Last night, NBC burned off the final two episodes of Prime Suspect. The TV series has been ratings-challenged right from the start and, in November, NBC acknowledged that they wouldn’t be ordering any installments beyond the initial 13 episode order. The official word was that they would re-evaluate once all of the episodes had aired but everyone knew that it was really being cancelled.
If there was even a glimmer of hope that Prime Suspect might see a second season, the ratings for the final episodes didn’t help. Prime Suspect’s numbers continued to dwindle in the latter part of 2011. Last night, following a month hiatus, the finale registered a new series low.
Prime Suspect has been all but officially cancelled by NBC and its replacement, The Firm, is doing even worse. Last Thursday’s episode registered a 0.9 rating for its fourth episode. It took Prime Suspect 10 weeks to drop that low. Fortunately for fans of The Firm, NBC purchased 22 episodes up front. It remains to be seen if they’ll all air.
At the recent TCA press tour, NBC execs noted that, had Prime Suspect been on a premium cable channel like Showtime, it would have been declared a hit and would have been quickly renewed. Maybe but we’ll never know.
What do you think? Are you sorry that this was the end of Prime Suspect? Why do you think it didn’t catch on? Would it have been a hit on HBO or Showtime or even on a basic cable station like TNT?
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Image courtesy NBC.
NBC is foolish to let go of this show. The stories are intrigueing, the characters are interesting and appealing, and the writing is excellent! To repeat the question… does the network take D.V.R.s into consideration?
I think many new shows are on and off so fast that many viewers don’t even get to relaize it is good before it is gone…especially when the show hops around from day to day. A more mature viewer (like me) may take some time to realize the show is enjoyable…then have to find it again. Maybe a bit more patience and some show time stability would help networks save their enormous investments. I thought this one was good, but I really was just getting into it!
And this is the reason why I am done with NBC. They always are cancelling shows.
the canceling of this great show proves that the prime time model doesn’t work: 13 and out made sense in the sixties, but not now. i hope some smart cable exec picks up this show, it’s a winner and has real staying power, good for a quite a few ten episode seasons.
I really thought this was a good show. The networks don’t even bother to give these shows a chance. It was one of the best new shows of the season. And serously putting it up against the championship games on Sunday. That was really stupid. Not to mention the tough competition on Thursday nights. Whose bright idea was that? It’s like the show didn’t even have a chance. I too am getting sick of getting into these new shows only to have the plug pulled.
Am furious that this show wasn’t given a chance. It is a shame it isn’t on FX, USA or TNT as it’d still be going strong! For example…look at Justified, White Collar and Southland…ALL EXCELLENT! I watch them all too. Sure wish I could continue to watch Prime Suspect on another network.
I VHS’d it Sunday and will watch it this week. I loved the show. Same as I loved Detroit187, and The ChicagoCode last season. Maybe I should hate the show, that way it will last. Lol Will miss it.
Did TV Networks give up on the switching shows around like they used to do?? Sure this was moved a little, but not on a regular basis to another time and day to try to fit it in.
I thought Prime Suspect was the best new show of this season, what a shame that it’s being cancelled after a measly 13 episodes. Great cast, fab writing and good story lines, I’ve been raving about this show around the water-cooler for months. Please reconsider NBC!
NBC put to much pressure on Maria Bello to carry this show to the end.I didn’t even know who she was till Prime Suspect came out. It will be missed.
Really disappointed with the ratings of This very well done series,
Will everything That is of really good quality
be turned into a mini series, or be aired on Hbo?
I think reality tv has polluted the major networks.
I’m very sad to these series go away. Maria Bello was sooo hott to look at of course and her character was complex. It would have been nice to see how that character developed. The supporting cast were seriously talented especially the character of Duffy. The individual stories each week were interesting with solid writing. I believed that these people were cops. It’s a shame that great shows like this go away when more crappy “reality” shows fill the airwaves. I mean really, did we need Fear Factor to return?! There’s so much garbage on TV. I suppose if the… Read more »
Prime Suspect is a great show with a cool, different type of “police woman”. I am really tired of getting involved in new series only to have them cancelled. Sure, it’s up again some tough competition on Thursday nights (yes, I too, am a Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice Fan), and did anyone think it would hold up against the NFL championship games on Sunday? but can you say … D.V.R.?
NBC’s Peacock has a SEVERE stomach virus. Throwing Prime Suspect to the wolves by airing episodes against the Super Bowl was just adding insult to injury. I decided to watch Prime Suspect On Demand and really savor these episodes, but ruining it, ONCE AGAIN, was the barrage of tv commercials NBC loves to inundate us with. I really can’t continue watching this crappy network in any capacity since the term “quality programming” has been redefined to something sadly unrecognizeable. Now, even Comcast freezes the “fast forward” feature when you On Demand a program, so you are tied down and forced-fed… Read more »
Prime Suspect was my favorite show on TV, including cable. I haven’t watched any network TV shows for years, but I really enjoyed this series. I thought the acting was great and the stories were well written. I will miss this show, wish some other channel would pick it up.
Yet another good show cancelled by the network buffoons due to a ‘low rating.” Yeah 5 0r 6 million people on a Thursday night, when there are VCR’s DVR’s and first run cable shows to choose from. Brilliant.