If you grew up in the 1980s, the mere mention of Punky Brewster brings back very distinct memories of childhood days in front of the boob-tube. Love or hate the show, it’s an indelible part of that decade. While there’s little chance that we’ll ever see a Punky Brewster reunion, actress Soleil Moon Frye recently revived her character for a special visit.
Punky Brewster revolves around a precocious little girl who has been abandoned by her mother in Chicago. With only her faithful dog Brandon as a companion, Punky starts living in a vacant apartment in an old building. There, she meets the grumpy landlord, photographer Henry Warnimont (George Gaynes). The two quickly bond and Henry becomes her foster parent and later adopts her. Others in the series include Susie Garrett, Cherie Johnson, T. K. Carter, Ami Foster, and Casey Ellison.
While the concept of the show sounds quite depressing, it’s aimed at young viewers and has a very lighthearted tone. The kid-friendly series debuted on September 16, 1984 and ran for two seasons on NBC at 7:30pm on Sundays. It was cancelled in 1986 but continued for two more seasons in first-run syndication, yielding 88 episodes and an animated spin-off with the same cast.
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Following the end of the series, Frye continued to act in sitcoms, animation, and feature films. Her most notable credits include a regular role on Sabrina the Teenage Witch and voice-over work in The Proud Family and Tiny Toon Adventures. In 1998, she married and has since given birth to two little girls.
Punky hasn’t been seen in many years but recently Frye decided to take a chance on looking silly and revived the character to celebrate reaching a million followers on Twitter. In a live broadcast, the actress gave viewers a “Punky flashback” and said, “I did it. I did it for all of you guys in ‘Twitterville’… because you guys have been amazing and incredible to me.”
The short video is below. Be advised that there are a few points when the audio gets a little loud and your speakers may vibrate. No big surprise. What else would you expect from “Punky Power?”
What do you think? Would you you like to see a Punky Brewster reunion? Do you have warm memories of the show?
I wish they made a show where her mom came back to make it right with punky I love this show even the cartoon version of it <3
I saw the Punky Brewster series seasons 1 & 2 on reruns because I was born in 1983 I watched the live seasons 3 & 4 when I was 3-5 years old with my mom and dad and my parents explained to me the series as each episode of seasons 3 & 4 aired it was really stupid of NBC to stop airing the Punky Brewster sitcom I enjoyed the show. Especially the later part of the series when Punky was growing up as the series progressed you can’t stop airing a show having fans wondering what would’ve been that’s… Read more »
I was only 4 when this show started. As I grew, I learned to like it but only really got to understand the first 2 or 3 seasons during adulthood when it came on the Internet. It is no secret that today NBC is hurting so perhaps a revitalization is in order. Last I heard, they only have international rights as Sony has the rights here in the USA so Sony will have to OK it.
@chantel I would love to see a picture of the box…Ive been trying to find the shoes from the 80s with no luck.
I used to watch Punky Brewster as a child and really enjoyed watching it. I would just like to make one little observation. I think that Soleil must have had a bit of a memory lapse when putting her ‘Punky’ costume together because she had the bandanna wrapped around the wrong knee. She had it wrapped around her right knee but if you watch the TV show you will see that Punky actually had it wrapped around her left knee. Apart from that it was a great clip. For those interested you can watch all the episodes from all four… Read more »
Hi, my name is Ava and I am 5 years old. I LOVE your show and I even dressed up as you for my school Halloween Parade and everyone loved it and says I look and act just like you! I wish that there could be a Punky Brewster show on stage and I could play you!! My mommy and Auntie who are in there 30’s watched your show growing up and bought me the DVD set and I am hooked! Please come back and do a reunion show…………….I LOVE, LOVE you!!! You are the best! PUNKY POWER!!!!!!!
I think the show was terrific. Soleil Moon Frye aka ” Punky Brewster” was an adorable little child actress that would warm your heart with love and know how to light up you day and fill a room with her colors , witt, charm and Punky Power. Seeing her as a young lady in her early to mid 30′s with her own family….Husband Jason Goldberg and two beautiful little girls. I would love to see a Punky Brewster reunion special or movie.
Love it! Like every other adolescent male in their 30’s, I had such a crush on her and Cherie. I’d love to see a reunion!
definitly need a come back of punky brewster, perhaps punky could grow up and have her own daughter and like not disapear. a pure show of social mixture of fashion and clicks, to ease peoples mind about what one does with all the crossdressing,peircing,gothic,or whatever that is out there. a show for kids that says people are different is needed.
Punky was my absolute favorite girl in the world! I used to love this show and remember crying when it wasn’t on. It seemed like sometimes it was on and sometimes it wasn’t, and it would upset me so much when the show didn’t air. I loved my Punky Brewster shoes…they made me feel like her when I wore them. I still have the SHOE BOX because I wouldn’t let my mom throw it away. (I’m 30 and I still have it). It is amazing, all different colors with Punky in that awesome bedroom. I would LOVE to see a… Read more »
i would love to see a picture of the box..Ive been trying to see the shoes or at least the name brand that used to carry them
This was awesome, I did indeed grow up with Soleil… I’m sorry she will always be Punky to me. And she was my first celebrity crush, I started not liking Silver Spoons when she was on there and Ricky was hitting on her… to this day I hold a grudge lol. hey I was only 12 at the time. It is good seeing her get into her punkiness again tho. To quote Gene Wilder as Wily Wonka “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men” And thats so funny her kids were like, you can’t wear… Read more »
That was great I loved hope to see more. It was nice to think back to Punky Brewster again.
i want to buy the whole series of punky brewster
Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!… That’s so cool that, you brought Punky back… You’ve made me very happy
… You’ve got Punky Poooower!

What a wonderful way to start my day! You were such an inspiration to me as a child and will always hold the show in my heart. I would love to see a reunion with the cast, at least those that are still around. It would be hysterical to see a running commentary. Thank you for the continuing memories that make me smile. You are the best!