After a poor start, FOX pulled Sons of Tucson from the schedule. The network maintained that TV show was not cancelled. Well, it is now.
Sons of Tucson follows a sporting goods store clerk (Tyler Labine) who lives in his car. He’s hired by three boys (Benjamin Stockham, Frank Dolce, and Matthew Levy) to play their father for a school meeting after their real dad goes to jail for banking fraud. In case of future emergencies, he moves into their tool shed. The series also features Sarayu Rao, Edwin Habacon, and Natalie Martinez.
The series got off to a poor start with just a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.47 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, with number four attracting only a 1.4 rating in the demo and 3.13 million viewers.
The TV show was pulled from the schedule and the network touted it as merely a hiatus and not a cancellation. However, with ratings like these, you could tell that the show’s chances for a second season were in serious doubt.
FOX has now officially cancelled Sons of Tucson but new episodes are still scheduled to start airing on June 6th. The remaining nine installments will air over the summer and the series finale is expected to air on August 1st.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that Sons of Tucson won’t be back for season two? Have any ideas on why the show wasn’t a success?
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Image courtesy FOX.
I am sad to see it was cancelled. It was one of my favorite new shows.
I mean, wow! What a show. Well, needless to say Fox does it again.
Was shocked to find out Justin Berfield was behind this show, but then I’m not surprised! The show was really funny, what a waste to see it be dropped.
PLZZZZZZZZZZZZ keep SOT on the air, PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ give SOT a chance!!!!!!!!!!!! Like jennifer says, ALL OUR FRIENDS LOVED THE WHOLE CASTS. So come on Peter Rice (Justin Berfields boss)keep SOT on FOX, it will be a great show, like MITM. Everybody call or write Peter Rice, he has a great show, just like MITM with a great actor and now a great exective producer, JUSTIN BERFIELD AWESOME
man! i loved this show so much! but fox had to cancel it! ya could of let the show grow! and thats not fair ya should of let a boring one go ,like till death and ya could of let sons of tucsons on still! cant wait till august 1! though.. it better be back on!! PLZZZZZ!!!! AND ME AND ALL MY FRIENDS LOVED THE WHOLE CASTS ESPECIALLY MATTHEW LEVY.
Fox for once listen to your audience that watches your network not for your take on “fair and balanced””news” but instead watches because of your generosity on giving fledgling programs a chance. SOT has comedy gold written all over it. The main actor is freaking you know how many people i have turned on to this show based off the first episode! Please don’t make the same mistake that yall made with arrested development and Futurama. Give it a better time put it at the end of seth and groening sunday nights.
Tyler Labine was So funny in the show Reaper which was also canceled.
This is truly a disappointment. This show is great and fox always does this, cancels great shows. There,s worse shows that are still on. This is one of the very few shows that my wife, kids and myself watch together. So sad. I might just stop watching fox all together.
I am so disappointed that Fox did not give “Sons of Tucson” a chance. Really, guys,…four episodes? The talent is fantastic! The characters could have been something terrific – on the same level as “Malcolm…”. You’re pulling the plug too soon. What a waste.
Execs are no longer interested in developing & keeping loyal viewers. I have a feeling that there are too many thirty-somethings trying to make a name for themselves and too many forty-somethings trying to keep their jobs. Take a pill and let people who are not suffering from ADD take the lead.
This is all clearly FOX’s fault…. For one they didn’t give it a chance or enough time to catch people’s attention… I’m in that age ratio that they are trying to pull in, and I just found this show online recently…I found it not only funny, but original and a surprisingly good idea of FOX to go off of for a show. FOX is killing the amount of viewers because viewers feel they aren’t to be trusted, so they don’t try to attached to the shows…everyone hates to get into a story and then have the show cancelled when it… Read more »
I never really saw any advertising for Sons of Tuscon. If I hadn’t just happened to be watching a show I normally don’t watch, I would have never even heard about Sons. But, because I did happen to see 1 advertisement, I watched Sons and really enjoyed it. Frankly, I’m tired of all the shows I really like being cancelled after only a few episodes. Thank god for DVD players, at least I know I can find a movie I like to watch…… PS did any of the brain children at Fox think about putting Sons on at an earlier… Read more »
Trailer Park Boys is the show Sons of Tucson wants to be when it grows up.
I think Fox didn’t give this show (Sons of Tucson) a chance. What is up with this network?? I will not be watching anything on Fox anymore. They give up too quickly and move shows around too much. Extremely poor management.
Peter Rice???????????????Get back on track and put MITM back on the air. What is wrong with you, you had a good sitcom in MITM and you let it go. You have Justin Berfield and the rest of the gang from MITM so Peter Rice, do it and put MITM back on the air. I still think you can make up the kids looking young again for at least another five years. If you are going to cancel SOT, at least try to get the gang back on MITM.
I agree with Miss SOT, let’s give a show a chance FOX, Come on Peter Rice, (Justin Berfield’s boss,) give Justin a chance, he is a great actor and exective producer I would like very much to see SOT given another chance for the second season. I all so will not be watching FOX anymore if MITM or SOT is not on the air, not even reruns.
I would like to say im surprised, but whos anyone kidding everyone saw this coming. This is offically the last Fox sitcom I’m gonna watch. I have put up with this B.S. from Fox for years now and they cancel sitcom after sitcom. It’s freaking ridiculous. Some were even canceled after just 3 epidsodes. Fox has hands down the worst record, but NBC and ABC are quickly coming up on Fox’s tail. So what im saying is that I think CBS is the way to go. But who knows someone could have a diamond in the rough, but the networks… Read more »
This show was slightly funny but was never given a chance to grow by fox. A family comedy that airs:
1) at 9:30 on a Sunday
2) airs behind a 2-3 non-family friendly shows (Simpsons is iffy on the whole family friendly deal…I’ve heard that one going both ways)
NEVER had a chance to reach the audience it deserved.