (none).
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These are the fast affiliate ratings. The percentages represent the change since the previous original episode. (Percentages aren’t given for reruns or specials.) To see past ratings for a particular show, click the show’s link. The show pages are updated with the daily final ratings when they become available. Those pages include season averages to date.
What were you watching last night? Original network programming, reruns, cable, or something else?
Everything good is on the same time and same night. I am not sure how they figure out their ratings, but most of us DVR the programs to watch later. I do! Sleepy Hollow, Gotham, State of Affairs, Scorpion, Castle for me. Then I get to watch them while fast forwarding thru the commercials! So we are watching! Keep our favorites on!
Castle was excellent last night why doesn’t ABC promote the show more?
We will be very upset if Sleepy Hollow is cancelled. It’s refreshing to see a show without constant sexual innuendo or people acting like total asses as on most reality shows. Tell the writers to start using their imaginations and start a refresher course in history. There are many directions to go with this show.
Actually ABC promotes Castle on social media like crazy…
Why change anything on this serie. It’s so good as it now is. I’m not very satisfied with to many series already ontaining to much seks in iit. Keep it clean or pay an paychannel, tha’s where to many series already belong. That stuff is already to much on regular channels.
I’ll be very upset if State of Affairs gets canceled and those Heigl haters cannot be ignored.
what happened to sleepy hollow? it did so well last year. everything fox does in the second year it goes down? any thoughts?