Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com
Queer as Folk wrapped a decade ago on Showtime. Is it time for a revival? At least one star of the popular drama thinks it is the perfect time to visit Brian and his friends.
Robert Gant starred on the Showtime series for most of its run as Ben, the HIV positive professor that married Brian’s best friend, Michael.
He was back on the small screen in a recent Hallmark movie release, and he was asked about Queer as Folk and the possibility of reviving the series.
He said the following about his time on the series, according to Entertainment Weekly:
“I had an amazing experience being on a hit show for Showtime, doing Queer as Folk, and impacting things socially, like helping change hearts and minds. It’s such a big chapter of my life.”
As for his thoughts on the revival, he said the time is “really ripe” for a visit to the character. A lot has changed in the decade since fans last saw Brian Kinney in Babylon during the show’s final moments.
Were you a fan of Queer as Folk? Do you want to see where the characters are now? Tell us what you think.
Bring it back the ending of the original still bugs me after everything that Brian and Justin went through and not end up together that was just not right.
I, as a 54 year old gay man would be glad to see Q ueer As folk Returned. I have all the seasons of the original on DVD. Just as I was glad Will & Grace returned. SO BRING IT BACK!!
As a gay man I would love to see gueer as folk come back. It would be so awesome to see how Brian and the gang are doing today!! This show is my all time favorite show. Please bring it back!!
I want this show to be revived.