After three seasons, school is finally out for Ned, Moze, Cookie and the other students of James K. Polk Middle School. Though the series is among the top rated shows for kids 14 and under, Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide is coming to a close this week after 56 half-hours. The farewell will be a special one.
The series finale of Ned’s Declassified will be a TV-movie entitled “Guide to: Field Trips, Permission Slips, Signs, & Weasels.” Shooting the movie was a fun experience for the cast. Series star Devon Werkheiser (Ned) reflected, “We wanted to do it because for one, it meant getting out of the studio, to be able to shoot off set and on location was really cool. After three seasons it was a change of pace and we’d be able to do a lot more with the episode.”
Sharing a few story details, Werkheiser continued, “We filmed it in Glendale [California] at Descanso Gardens but in the show we call it Hoppington Gardens. It’s got a museum, botanical gardens and a Japanese garden with samurais. It’s a crazy episode and I end up wearing nothing but a grass skirt. Cookie pretends to be a superhero, there are art thieves, there are samurais, it’s just crazy.”
Fans will also find out if Ned and longtime protector/friend Moze will come to their senses and become a couple or if Ned will go with Suzie. Moze’s alter-ego Lindsey Shaw laughingly said, “There are several twists and turns. I cannot reveal any of them. I really can’t. But the viewers will be pleasantly surprised. Scratch that. They’ll be very shocked.”
It’s no doubt tough for the cast to leave the show. By all accounts, the cast and crew became a tight-knit family. Shaw says, “I think the secret to [the show’s] success is that every day we went on set we didn’t look at it as work. We were all hanging out with our friends. It was one big hangout, and we’d kind of film a TV show on the side.”
Werkheiser fully understands the importance of the show’s viewers and has a special message for them, “The fans are the reason our show was in existence so thank you so much for supporting us through all of the seasons and thank you for laughing with us.”
The Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide movie will air as part of a special “Ned Shred” weekend on Nickelodean. On Friday, June 8th, a marathon of Ned will begin at 6pm and be followed by the movie at 8pm. Shredder Man, a TV-movie starring Werkheiser, will debut the following night. Stay tuned!
How can they end it! Really. Why don’t all the audience, fans… sign in a peice of paper and force them to continue the show?
I’m both sad and happy.I’m happy that Ned got Moze instead of Suzie.But I’m REALLY REALLY sad that the show is over.I wish that they would make a High School Edition. BOOOOO WOOOOO
I felt that the show was getting better as every episode progressed, and finally when it get’s to the point where you have to see more they snatch it away………………! Typical nickelodeon strategy to try to hook us into watching something lame that is nowhere near as good as the show that is getting cancelled!
i dont want this show to end its just to good ill miss this show though they should make a high school edition cause mostly everybody wants to see how Ned and Mose are doing in there relationship but they probably will never make a show as good as this one i wish that the creaters could read this to how kids really loved this show and probably they keap on making more episode but as you can sea that is impossible and right now im very sad cause of the ending i shouldnt of watched it that way i… Read more »
I’m 17 and I found Ned’s reminding me of Nick in the 90’s. So I watched it and I loved it. I also saw a thing with Devon saying they might do another season.
yea ur right claydog1a they should that show was awesome…..
wow thats stupid…that show was the best one they had
it cant end i love that show im sooo going to miss it how come they always end shows when it gets REALLY good:(
This Show rocked. The tips really helped me. I love every episode including the finale. I hope this same cast can be in another nickelodeon show! I don’t want it to end
I’m shocked Ned’s declassified is cannceled I always liked to watch it but after eighth grade it’s high school so it was going to end anyway.
dude i LOVE LOVE LOVE that show it cant go off! why are they ending it now?! it would have been nice if the fieldtrip movie was publicised as the last show ever, cause now im especially sad..

I am so sad this show is over. I loved it so much. I hate when they do that. A lot of shows stopped that I liked too. I hope Devin and the cast will do something else and make a new show.
Wow. i never thought that ned’s would end. it was my favroite show. im gonna miss it so much. Why cant they come out with a high school edition?
why wont they do another show or more shows.
sincerly arianna
I LOVE Ned’s Declassified…I watched the movie last night but had absolutely no clue that it was the series final! Thank you so much for filling me in.
~ Ash